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TomC Tue, Feb-25-03 14:23

Ok, I did Atkins well over a year ago without reading the book. I have the book now and just speed-read through the areas I needed. I think I may be missing some of the lingo here.

WOE, WOL, and a bunch of others keep popping up. I don't see them in the book, so I am thinking they are just board lingo.

Can someone clue me in on their meanings please?

I can guess a few.
Way of Life (WOL), Way of Eating (WOE)?


Tom C

lkonzelman Tue, Feb-25-03 14:25

Here are most of them...
Commonly Used Acronyms
AS - Artificial Sweetener (generic, applies to all, not just aspartame)
BF - Body Fat
BMI - Body Mass Index
BTW - By The Way
CAD - The Carbohydrate Addict's Diet (the book)
CALP - Carbohydrate Addict's Lifespan Program (the book)
CHO - Carbohydrate (Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen)
CKD - Cyclical Ketogenic Diet
DANDR - Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution (the book)
DH - Darling Husband (or otherwise, depending on context)
ECA - Ephedrine, Caffeine, Aspirin
ED - Elimination Diet
FWIW - For What It's Worth
FYI - For Your Information
HFS - Health Food Store
HG - Hunter-Gatherer
HRT - Hormone Replacement Therapy
HTH - Hope This Helps
IBS - Irritable Bowel Syndrome
IDDM - Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (Type I)
IIRC - If I Recall Correctly
IMHO - In My Humble Opinion
IMNSHO - In My Not So Humble Opinion
IR - Insulin resistance
JMHO - Just My Humble Opinion
LBM - Lean Body Mass
LC - Low Carbohydrate
LOL - Laughing Out Loud
NIDDM - Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (Type II)
NT - NeanderThin (the book)
OTOH - On The Other Hand
OWL - Ongoing Weight Loss (Atkins Diet)
PCOS/PCOD - Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome/Disease
PP - Protein Power (the book)
PSMF - Protein Sparing Modified Fast
SAD - Standard American Diet
SF - Sugar Free
SLS - Stein-Leventhal Syndrome (see: PCOS)
TIA - Thanks In Advance
TKD - Targeted Ketogenic Diet
TOM - Time Of the Month
VBG - Very Big Grin
WOE/WOL - Way Of Eating/Way Of Life
YMMV - Your Mileage May Vary

TomC Tue, Feb-25-03 14:29

Haha! OMG!
I expected maybe 3-4....
Some are common in all forums. Glad to see that.

$10 to the person who can string together a bunch of those in to an intelligible sentence...hehe

Tom C

chysmith Tue, Feb-25-03 14:31

Tom, thanks for posting the question!
Lisa, thanks for posting the great reply! I've been sitting here for the past few days wracking my brain trying to figure out all those!


lkonzelman Tue, Feb-25-03 14:34

I must give credit where credit is due... I found this on this site under low carb tools.

Can't take praise for cutting and pasting....

chysmith Tue, Feb-25-03 14:35

So, if DH is darling husband, then is DS darling son and DD darling daughter?


S_Hysmith Tue, Feb-25-03 14:35

I just requested that this thread be made "sticky". I've been a board fanatic for years, but there are folks who would benefit from knowing all the TLAs (three letter acronyms :D ) we keep throwing around.

doreen T Tue, Feb-25-03 15:04

hi there,

Good idea to make it Sticky. I've also redirected to the General Low Carb forum, since the info. will be handy for all, not just Aktinsers (is that a word?? :lol: )


rustpot Tue, Feb-25-03 15:25

I posted this a wee while ago.anac.

Do I get the $10?

Citizenken Tue, Feb-25-03 19:21

Anyone who modestly downplays cutting and pasting has never tried to teach it to my mother in law-Citizenken

DWRolfe Wed, Feb-26-03 12:44

I'd like to add SO (Significant Other), BOGOF (Buy One Get One Free) and OMFG (better not spell that one out) ;)

Donald :wave:

penk Thu, Feb-27-03 18:40

Donald LOL!!!!

given that one, you must recognize nfw ?!

Kristine Sun, Mar-02-03 13:11

A few more...
AFAIK - as far as I know

C&C - coffee and cats. A polite warning that you're posting something that may cause laughter, thus spilling coffee and annoying the feline in your lap.

HAND - have a nice day

TANSTAAFL - there ain't no such thing as a free lunch


tofi Sun, Apr-13-03 01:55

And a few more because I went looking for the meaning of ITA:

AAMOF As A Matter Of Fact
ADN Any Day Now
AFAIAC As Far As I Am Concerned
AFAIK As Far As I Know
ATSL Along The Same Line
AS Another Subject
BBL Be Back Later
BCNU Be seeing you
BNF Big Name Fan
BRB (I'll) Be Right Back
BTDT Been There, Done That
BTW By The Way
CU See You
CUL See You Later
CUL8R See You Later
DEB Don't Even Bother
DGT Don't Go There
DIIK Damned If I Know
DTA Don't Trust Anybody
EMBI Excuse My Butting In
EMFBI Excuse Me For Butting In
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
FFR For Future Reference
FITB Fill In The Blank
FYI For Your Information
FUBAR Fouled Up Beyond All Repair
FWIW For What It's Worth
GD&R Grinning, Ducking & Running
GIWIST Gee I Wish I'd Said That
HAND Have A Nice Day
IANAL I Am Not A Lawyer
IC I See
IIRC If I Recall Correctly
IMCO In My Considered Opinion
IME In My Estimation
IMHO In My Humble or Honest Opinion
IMNSHO In My Not So Humble Opinion
IOW In Other Words
IRC Internet Relay Chat
ISBAB I Should Have Bought A Book
ISO In Search Of
ISP Internet Service Provider
ITA I Totally Agree
ITSFWI If The Shoe Fits, Wear It
KHYF Know How You Feel
L8r Later
LAB&TYD Life's A Bitch & Then You Die
LOL Laughing Out Loud
LTNT Long Time, No Type
NC No Comment
NG News Group
NOYL Not On Your Life
NP No Problem
NTYMI Now That You Mention It
NIMBY Not In My BackYard
Ob- /ob/ Obligatory. A piece of netiquette acknowledging that the
author has been straying from the newsgroup's topic.
OIC Oh I See
OOTQ Out Of The Question
OTOH On The Other Hand
OTTOMH Off The Top Of My Head
PDG Pretty Damn Good
POV Point Of View
ROFL Rolling On the Floor Laughing
ROTF Rolling On The Floor
ROTFL Rolling On The Floor Laughing
ROTFLMAO Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off
(there are others, but you get the idea)
RSN Real(ly) Soon Now
RTFM Read The Flipping Manual
SEP Someone Else's Problem
Sie a gender neutral pronoun (= she or he)
SNAFU Situation Normal, All Fouled Up
SO Significant Other
SOW Speaking Of Which
TANJ There Ain't No Justice
TANSTASQ There Ain't No Such Thing As A Stupid Question
TFTHAOT Thanks For The Help Ahead Of Time
TIA Thanks In Advance
TLA Three Letter Acronym: often used for acronyms longer or
shorter than three letters
TM Typical Male
TOBAL There Oughta Be A Law
TOBG This Oughta Be Good
TPTB The Powers That Be
TTBOMK To The Best Of My Knowledge
TTFN Ta Ta For Now
TTUL Talk To U Later
TTYL Talk to You Later
YGLT You're Gonna Love This
WB Welcome Back
WYSIWYG What You See Is What You Get
YMMV Your Mileage May Vary = your experience may differ

gary Fri, Apr-18-03 09:49

A popular one!
How about CYA? Did somebody mention it already? :D

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