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grandma Wed, Dec-18-02 22:30

Help with low blood sugar
Hello everyone,

I've been trying different programs for a long time and just can't get my insulin under control. I think I'm both addicted and allergic to sugar and chocolate. I'll do pretty good on a program for a short while then, bam I'm back at the sugar thing. Anyway, I wanted to try CAD or CALP again but my blood sugar keeps dropping so I have to snack. What can I do? I even tried eating dinner later, (7:00 p.m.), hoping I could go 'till bedtime but no go. I seem to have to eat about every 2-3 hours after 4:00 p.m. I'm O.K. earlier in the day but late afternoon and evening I have problems keeping my blood sugar high enough.

Should I up my protein grams, eat more often? I'm really stumped as to what to do. I couldn't stay on Atkins due to the boredom with protein and so little fruit. I think CAD or CALP could work for me but I'm constantly fighting with my blood sugar. I've never been diagnosed as hypoglycemic but I'm probably borderline. My mother died of compications from diabetes. Also, I only have 15-20 lbs. to lose but I've been trying for years and nothing works.

Merry Christmas to all of you and I hope you do well during the holidays. I've been struggling a lot, having goodies in the house.


plum Thu, Dec-19-02 07:48

hi grandma

have you got CAD ? just keeping the vegetable lists in RM /CM has been my biggest help for this.And eating less often is a key for me !! read Zuleikkas threads on CAD for more details

you may be interested to read gingerbears post 7 lb in 10 days,
by this I mean keep experimenting..... Im currently having my RM at lunchtime. and much better, I find Im not hungry this way. With RM around 7 pm, I was getting "nibbly."

I also keep the CM carbs negligible, and this seems to help too.

I wonder if trying different carb sources at RM would help ? For instance I believe I am sensitive to french bread.... white flour makes me hungry.... but two spoonfuls of brown rice is fine, and doesnt affect me the same way... keeping a diary helps identify your personal needs..

welcome and good luck

grandma Thu, Dec-19-02 08:55

Hi again,

Thanks Plum for your quick reply. I have had CAD for years but I can't eat sugar without getting all messed up, so I didn't follow it. I tried it again about 2 yrs. ago but the cravings didn't go away so this time I tried Atkins. Couldn't stand Atkins so I'm trying CAD again but I keep getting drops in bs after 4:00. I guess I could try my RM at lunch but I really look forward to a RM at dinner because it makes it easier to cook for my husband, dad and me. I try not to eat white flour, sugar or anything white but it's hard. I'm pretty confused because my body seems so resistent to anything. I almost think I need to eat organic, nitrate free, etc. but then that's so expensive. I think I'm reacting to a lot of things and I know I need to sort it all out. Seems overwhelming. To never be able to eat sugar seems almost impossible in this society, where everything is sugar laden.

Oh well, with God all things are possible, so I'll just have to keep praying. Thanks for the insight.

Blessings to all,
Grandma (actually not until May 2003, expecting little Ethan David)

Zuleikaa Thu, Dec-19-02 11:46

Remember, on CAD you can have 2 CM and a CS per day. Space them out so that your blood sugar levels are maintained. It can take at least a full week to normalize but if you use grain or sweets when it drops the process has to start over. I would get some beef jerky, cheese, or cream cheese alone or with protein to use at those times. You can have them with CM veggies.

If you want a sweet for your RM dessert try using AS. There are a lot of great sweet treats on the board. We have another member who is allergic to sugar and wheat and she uses AS and soy desserts at her RM.

Also, if you are on any medication to control your insulin levels, work closely with your doctor to cut them down. Insulin levels are naturally controlled with this diet and many find that they have to decrease and gradually eliminate insulin controlling medications. Otherwise their blood sugar levels are too low. This is best done with your doctors supervision.

Regarding chocolate, maybe it's the sugar in the chocolate? Try using sugar free or powdered.

