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1. Gittleman, Ann Louise, MS, Beyond Pritikin, 1980, Bantam Books, New York, NY

2. Enig, Mary G, PhD, Trans Fatty Acids in the Food Supply: A Comprehensive Report Covering 60 Years of Research, 2nd Edition, Enig Associates, Inc, Silver Spring, MD, 1995, 4-8

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28. Kabara, J J, The Pharmacological Effects of Lipids, The American Oil Chemists' Society, Champaign, IL, 1978, 1-14; Cohen, L A, et al, J Natl Cancer Inst ,1986, 77:43

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31. A general review of citations for problems with polyunsaturate consumption is found in Pinckney, Edward R, MD, and Cathey Pinckney, The Cholesterol Controversy, 1973, Sherbourne Press, Los Angeles, 127-131; Research indicating the correlation of polyunsaturates with learning problems is found in Harmon, D, et al, J Am Geriatrics Soc, 1976, 24:1: 292-8; Meerson, Z, et al, Bull Exp Bio Med, 1983, 96:9:70-71;Regarding weight gain, levels of linoleic acid in adipose tissues reflect the amount of linoleic acid in the diet. Valero, et al, Ann NutrMetabolism, Nov/Dec 1990, 34:6:323-327; Felton, C V, et al, Lancet, 1994, 344:1195-96

32. Pinckney, Edward R, MD, and Cathey Pinckney, The Cholesterol Controversy, 1973, Sherbourne Press, Los Angeles, 130; Enig, Mary G, Ph D, et al, Fed Proc, July 1978, 37:9:2215-2220

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35. Horrobin, D F, Reviews in Pure and Applied Pharmacological Sciences, Vol 4, 1983, Freund Publishing House, 339-383; Devlin, T M, ed, Textbook of Biochemistry, 2nd Ed, 1982, Wiley Medical, 429-430; Fallon, Sally, and Mary G Enig, PhD, "Tripping Lightly Down the Prostaglandin Pathways," Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation Health Journal, 1996, 20:3:5-8

36.Okuyama, H, et al, Prog Lipid Res, 1997, 35:4:409-457

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39. Dahlen, G H, et al, J Intern Med, Nov 1998, 244(5):417-24; Khosla, P, and K C Hayes, J Am Coll Nutr, 1996, 15:325-339; Clevidence, B A, et al, Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, 1997, 17:1657-1661

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41. Kabara, J J, The Pharmacological Effects of Lipids, The American Oil Chemists Society, Champaign, IL, 1978, 1-14; Cohen, L A, et al, J Natl Cancer Inst, 1986, 77:43

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44. Ravnskov, U, J Clin Epidemiol, Jun 1998, 516):443-460. See also

45. Felton, C V, et al, Lancet, 1994, 344:1195

46. Jones, P J, Am J Clin Nutr, Aug 1997, 66(2):438-46; Julias, A D, et al, J Nutr, Dec 1982, 112(12):2240-9

47. Cranton, E M, MD, and J P Frackelton, MD, Journal of Holistic Medicine, Spring/Summer 1984, 6-37

48. Engelberg, Hyman, Lancet, Mar 21, 1992, 339:727-728; Wood, W G, et al, Lipids, Mar 1999, 34(3):225-234

49. Alfin-Slater, R B, and L Aftergood, "Lipids," Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease, 6th ed, R S Goodhart and M E Shils, eds, Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia 1980, 134

50. Addis, Paul, Food and Nutrition News, March/April 1990, 62:2:7-10

51. Barnes, Broda, and L Galton, Hyprthyroidism, The Unsuspected Illness, 1976, T Y Crowell, New York, NY

52. Fallon, Sally, and Mary G Enig, PhD, "Diet and Heart Disease—Not What You Think," Consumers' Research, July 1996, 15-19

53. Ubbink, J B, Nutr Rev, Nov 1994, 52:11:383-393

54. Enig, Mary G, PhD, Nutr Quarterly, 1993, 174):79-95

55. Enig, Mary G, PhD, Trans Fatty Acids in the Food Supply: A Comprehensive Report Covering 60 Years of Research, 2nd Edition, Enig Associates, Inc, Silver Spring, MD, 1995, 148-154; Enig, Mary G, PhD, et al, J Am Coll Nutr, 1990, 9:471-86

56. Holman, R T, Geometrical and Positional Fatty Acid Isomers, E A Emkin and H J Dutton, eds, 1979, American Oil Chemists' Society, Champaign, IL, 283-302; Science News Letter, Feb 1956; Schantz, E J, et al, J Dairy Sci, 1940, 23:181-89;

57. Enig, Mary G, PhD, Trans Fatty Acids in the Food Supply: A Comprehensive Report Covering 60 Years of Research, 2nd Edition, Enig Associates, Inc, Silver Spring, MD, 1995; Watkins, B A et al, Br Pouli Sci, Dec 1991, 32(5):1109-1119

58. Zikakis, et al, J Dairy Sci, 1977, 60:533; Oster, K, Am J Clin Res, Apr 1971, Vol II(I)

59. Bonanome, A, and S C Grundy, NEJM, 1988, 318:1244

60. Nutr Week, Mar 22, 1991, 21:12:2-3

61. Fraps, G S, and A R Kemmerer, Texas Agricultural Bulletin, Feb 1938, No 560

62. Schantz, E J, et al, J Dairy Science, 1940, 23:181-89

63. van Wagtendonk, W J and R Wulzen, Arch Biochemistry, Academic Press, Inc, New York, NY, 1943, 1:373-377

64. Personal communication, Pat Connolly, Executive Director, Price Pottenger Nutrition Foundation

65. Enig, Mary G, PhD, "Health and Nutritional Benefits from Coconut Oil," Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation Health Journal, 1998, 20:1:1-6

66. Prasad, K N, Life Science, 1980, 27:1351-8; Gershon, Herman, and Larry Shanks, Symposium on the Pharmacological Effect of Lipids, Jon J Kabara, ed, American Oil Chemists Society, Champaign, IL, 1978, 51-62

67. Belury, M A, Nutr Rev, April 1995, 534)83-89; Kelly, M L, et al, J Dairy Sci, Jun 1998, 81(6):1630-6

68. Koopman, J S, et al, AJPH, 1984, 74:12:1371-1373

69. Personal communication, Mary G Enig, PhD

70. Sauer, F D, et al, Nutr Res, 1997, 17:2:259-269

71. Kramer, J K G, et al, Lipids, 1982, 17:372-382; Trenholm, H L, et al, Can Inst Food Sci Technol J, 1979, 12:189-193

72. Prior, I, et al, Am J of Clin Nutr, 1981, 34:1552

73. Personal communication, Mary G Enig, PhD. This lobbying against tropical oils is largely channeled through the Institute for Shortening and Edible Oils.
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