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CindySue48 Sun, Dec-15-02 17:46

how many of you exercised before LC?
Reading over the posts, I'm amazed at how many people are starting an exercise program for the first time in their lives.

lkonzelman Mon, Dec-16-02 13:00

While I was low fat-low cal dieting, exercise was the only thing that kept my weight in check. Dieting didn't work for me anymore and I was jogging most months and I hated it. I did it and looked good ("for me" in the 180 lb range) but I knew that I wouldn't keep up with it.

Now with low carbing - losing steady and doing my elliptic skiier for 20 minutes 4-5 times a week (with 1 minute bursts to bring up my heart rate at least 4x each workout). This I can live with for the rest of my life. Want to add weights in the next year and BFL to change this close to goal body of mine.

Love the 20 minutes workout thing. This is a great WOL!

AmberinIN Mon, Dec-16-02 18:42

I was going to vote "I did it to keep my weight in check", but I didn't because it DIDN'T! I exercised an hour to 2 hours a day six days a week and still got myself up over 200! Durned low fat diet!

I never liked exercise before, but I love it now! I weight train 3 days a week and cardio all five. I never do over an hour and a half a day and I work five days a week. Now, not only am I thinner with the LCWOL, I'm getting some great definition!

:wave: Amber

BeccaResRN Mon, Dec-16-02 19:01

let me add a note to my vote
I exercised in high school...I was on a swim team for many years. And I made a passing effort to try and go the Y and work out when I had a membership there...I rarely went and even with the best intentions it was never a routine.

This is the first time I have been faithful to an exercise program for me and not because some coach is telling you to be there...though I think that may

The bad thing is I really love to swim and there really are no facilities nearby for that so I decided I would walk...and until a few weeks ago when I started having depression I walked nearly everyday...and it felt good. I am doing better now and I will start my exercise back up with a vengence...It makes me feel better...and If this makes sense helps my mind catch up with my body.

Bye All :wave:

catspaw Tue, Dec-17-02 00:04

I'm in the Army - we don't have a choice...

Actually, what led me to understand the problems of high carb/low fat diets was when I decided to train for a marathon about 5 years ago. I started following the high carb recommendations in the running magazines, but regardless of how much running I did, I either put on the pounds or at least didn't lose anything. Very frustrating!

The light went on when a friend introduced me to DANDR. Unfortunately I fell off the wagon a bit since my initial successes, but I'm back on board now. This time around, I'm making full use of the nearby gym, both weights and elliptical machine. Can't do the marathon thing because I blew my knee out the last time. :(

Josiemk Tue, Dec-17-02 11:36

Darn those Low fat diets
I use to exersize for two hours a day just to keep me from becoming over weight since I could no longer lose the weight.I would hit a platau ever time the scale would hit 130 or jeans would hit 9/10 (& they weren't very comfortable either). I hated exersizing back then , because I felt like it was all in vain. So I'd stop during the winter time. So what I thought I 'll just hid under big clothes.
But now all that has changed :thup: ,thanks to Atkins I finally am my goal size & weight, now I love exersizing it gives me such a rush.:hyper: I also don't have to exersize as much because of my new way of life.


Firmdiva Wed, Dec-18-02 21:52

What she said...except it got me over 250

Originally posted by AmberinIN
I was going to vote "I did it to keep my weight in check", but I didn't because it DIDN'T! I exercised an hour to 2 hours a day six days a week and still got myself up over 200! Durned low fat diet!
:wave: Amber

macleay Thu, Dec-19-02 08:48

Back when I lost weight (down to 135 lbs) on a starvation
diet, I aerobicized for about a year. When I quit that plus
quit the diet, I ballooned!

A year and a half ago, I started BFL. I have kept the exercises
but have moved to Atkins for the diet, as I can't live with the
low fat diet. I really like the BFL exercises, though, and plan
to continue for the rest of my life!

Jill :thup:

mkathy6 Tue, Dec-31-02 14:18

I did step when it was the thing to do. I loved it!!! But now I have bad knees that I'm blaming on Step (couln't be the extra 100 lbs I was carrying around).

Now I go to curves 3x per week. when i lose more weight and the weather gets nicer I'll add some walking in.

Raquel2473 Tue, Dec-31-02 16:11

I always have exercised, I had my baby 9 months ago and that put me behind quite a bit, so I'm trying really hard to get back in shape, but this time around seems to be a little more difficult than the first baby... :(
I try not to whinne to much about it but I can't help myself, I think I'm hitting a little bump in my road... I hope it will go away soon.

kaza Sat, Jan-04-03 08:26

Workout aholic
Hello everyone,
After years of exercising at least 2hours a day in the gym and 40 minutes jogging every day and a miserable low fat diet my weight seemed to be ballooning and a friend told me about the Atkins diet.
I have been on the plan for 6 weeks now and the weight lose is amazing.
I still exercise as I love it, but now not as before because before on the low fat diet I had to do it to keep the weight off it became an obsession that was ruling my life, now I go to the gym or jog not both when I feel like it and my weight has not been affected .

typebmedic Fri, Jan-10-03 10:08

Ive always enjoyed going to the gym, but Ive noticed since starting this diet, I get weaker a lot quicker and give out faster during cardio b/c I didnt drink a high carb drink before hand or have a high carb meal/snack before hand. Its very tough to get used to, but I figure since Im still in Induction, this will pass and the energy I keep reading about will kick in!! :D

Kathy54 Wed, Jan-15-03 17:28

Hi, I love water arobics, I try to get there 3 times a week, it's so easy on the body, yet a darn good work out, I cannot take the jarring of floor arobics. Water arobics is awesome for prople who may not of been very active or has recently recouvered from an injury ect. But you work at your own speed.
I also started a new class on the exercise ball called BLT's( not bacon Lettuce tomato ! it's butts legs and tums. So far really hard, those balls look like so much fun........ think again it's darn hard work, but I'll stick to it twice a week and I will buy my own once the course is over. The only thing I 've noticed since being on the diet for almost a week is, my legs feel very weak, like jello ! but in the water they were fine, had lot's of energy.
Anyhow thats my 2 cents about exercise.
Cheers Kathy

Blue Moon Fri, Jan-17-03 15:57

I voted never have, never will...
While this is not entirely true, it was the best one that fit. While I have done Atkins, I have probably exercised 1 to 2 times a month, max, whereas before I exercised never, and led a sedentary life.

Now, I do walk for longer periods at school now than I used to (bigger campus), and I have a job (for now) where I am on my feet, walking and using a ladder, when I work. However I don't consider this "exercise", as I don't work up a sweat or increase my heart rate dramatically.

tigersue Tue, Jan-21-03 19:17

None of the options fit me.
I was exercising for about 15-16 months before I started low carbing and I was loosing weight. I was doing the firm tapes, and lowcarbing just seemed to help boost things along.
So I really needed on that stated was working out and doing well, now doing better. I can't say I was always working out, because this was new for me in general. I just added to my focus in improving my health.

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