I hope this helps.

nawchem Thu, Dec-19-02 11:51

Hi Grandma,
I get low blood sugar from my medication. I can pretty much spread my meals out through the day. Something in the morning, RM in midday, then another CM in the evening and that holds me. I have to balance the CMs with a lot of vegetables, not just eating protein or I will get hungry sooner.

have you thought about purchasing a glucometer? that might help you pinpoint your problem areas.

I think keeping your insulin levels low and steady the way this diet works would be helpful.

grandma Thu, Dec-19-02 13:49

Hi again
Hello again,

Thanks for all the replys. I'm also allergic to Splenda. I made some egg salad and added a little splenda and wow! I feel like I ate sugar. I think It's the malto-dextrin. Then I tried Pure Delite chocolate and the malitol gives me bloating and gas. Seems I'm extremely sensitive to all sweetining things. Aspartime doesn't seem to bother me but you can't bake with it.

I'm not on any medications for high or low blood sugar, so I don't have to monitor my bs. My dad lives with me and has a glucometer, so I guess I could take some levels with it. I did before and never fell too low, when testing. I just start feeling hyper and agitated when my bs falls. I can feel it and I have to run for some food.

Yesterday,I tried to eat 2 cm's, 1 RM and a snack but still I struggled in the evening. Ended uup eating some cashews. Should I add another cs if my bs seems to be crashing? I really want to do CAD/CALP because it's so much more reasonable as a lifelong eating program.

I really value your responses and experience.

Thanks again and blessings to all,

Grandma (Mary)

Zuleikaa Thu, Dec-19-02 15:35

You're really not supposed to have more than four meals a day. You say you don't have a problem until later. Why not try saving a CS for after your RM later at night.

I'm sorry you're allergic to sweeteners. Have you tried Stevia? Maybe that with a little fructose would work for you for RM treats. If you PM me your email, I'll send you the CAD cheat sheet. Your problem might be as simple as eating some of the wrong foods at your CMs. Usually even hypoglycemics even out their blood sugars after a couple of weeks. Give it a try for a week or two, if you can. If things don't improve while sticking to plan this might not be the WOE your body needs.

TeriDoodle Thu, Dec-19-02 15:46

Hi Grandma!
Have you tried getting on regimen of supplements that are known to help regulate blood sugar? I know that GTF Chromium is highly recommended.... 200 mg/before each meal (3-4x/day) and perhaps glutamine (?) I'd be happy to research for you. It's probably worth a shot. Apparently the older we get, the more help we need from supplements.

I'm taking doses of chromium for that reason right now too.... they say to take it for 6-8 weeks before its effects are fully apparent.

[edit: I did a quick search on the Atkins website and he actually has a supplement just for "blood sugar".... here's the link .]

luv67fire Thu, Dec-19-02 15:53

A quick question, are you getting enough calcium??? Whenever I do not have enough calcium in my body I start getting cravings... mostly because I do not eat enough calcium on this woe.

Personally, I take coral calcium, and have anywhere to 2500 to 4000mg per day. That seems like a lot but the benefits of calcium are enormous. They are the building block of our bodies basically. Your DNA is dormant without it, so not having enough leads to degenerative diseases.

I would strongly suggest making sure you are getting enough, and that could POSSIBLY help you out. My father has almost the same problem, he seems to react to EVERYTHING sweet. But since he started giving his body a good amount of calcium, they just don't affect him too much anymore.

grandma Thu, Dec-19-02 20:38

Hello again everyone,

I'm having a real problem eating chocolate at night. I can't seem to help myself! Yes I do take calcium from GNC 1500 mg per day with 400 mg of mag. I also take 200 GTF chromium, 2 caplets of flax oil, glucosamine chondroiton, 1 baby aspirin and a mega multi mitamin each day. I'm 5' 5 1/2" tall, am 54 yoa, weigh about 157 and need to lose about 15 lbs.

