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nawchem Mon, Dec-01-03 22:12

good for you Xena, whats with the headache?

I got off my ^(*^ too, walked 3 miles. Total walked 22. Wow 22 miles, sounds like a lot.

I wouldn't have walked if we didn't have this thread going. Its really good.

Xena2005 Mon, Dec-01-03 22:50

Hi Nawchem. I occasionally get headaches and when I do, they can last 2 days to a week; sometimes turning into migraines. You are doing so well with the walking. 22 miles does sound like heaps doesn't it. Well I'm also glad I started this thread because I probably wouldn't have gone for a walk today either but for thinking about you guys and this thread! So it's gonna keep us going!

nawchem Tue, Dec-02-03 20:44

I'm sorry to hear about your headaches, I can barely stand them for an hour, days must be awful.

Took it easy today. Drove up the coast, it was sunny and so relaxing. I've been stressing a lot lately and I think walking is the only thing keeping me from diving into some chocolate. I have had weird cravings for food I don't like though.

My weight loss has gone so well since I started daily walking. Check this out.

11/22 157.5
11/23 154
11/24 153.5
11/25 152
11/26 151.5
11/27 151 (thanksgiving cheat)
11/28 151.5
11/29 149.5
11/30 149.5
12/1 149.5
12/2 149

I have never lost weight like this in my life and the only thing I'm doing differently is walking.

Thank You Xena :dazzle:

Walked 3 miles today
total 25 miles

Xena2005 Tue, Dec-02-03 21:22

:bhug: You are so welcome Nawchem. Thank you. 8lb in 10 days!!! WOW You are AWESOME!!!! Keep going! :yay: :clap: :spin: :hyper: :wiggle: :Party:

Xena2005 Tue, Dec-02-03 22:03

You motivated me, Nawchem, to walk today. I still have a slight headache so was going to 'again' use that as an excuse not to walk, but decided to go for a walk anyway.

Another 1.8 miles

Total miles walked: 12.8 miles

PilotGal Wed, Dec-03-03 04:35

:wave: :wave: :wave: Hey everyone!!! Awwww Xena, I'm so sorry you suffer with headaches. That really sucks. I know some headaches literally paralyze people. I get a severe headache every other month during TOM. Just before the cycle starts.. Doc gave me 600 mg of ibuprophen for those days.

Nawchem, that is absolutely phenomenal that you are losing so easily and smoothly just by incorporating a walking routine. Excellent girlfriend!!!!! :yay: :yay: :yay:

Yesterday, I grabbed the weights, took off on a new route, put in 65 minutes, and I noticed that my speed has increased. I'm practically speed walking, I feel lighter on my feet. I haven't weighed myself lately, not since before Tday, but i took a self portrait of myself and I see that my face bones are starting to protrude. This is so cool. AND, I had on my size 12 jeans all day long and the waist was roomier, i think that's telling me something..LOLOL

I almost didn't walk yesterday... but guilt got to me, and I thought of all of you and decided I needed to keep up with ya'll. See? We're helping one another! And that's a good thing!

Xena2005 Wed, Dec-03-03 14:58

Hey Pilotgal! Cool!! Tday?? (TOM?) You too? LOL Ibubrophen is really good isn't it? Do you have to have a prescription for that where you are? In Oz we just buy it over the counter. Keep walking Pilotgal soon you'll be flying! :angel:

It's shopping day today and I have to go and post a couple of Chrissy pressies so once I return, I will go and do another walk. I have my son home sick and he has been home for the past two days so it's hard to go for a long walk as I worry about him being too long by himself. Although where we are it is safe, I still worry as he's only 10. So maybe 30 minutes again today.

nawchem Wed, Dec-03-03 20:40

Xena, sometimes between your english and my english I have no idea what you're saying. What is a Chrissy pressie? I hope the walking helped your headache. Have you ever tried taking extra magnesium? I've read that some people with migranes are chronically low. I never believed in extra supplements but I when I started atkins I had to take them. Now I take a multivitamin and 3-4 calcium/magnesium/zinc.

This thread is motivating me too. Today I barely had time to think but I went out at dark and did 2 miles.

Pilot, I saw your portrait, you are such a lovely lady. Thats great you can see the weight loss in your face. As you can see from my pic my face is a fat storage location, I'm hoping it will thin out but not wrinkle. Do you think you'll start jogging or just keep walking? Since I started jogging on the treadmill to burn off some stress, it seems like I started walking faster too.

total miles 27

Xena2005 Wed, Dec-03-03 21:25

LOL Nawchem. Sorry! Chrissie pressie. Chrissie = Christmas ; pressie = Present! Us Aussies love to shorten things We love the easy way! At the moment I am taking a Calcium/Magnesium mix twice a day equalling 500mg magnesium and 1000mg calcium. How much are you taking a day?

I did another 1.8 miles.

