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Old Fri, Dec-12-03, 20:59
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Hi Doreen

I appreciate your information, that is what is great about this forum, we can discuss many plans and our feelings of these plans.

I did not want this to end up in the low-carb war zone.

I have 5 books sitting here by my computer, and I am always referencing something in them, which can be bad if your following one plan, but I believe knowledge of all plans makes for ongoing low carbing more possible.

But just to respond to a few of your thoughts you posted:

----------but he's quite vague when it comes to amount of fat a person is supposed to consume. Nowhere does he advocate the "liberal use" of recommended oils. He states portion sizes are to be "normal but no more".

I have the book here in front of me and he doesn't condemn the good fats, even in Atkins as you move on to maintenance you should lower your fat as you increase your carbs, (please correct me if I am wrong, as I am doing Atkins) He even states how they finally realize that fats are important in the diet, not like the old way of thinking of hi carb lo fat diets of years past. Also, even Atkins says to eat till full and "do not gorge yourself". (at least in my book here)


-------Lots of egg-white and lowfat egg-substitute omelets


True, but also plenty a real egg omelet breakfast's, he believes in the healthy egg and what it supplies the body, just not everyday, again they realize that eggs are good, not like the old way of thinking.

-----------As for his villification of saturated fats ... the book's description of what happens after a person consumes a meal high in saturated fat is based on a high carb diet where insulin levels are higher. Unfortunately, the author doesn't provide any references for further reading.
I have The Carbohydrate Addict's Healthy Heart Program here too on my lap and just for 2 quotes, it states:

page 81: Replacing dietary saturated fat with unsaturated fat cut the risk for heart disease by almost half.

and page 134: Saturated fats have been shown to release high levels of insulin. Use unsaturated fats whenever possible. Butter or margarine, regular or low-fat subsitutes: Avoid or use very sparingly.

This book is written by Dr's Richard and Rachael Heller w/ Dr. Frederic Vagnini as you already know.

I know there are quite a few CAD books out there, i.e. Cad for addicts, life, kids, heart, but still Cad books, which has a place here on the forum.

From what I read in his book, (I guess I should have a scanner, to post quotes) here, but I still think he is saying that it is ok to have alot of good fats, again realizing that fats are important to the body, not like the old way of thinking in the past. Low carb for phase 1, (his induction,) and moderate carbs for ongoing. Again, correct me if I am wrong, but the zone is moderate carbs, other plans too that have spots here on the forum are moderate carbs, I would like it if people following those plans would post here if they think their plans are moderate. I am here to learn and discuss, I am in no way saying I am an expert, just trying to learn what I can and love to discuss it with people.
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