My mother died of diabetes. I don't have it yet but I'm feeling as though by body is trying to take me there. I'm probably borderline hypoglycemic but never been diagnosed. I can just tell by the way I feel. I also exercise 4x per week doing "walk away the pounds" with Leslie Sansone and lift weights while walking. That's probably the reason I don't weigh 250 lbs. I have been exercising for 5 years.

I havn't started menopause yet and had all my hormone levels checked recently, also thyroid, etc. I even checked my blood sugar levels with a glucometer that my dad has and they were normal. I'll up my chromium and look into the coral calcium.

Right now the cravings are driving me crazy at night and I give in and eat chocolate. Can't get it out of the house right now because of the holidays.

Regarding cm's and cs and rm. I can't get from noon to 5:00 without eating, so I have to have a snack before RM. Then about 3 hours after RM have to eat again. That makes 5 eating sessions per day. What should I do? Sometimes I have to eat every two hours to keep my blood sugar up. I tried Atkins but couldn't stick to it. Too rigid for long term for me, I'm afraid.

Anyway, thanks for reading this loooooooooooooong post. Thanks for all your help and wisdom.

Blessings and Merry Christmas,

Grandma (Mary)

Zuleikaa Thu, Dec-19-02 20:42

Why don't you post a menu so we can take a look at it. We might have suggestions to make from that.

grandma Thu, Dec-19-02 20:51

Here's my menue for today.

B - whole milk yoghurt with vanilla DaVinci sf syrup
2 pork sausage patties I know yoghurt isn't allowed
but I needed to use it up. It was Stoneyfield organic
and very expensive

L - Egg salad with mayo (sf), a little onion, celery and Splenda
The Splenda bothered me (allergic), 1/2 lb. green beans

CS - beef sticks

CS - 1 cup raspberries

D - Roast beef, a few cooked carrotts, 1 c. green beans with
butter, a small slice of garlic bread, a pear

9:00 cravings began - ate chocolate orange candy

luv67fire Fri, Dec-20-02 03:15

The main things I see is the SF things during CM (Which I know A LOT of people react to), and/or the amount of times you ate. The MOST amount of times would be 2CMs, 1CS and 1RM.

Has the cravings been happening a really long time? Or just since the weather started changing? This is the time for SAD (also SDD ~Sunlight Defficiency Disorder~), and cravings are just another one of those things that come with it.

Good luck with everything.. oh and I replied to your PM on coral calcium. It didn't let me put too much in, so I just wanted to add that the more you buy of it, the cheaper it is. I have my entire family using it, so buying it in bulk is the best way to go for us....

plum Fri, Dec-20-02 05:10

honest Im not being difficult but why do you need splenda in egg salad :) its easy for me to speak I know as I havent a sweet tooth , but I bet its going to be a lot easier for you without AS. How do you feel about cutting out AS? If the deal is that you will feel better and less/no cravings without them??

if its the choc that you love, then have a piece with RM, then you wont feel deprived or cranky about it

I hear what youre saying about the convenience of RM with your family.. I feel the same. But I feel so terrific this week, eating around 12 md, its worth the extra effort... and I still eat a little CM in the evening with the family. I t s not written in stone though, will adapt it to suit.

another thing I was thinking, you know you can have coffee once a day with 2 tblsp cream in ?... drink within 15 min to prevent reactions.... perhaps you could reserve that for evening times when you get a snack attack. Plan yourself a treat for 9 pm ish..... what can you think of that would be nice ?

Zuleikaa Fri, Dec-20-02 07:37

Seeing what you are eating is so helpful. As you know the yogurt is not allowed. Also raspberries are not allowed at CM/S. Also the DaVinci syrup you could be reacting to. Especially having yogurt and AS in the morning and then AS again and then raspberries can be affecting your blood sugar levels and by the evening the cravings would be tremendous and irresistable. CAs can react to AS as if it were sugar. I've sent you the cheat sheet, try to run a clean diet for a couple of days with no AS or unallowed CAD foods unless at RM and take notes of how you feel. Your appetite and cravings should subside in a couple of days.

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