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vegitarian Wed, Nov-20-02 15:22

Has anyone drank alochol during induction and still lost weight?
I have asked several times to people, most people say it's a bad idea, but I'd like to know if anyone has been sucessful while still drinking... ;)

lkonzelman Wed, Nov-20-02 15:35

Wow... I seem to be following you around.

This is one of those personal body issues. Some people stall (because you stop burning fat to burn alcohol first). Some people don't.

Other stalls some people have:
Frankenfoods (shakes, bars, lc candy, sweetners)
Diet Sodas

I personally don't have an issue with the shakes or lc bars (as long as they don't have malitol as an ingredient) or nuts but everyone is so different.

You should experiment after induction.

Take one of these items (that you really want to have) and try for a week. If you stall loss - remove and try another. If you don't try another if you wish...


vegitarian Wed, Nov-20-02 17:12

Thanks Lisa

You have came through again! Your answers are awesome and the make so much sence. I will try a certain food for a week and see if I still loose or stall. By the way, what is lc and what is malitol?

hope 2 hear from you again! :p

lisak17 Wed, Nov-20-02 17:40

i am a major social drinker on the weekends and i decided to give up alcohol while on induction. about a month ago, i was doing semi atkins and drinking and every weekend i would gain back about 2 pounds from the drinking.

so 2 weeks ago, i decided to go on induction and give it up cold turkey!! i think if you really want to be successful - you should try to give it up. remember it is only for 2 weeks. and trust me, if i can do it anyone can. :)

vegitarian Wed, Nov-20-02 19:18

low-carbing and beer: I found some answers
please read this article which states:

"And then there is the carb issue. Followers of Robert Adkins ("Dr. Atkins' Diet Revolution") and other low-carb advocates now count carbohydrates more carefully than calories. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution recently quoted Adkins spokeswoman Colette Heimowitz as saying while Atkins discourages the use of alcohol in the beginning phases of the diet (the "induction" phase), "if somebody doesn't mind slowing down their weight loss it's fine to add the lower carb beers, as long as they add it into the total carbs for the day and don't go beyond their critical carb level."

copyright of :

where you may also find the whole article! :roll: Good Luck!

agonycat Wed, Nov-20-02 19:23

Just remember a couple of things:

1) While on a low carbohydrate diet the effects of alcohol on your system will be intensified. Meaning it takes less to get drunk.

2) While drinking ANY alcoholic beverage, your system will put fat burning on hold because it converts alcohol to ketones at a much faster rate than fat. You can expect at least a 24 hour pause in fat burning after you drink. Use of ketostix will show you are in ketosis, however remember it is alcohol being converted to ketones and not fat burning.

Most of us find drinking while on a low carb diet just isn't worth it :)

I have also merged your two posts concerning alcohol together so we don't have two threads running.

bitrswt99 Wed, Nov-20-02 21:58

I did! I did!
I know that you are supposed to avoid all alcohol during induction, but I admit to having appox 3 glasses of wine this past weekend. Blush wine at that. BUT, I am happy to say that since starting on the plan last week - Tuesday, I am down 7 lbs!! It did stall me for a couple of days, but I noticed I started losing again yesterday. I would advise against it, just to be sure not to stall, but obviously people's bodies will react differently. JMO

Good luck!! :daze:

Kristine Thu, Nov-21-02 09:59

I think another factor to bear in mind is that you're already relatively close to your goal. Usually, it's very difficult to lose those last few pounds. It often involves a lot of commitment and really 'turning the screws' on yourself, so to speak. So while someone with a lot of weight to lose could probably get away with it and still lose, someone who's in that final stage probably wouldn't.

When I was 160 lbs, I drank and the weight still came off. If I wanted to get down to my ultimate goal of 125 (from 135 right now) there's no way I'd be able to do it without being really, really strict. (I know because I've tried. :) )

mrfreddy Thu, Nov-21-02 10:06

ah, my favorite subject --- BOOZE!

when I first started Atkins, it was just as a sort of lark, I was actually kinda skeptical about it, hadn't read much of the book (still haven't!) or the web sites, so... on my first day, I actually went out and had several guinness with a friend. I stayed away from the booze for a few days after that, and inspite of that initial booze fest, I managed to lose about 4 - 5 pounds in the first 4 - 5 days.

I think I stayed booze free for almost, but not quite two weeks after that initial night. About ten days into it, I went out on another bender, and inspite of all that, I lost 12 pounds during my two week induction.

Since then, I am sure I drink less, and probably less often, but I do have a few drinks at least one or two times a week. I try to stick to no-carb or very low carb fare, like scotch, lite beer, Guinness (oh yes!), and wine.

Like others have said, 1) it DOES hit me harder. 2) I cannot drink as much - after a few drinks, I usually have had enough. I start feeling crappy and the stuff looses it's appeal. 3) the after effects are worse, especially if I push my new low limits - worse hangover, hard time sleeping, wake up feeling really queasy, etc.

The way I understand it, the booze sort of puts your weight loss on pause. Not as bad as eating a bowl of ice cream would be, but not great either, if you are in a hurry to drop your poundage.

Until I read the post above, I thought the purple sticks I saw the day after were a good sign, I didn't realize that was just the booze produced ketones. Thanks for setting me straight, a-cat!

Anyway, I have been losing at a slow, glacial, unspectacular pace, and it would be a good guess that I would lose faster if I cut out all the booze, but who's in a hurry?

I intend to continue on the Atkins plan, to keep going to the gym and the pool, and yes, to still have that occaisional drink or two or three... or four (but that's usually it!)

Jaden313 Thu, Nov-21-02 10:53

I did
I did. I drank beer & lost. It seems to move right through me without any problems, but everyones body is different. It may work for you too. If you do, you may want to give Mich Ultra a shot.

Good Luck!

MarkL Thu, Nov-21-02 17:08

Ive never gained from drinking which ive only done a handful of times since I started on the diet. Pretty much im staying in the induction phase minus a few cheatings. However I do notice a stall for approx a day or so after I have drank some alcohol.

Something to note. If you drink, try to drink the harder liquor. No carbs even though its made out of sugar (beats me how its possible.) My personal favorite is Bacardi and DIET coke. Of course in a night the bartender usually throws in regular coke at least once by mistake.

All in all if you must drink carb drinks just remember to take it easy so you wont be discouraged the next few days weighing in...


RCFletcher Fri, Nov-22-02 01:41

Hi vegitarian,

By the way, what is lc and what is malitol?

Just to answer your two questions.

'lc' means low carbohydrate. 'Maloitol' is one of a group of substances called sugar alcohols along with sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol, erythritol, lactitol, xylitol and hydrolysed starch hydrolysates (HSH). They are used for sweetening and giving bulk to low carb and diabetic foods.

They are very slowly absorbed, if at all, and don't give an insulin spike. People react differently to them. Some people find they make them stall. Certainly over 25g a day makes many people (including me) rush to the toilet! Other people have no difficulty with them. I sometimes have diabetic jam (jelly to you) make with sorbitol but I can't have more than about 2 spoons full.

Hope this helps.


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