Thread: "Fear of Fat"
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Old Wed, Mar-15-06, 10:50
Jen B
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About 6 months ago, at 241 lbs, I was shocked when my blood pressure was close to 200 over 90-something. Rather than take the BP medication, I started LC immediately. The BP immediately began to plummet. Now, it's in the 130s over 60-something. That' a huge improvement in a very short time!

I am 53 and I do not exercise (yet) because of a chronic pain/fatigue syndrome. I have lost 44 lbs in 6 months. This, to me, is an amazing accomplishment. As I lose weight and improve my health, my pain is starting to lessen, and soon I think I'll be able to incorporate some form of exercise.

I eat lots of saturated fat and cholesterol, and lots of protein: over 2 T of coconut oil every day, lots of eggs, animal fat, fatty fish, homemade mayo made with walnut oil, fish oil, olive oil. I never count calories, only carbs. Here are my numbers from a typical day:

1949 calories 151 fat grams 9 carbs 129 protein grams

Why Have We Been Lied To? That is the question of the day. Here's a theory I have:

The FDA, the AMA, and Big Pharma are all in bed together, and have been for quite a few decades. The big mega-corporations are in there too. It's all about $$$$. And how are those dollars generated? Big bucks are tossed in their direction only if people are ill. The 'powers that be' are not concerned about our health. They only thrive when we are sick. The doctors are owned by the AMA and Big Pharma, and they are trained to 'push drugs' and they promote sickness, not health. I'm not saying that doctors are all inherently evil. They've simply been trained (brainwashed) like just about everybody else.

Our country is not a 'one nation under god' proposition anymore; it's a corporation. The food pyramid is a joke, and it is still being pushed on us to pad the pockets of the power elite.

The only way we can prove out our assumption that we've been lied to and that everything is backwards and upside down is to become our own doctors and take responsibility for ourselves. We become our own guinea pigs. We venture bravely out of the mainstream and into the fringes. We begin to think for ourselves and to turn off to the propaganda machine.

I personally don't read magazines or newspapers, don't watch television, and don't go to doctors unless it's an emergency. I've jumped off the bus. I do my research and I think for myself. One credo I've come to live by is this: If the mainstream is pushing something and everyone is soaking it up like a herd of cattle, it's probably a lie. That old adage, "If everybody's doin' it, it must be right" for me has become "If everybody's doin' it, it must be wrong." I question everything!

The propaganda machine is firmly in place and doing what it does best: hypnotizing people to succumb and believe in its agenda. To break free takes a strong act of will.

'Nuff said for now. Let's keep this going!
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