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Old Sat, Feb-28-04, 07:58
Jen B
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I was looking around for articles about psyllium and couldn't find anything negative, but I'm gonna keep my eye out. The only thing I found was someone saying it was not good to take psyllium husks without the psyllium seeds, or it would cause damage. I'm not sure how the seeds can prevent the husks from doing damage, however (that wasn't covered). My product is pure husks. In any event, a couple days ago, I got an intuitive feeling that I should stop taking the psyllium, as the problem I got them for was corrected. I gave the bottle to a friend of mine who is having a problem with constipation, so they found a good home.

I have not gone to doctors for many years. Back when I did go to doctors, I had many unsatisfactory experiences. I decided that I would become my own doctor. That seems to be my best approach toward the care of my body. Recently, I have experienced so many intuitive promptings from my body that I feel like I am being led by the wisdom inherent in every cell. As I really tune myself to listening and following, the guidance seems to increase. I'm really enjoying this inner communication, and I truly believe that I am re-integrating a wholeness between body-mind-spirit that was severed and separated a long time ago.

Yesterday, I found some coconut oil. My husband sauteed some shrimp and scallops in it for dinner. Absolutely luscious! Then when I saw the pan drippings and didn't want to let them go to waste, I used a rubber spatula and got every last drop. Exquisite! Thanks to you (and Steveed on another thread) for turning me on to coconut oil. It was very expensive at my health food store, however; maybe I'll search for another source on-line. Any suggestions?

Back when I went to doctors, I did go to a naturopath who did an allergy test on me, and said I was allergic to all kinds of things. I ate strictly according to this recommendation for a long, long time with no results. Then another naturopath, who did a different kind of allergy test (supposedly more accurate), gave me a whole other list of my allergens (including garlic!). I switched to the elimination of those things, also with zero results. When I combined the two lists, there was pretty much nothing left for me to eat. Much confusion was the result of that experience. And I figured that if I felt bad no matter which approach I took, I might as well eat what I wanted.

Thanks for the sites ... I will check them out. Your statement that it took a month for you to feel good is very encouraging to me. It helps with my patience factor. I am so ready for an improvement in my condition, and my patience at this point is very thin.

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