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Old Tue, May-09-06, 16:44
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Originally Posted by kyrasdad
I am not sure I understand. Did the scorn help you gain weight? Say all the other things were in place...and people weren't as mean as they are. You'd have gained less weight in that scenario?


As a very small child, I felt good about myself and peace with the world. I was used to tolerance, diversity. I anticipated things, people, normally and with excitement. Then I moved to a small town. I became "the fat girl". The rest is history. The social abuse I experienced was so intensely painful, I cannot even describe how I felt. I have a memory of being followed home from school, abused the whole way, and I remember thinking as some little 10 year old kid "I'm never going to forget this moment". I got home, cried. Happened like that pretty much all the time. I am certain I either sound like I"m being over dramatic, or I’m not fully expressing how painful it was (and I just think I am because remembering is overwhelming me with pain).

At about this time, my family life started to fall apart - mom became seriously depressed. My father was always an unpredictable abusive alcoholic but he became even worse (he, like my mother, does not tolerate stress such as change well - mom becomes depressed, dad becomes abusive). That only intensified my sense of being abandoned, isolated... without a family to say "No, you AREN'T a worthless person", I just went with it even more, and it only augmented my pain (especially my dad and his abuse which hurt me deeply).

So here we have my family life going to crap (no support system, plus my father is actively adding to my sense of being abused and worthless), right at the time when I'm being told by my peers I'm fat, I'm a "beast", I'm disgusting, I'm stupid, I'm ugly and worthless every day, all day.
You bet that made me fatter.

What do people often do when they want to hide and not feel pain? Assuming they don't have access to drugs, they usually eat, since carbohydrate is a sedative that drugs us and makes the intolerable more tolerable.

The way society treats fat people is a major reason I suffered so intensely, and suffering intensely lead to a series of actions that made me morbidly obese. I admit if other variables weren't present (personality, carb sensitivity, home life) it probably wouldn't have happened. Still, it doesn't change the fact it DID happen, and the abuse I received for my weight was the major source of unhappiness that lead to a cycle of fear & pain -> withdrawal/escape -> eating -> fatness & metabolic problems -> abuse, over and over.

I consider it a neutral factor. It would have made life more tolerable, but would it have helped me stay thinner? Caused me to be fatter? I can't see it doing either. There we a lot of people who were nice to me during the years I was 350+. There were a few mean people as well, but the bulk weren't hateful.

Consider yourself lucky.
I'm trying to be fair, but honestly, for every kind person there were so many more cruel ones. I don't know how your life went, but if I left my house it was a reasonable good chance someone would insult me for no reason. If i were stronger I could tell them to screw off, brush it off, but I didn't. I just kinda was like "yup, they're right", hid, and ate & played video games to try my hardest to not think or feel about the real world.

Yes my personality, the way I handled it, it was my fault; obviously not every fat person handles it as badly as I did. But for every fat girl (or person for that matter) who goes on to be a smashing success in spite of chronic abuse and adversity, there's another who kills themselves. I think it's fair to say most people who develop in any adverse, abusive environment typically do not handle it well; they often develop drug problems, alcoholism, and in my case, pretending the world wasn't there, drugging with food.
I would not have lived the way I lived and eaten the way I ate had I not been rejected for my weight.
I was uncomfortable all the time, whether people were good or awful to me. It was mental discomfort as well as physical. Maybe the mental discomfort came from knowing that people who were looking at me were thinking I was a slob, a fat-ass, a useless, lazy, pathetic fattie. Maybe the discomfort came from knowing that they saw my weakness and hated it. If that were removed, would I have been more or less likely to get as fat?

My fat never bothered me.
What people would say about my fat bothered me. Having to sit with my fat, all day, every day, knowing what people were saying about it (even if they weren't around at the time)... that bothered me.

Ironically, my skinniness is at least as physically bothersome as fatness, if not more so. With fat the main problem was not being able to walk about much, which I really didn't care about, since I am not a physical person and still am not. Also, fat I was tired/sleepy all the time. Tiredness and sleepiness were major issues, I admit that.
As a skinny person, I'm freezing all the time, winters are *intolerable* (even right now in may my hands are cold and I am chilly often). To maintain weight, I am often hungry and have to sit with that hunger all the time. My body behaves way crazy with food - I never know what to expect. To top it off, I'm *still* often tired and I'm not as strong as I was.
I believe that the strength to lose weight doesn't come from them, it comes from us. So if you follow that logic, why would they have caused me to be fatter?
Okay, in one sense you are right. We have a choice. I didn't have to handle it like that.

In the end, I know I wouldn't have been that big if not for what I went through.
I have a thought about this ugly aspect to humanity. We evolved to exist in bands of roving hunter/gatherers. Those with flaws were a danger to the group. This contempt they feel for us is an aspect of that survival mechanism. It's too common, too prevalant, to be some societal contrivance. It's got to be this buried need to make sure the tribe is strong by ostracizing what is percieved to be the "weak". I don't know how valid that is, but it is just so common and the hatred is so intense that there has to be something more than human meanness to it.

Of course.
It is highly adaptive to make things automatically adverse for those who are different. This is because most differences are actually unproductive, defective, abortive. If the difference is adaptive and advantageous, it will thrive in spite of the adversity and eventually become the norm. Then when those norms are challenged again (by yet more difference) the cycle will repeat itself. That's evolution, that's life.

It doesn't change the fact this natural aversion to difference you talk about has caused some pretty horrible things. Not all differences are bad or inferior. Even if a difference is not productive, it doesn't mean that the pain that comes about is somehow okay.
I understand to a degree the point you're making - that the disapproval of society drives people to strive for an appearance that isn't possible, and we might wreck our metabolisms or overreach. But in my case, my only serious attempt to ever lose weight was low carb, so I didn't face that issue.

My point is pain causes more pain.

When fat people feel bad for being fat, they are only more likely to kill themselves with food, because the process of killing yourself with food makes you lethargic, apathetic, and less feeling and aware.

Simple as that.
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