Total: 14.6 miles

PilotGal Thu, Dec-04-03 06:54

Morning girls! Looks like it's the 3 of us that are walking together and supporting one another....
Xena: Tday is Thanksgiving day and TOM is time of month.

My other half and I walked lastnight, and she timed us.. We're doing a miles in 15 minutes which equals about 4 mph. We walked the beach boardwalk last night and the wind is so bad, we were getting sand blasted on our face and legs.. it hurt.

I was at the store yesterday, and got on the scale where I usually weigh myself. I have gained 5 miserable lbs, yet, my size 12 jeans are getting loose.. Whoa! Yet, the pic i posted the other day which was taken this past Tues, shows that I've lost my double chin and my cheek bones are starting to pop out... Must be the wine.... it never bothered me before... And I checked my fitday calendar, and I'm walking 4-6 times a week.

Xena, I have an 11 yr old boy and he says to me, "mom, go walk, I'll stay here" so i do! why argue with an 11 yr old? LOL. I try to walk 40-65 minutes depending on the route i take.. One morning, i just couldn't get into walking and i quit after 30 min. ever have one of those days?

PilotGal Thu, Dec-04-03 06:58

Nawchem, I appreciate the compliment you gave me.. Thank you very much. I was very impressed with the fact that the inches are starting to show so much. thank you again. you are very kind.

nawchem Thu, Dec-04-03 20:54

Xena, I take 1300mg of magnesium. I have mitral valve prolapse, for some reason mvp tends to make people low in magnesium. If I miss one day I will get terrible leg cramps.

Today was a very bad day for me. I have been working at my company for 10 years. A few months ago I went outdoors and was doing stretching exercises on the grass after they had sprayed a pesticide. I got very ill from it. My company is saying that I am very sensitive to chemicals (I work as a chemist) and they will no longer allow me to work in the lab. The funny thing was that I hadn't worked in the lab for months before that incident happened. My dr. wrote a letter saying I had a pesticide exposure and that I was fine, but my company completely ignored it. So will you all keep me in your prayers, I don't know what I'll do.

I walked 1 mile.
total miles 28

Xena2005 Thu, Dec-04-03 21:59

How awful Nawchem! You've been working for them for 10 years and they now say you're sensitive to chemicals! How ridiculous!! It's obvious it was the pesticide outside. You must be under a lot of stress over this. What have they got you doing instead of working in the lab? Maybe you could go see a lawyer?

My prayers are with you. :angel:

I'm not well today :cry: I woke up this morning not able to move. I had aches and pains all over my body and I had a headache. Last night I also pigged-out on chocolate :nono: I just had this incredible craving for chocolate and I just had to have it. Well all night I was on the loo with diarrhea and excruciating stomach pains. (Serves me right) I have been in bed all day taking paracetamol and feel a little bit better pain wise but the cramps in my stomach are still coming in waves (feels like I'm in labor pains!) LOL Well that has turned me right off eating chocolate again. I hope the chocolate didn't react with my body somehow and gave me these pains. Hopefully it's just a flu thing.

Anyway no walking today. I haven't eaten today either apart from a protein shake this morning which made my stomach pains worse.

nawchem Sat, Dec-06-03 11:01

Gosh Xena I'm sorry your feeling so bad. Are you sure its not more than the chocolate that has you feeling so bad?

Thanks for the prayers, they are needed and appreciated. I am waiting for my boss to get back in town, hoping he will fix things. The funny thing is that I hadn't worked in the lab for 6 months before this incident. I manage a database of clinical trial results and write tons of reports.

Here is my unhappy confession from yesterday.
Not happy today. Yesterday I went into work at 5am so I could get out of there early. So I skipped breakfast and I didn't bring a lunch. I went to a work party at lunch and had a bite of a chocolate chip cookie- didn't taste good. Then I had a spinach chip with some hummus- yuk! I left work at 1 and had a lowcarb bar binge -4 of them! 35g of maltitol. Then late in the evening I had a big Mexican dinner that was probably 300 carbs. Of course I woke up in the middle of the night with lowblood sugar, so I had a tb of peanut butter. I weighed 150 this morning.

I also skipped all the exercise since I was being bad.

But I'm getting back on the horse today. I know I may still gain more weight over the next few days, so its a setback but its not going to stop me.

nawchem Sun, Dec-07-03 18:56

I voluntered for a program to get Christmas presents for a nursing home. The patient I got wanted cords. Sounds simple but the size I was told was a very strange one. I couldn't find it in regular stores, then I tried the Big and Tall stores, then I tried catalogs. Finally when a 6'7" guy told me he was smaller than the size I was given I gave up and got a gift certificate, then I bought some candy to go with the gift and they gave me a free sample, and then another store had chocolate samples too. But I did walk 3 miles yesterday. I walked 2miles today in a light rain which was pretty fun.

A guy hit on me today. This is the first time in a long time this has happened. I was so shy he asked me if I'd like to get together sometime I said sure and walked off! Sometimes its nice just to be asked.

Day 1: 2miles

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