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Old Wed, Sep-03-03, 10:35
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Default Health-Food Eatin' Hubby Pain in my A**

Hi, everybody. Well, everything is going really well with this new WOE. I'm dropping weight, my figure is slowly melting, my fibromyalgia has eased up completely so that I can exercise more frequently and for longer periods of time. It's been one month of this LC-ing and I am literally feeling like a new woman. SO WHAT COULD BE WRONG? Let me tell you.

I'll start off with a little history. I love my husband dearly. He has always been a very supportive, kind, caring person. (We also work together as musicians - which is how we met. I'm a singer-songwriter and he is my bassplayer.) He met me when I was quite thin, and despite my weight gain over the past several years, his love and devotion toward me has never wavered and he has NEVER put me down because of my weight.

My husband and I have always eaten health foods. Alot of soy, alot organic veggies and plenty of brown rice and fruit. Here and there, I would lapse into eating too much white flour and sugar but would always try to get "back on track" with the "health food". These eating habits are how I eventually put on all of my weight. What made me finally try the low-carb, higher-protein approach was basically PAIN.

I was in so much joint/muscle pain with my fibromyalgia (and the excess pounds not helping, of course) that I was nearly an invalid at only 40 years young - walking with a cane and wearing elastic knee and ankle braces just to get around. The last straw was not being able to play my guitar properly or for any length of time without shooting, agonizing stabs of pain through my arms, shoulder blades and neck. The quality of my life had become CRAP. I was becoming deeply depressed as a result.

Desperate and not getting ANY answers from my doctors (except: YOU SHOULD cut out more of the FAT in your diet) I began to explore literature online that blasted WHITE FLOUR and SUGAR as poison and highly inflammatory food items. I figured out that by eliminating those items first, my pain began to disappear and my energy began to return. Also, no more "brain-fog". Encouraged, I explored Atkins and then Somersizing recipes - sticking to alot of fish, turkey, chicken, PLENTY OF FRESH VEGGIES, a little fruit, and cutting down on soy (which also gives me pain!) and having a little brown rice a couple of times a months. Each day I am feeling better and better and coming up with new food combinations that seem to be working well for me. I am never hungry and always feel upbeat and energetic now.

OK, so WHAT is the problem? It's my health-food eatin' hubby. He has taken to constantly picking apart the food choices I am making, giving me speeches about all of the hormones and toxins that are in the poultry I am eating, badgering me about how I should be eating more brown rice, asking me WHY I AM NOT EATING MORE SOY. It's unbelievable. This morning I just lost it when he sneerlingly called me "Ms. Atkins" as I prepared a turkey sausage over a bed pf spinach for myself. I don't supervise what HE eats, and I can't stand this "militant health food" behavior of his - for the first time I do not feel supported by him.

At the same time, he tells me that he does notice the difference in my body and my activity level and he's really happy for me that my pain is gone and I'm getting my life back to what it was. But mealtimes are becoming hell. It makes no sense to me. I should mention that my husband is a dedicated fan of famous health guru GARY NULL, whom I do think has many sound ideas regarding health and fitness, but who does not advocate meat eating of any kind).

Any ideas on how to deal with this situation? It is driving me nuts. If I didn't feel so damn great from LC-ing, I'd REALLY BE UPSET
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