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  #68   ^
Old Fri, Mar-26-04, 17:48
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I'll share a story about myself, and you can all make of it what you will.

When I was about 5 or 6 years old, there was a woman named Kris who lived next door to my family. She took the time to teach me all about animals. She let me walk and feed her dog, she educated me to the fact that all creatures had feelings and emotions and that they were not to be mis-treated in any way. I loved and respected this woman and was grateful for the knowledge and compassion that she instilled in me.

One day, as she an I were walking her dog around the block, I noticed that another neighbor's dog was missing from their yard. I couldn't help but notice, as I pet this dog every day in my travels. I said to Kris: "I wonder where Bucky is today? He's always by the fence." And Kris sadly but gently told me that Bucky had been dog-napped from his own yard and that the owners were devastated. I asked: "What will happen to him now?" And she told me that he would, hopefully, be sold to a new family where he would be happy. But she also said that there were bad people in the world who might sell Bucky to a laboratory to do tests on. Yes, she told me this. And she said: "Animals cannot defend themselves. They are at our mercy and are so innocent in this world filled with people. It's up to us to help them and make sure that they don't get hurt. Always help them when you can and you will make the world a better place."

I was speechless with horror and sadness and fear for all the Bucky's in this world. I'll never forget that feeling - I can feel it right NOW as I type these words. I was not happy with this knowledge at 5 years of age. I had nightmares. I couldn't even cry about it and I couldn't speak about it with my own family. I couldn't walk past Bucky's yard without feeling sick - even after a new puppy replaced Bucky there. It was almost worse seeing the new puppy. I'm not sure what my mother would have thought about this "outsider" telling her little daughter this horror story. In all probability, I'm sure she'd have been less than thrilled.

But there is no doubt that this incident shaped me. It affected me in such a way that I am the person who I am today, and for that I am grateful to this woman, Kris, for making the impression that she did on me.

I am driven and passionate about the plight of animals. Immediately following the above incident, I actively volunteered for animal rescue, helping to foster and find homes for lost, abused or sick cats, dogs, birds, squirrels, pigs, mice - really, you name it. Of course I am still involved in animal rescue and cannot imagine my life without it. Despite my exposure to alot of senseless cruelty (which can really wear me down at times), my volunteer work still gives me a feeling of such accomplishment and joy that I would not trade it for a million dollars.

I'm a musician and whenever I can, I hold concerts to raise money for animal rescue organizations and I feel blessed at being given my gifts so that I may be able to do so.

I am not sure what any of you will make of this story, but I felt like telling it to you.
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