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tripletmom Wed, Nov-13-02 01:01

Getting ready to get back on the LC train.. need a buddy!
Hi all!

It's been a while since I've been here... but it's time for me to get back on the LC train, and get this extra "person" I've been carrying around off my back (literally!)

Here's a quick re-cap of the last 4 years of my life:

January 1999 - Go to fertility clinic to start fertility treatments. I have PCOS, husband had really low count. Doctor puts me on Metformin, and suggests Atkins. I go home, take my new pills, and research the hell out of LC dieting. Start diet the next day.

May 1999 - Steadily losing weight, do first fertility procedure. Move to a new house the day we get the news... it didn't work. Stay on the diet... get ready to do a "frozen" treatment in 2 months.

July 1999 - Still losing weight... feeling great... transfer 3 frozen embryos.

August... Friday the 13th... 1999 - Weigh in... 80 pounds lighter than January 13th.... 80 pounds in 8 months! The call comes in the afternoon... you're pregnant! Guess what? Your HCG level is 380. Do research on internet... find out an HCG level of 380 either means something is seriously wrong, or I'm carrying triplets. An ultrasound 2 weeks later confirms the latter! Doctor says start adding carbs back into diet.

Fast forward.... March 2000.... after gaining back all 80 pounds, I am hugely pregnant, and on a 4000 calorie/day diet. I have been on strict bedrest for 10 weeks. On March 9th, Martin, Bishop and Landon come screaming into this world.

March 30, 2000 - I've lost all 80 pounds again, plus another 5! I dare anyone else to lose 85 pounds in 3 weeks. To be fair, I had Pre-Eclampsia (toxemia) which makes you gain like crazy... all water weight!

Super flash forward - November 2002... the boys are 2-1/2, and I'm back up the scale... only 20 pounds away from my highest weight.

I am ready to get back on the LC plan... but I need to wait until Jan 1, 2003. We just moved to a new neighborhood, and we have a zillion holiday parties to go to.. my husband got laid off at the end of Sept, and is still looking for a job. I've been working full-time and OT freelance from home, to try to compensate. Living on coffee and bagels. Hubby will hopefully be working again by Jan 1. Whether he is or not, though... I need to get back on Atkins.

I'd really like a buddy, who's go about the same to lose as me (about 200#) that would like to go hand-in-cyber-hand with me, and walk this road together. I like having someone else to be accountable to. I am really good at being good once I am in the "zone" of the diet. I have software that can calculate carbs in meals. I am ready!

Anyone with me? I'd even be thrilled to have a couple of someone's to slough off these pounds with!


DWRolfe Wed, Nov-13-02 09:01

What a great story, Karen...

...and you've definately posted it in the right place.

You may get some takers on your request for a buddy, for sure, but I suspect there'll be many more starting around the same time you want to--after New Year's. That's when I started and there will be a flood of people joining the forum.

I'll step back now and let everyone else jump in here to welcome you...

P.S. CONGRATUALTIONS on developing a great attitude, for educating yourself on LCing and for producing 3 lovely babies (assuming ;) ). Love those names you chose for them...

Good luck! Good health! Don't over-do it at the holidays!

Donald :wave:

orchidday Wed, Nov-13-02 09:24


Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!

What an amazing wonderful story. Three beautiful babies and supporting a household as well. Since you have been successful losing weight in the past, you have lots of strengths and ability to tackle it again. Starting on January 1 sounds like a good sensible goal. You can really make 2003 count. I look forward to continuing talks! Cindi

jus2muchme Wed, Nov-13-02 09:32

Wonderful Story!!
I think you would be a great support for someone! You have done so well in the past.

WOW! Triplets? I love their names! My husband and I will be going back into fertility treatments after the first of the year. The doctors wanted me to lose some weight also. Good luck on losing your weight and finding a buddy!

Victoria Fri, Nov-15-02 14:55

Good to see you again. I remember your lovely face from before. So since you want to start up after the holidays...have you considered doing LC now...and then converting to CAD allowing a reward meal when you know you have a party to go to? The holidays are hard to stay on track...but it's not impossible. You do what you feel comfortable doing. But I'd hate to see you lose your motivation by waiting. Just my thoughts. We all are here for you. Victoria

bsayne Fri, Nov-15-02 19:32

Welcome back!
Great idea Victoria!

I was thinking the same're so charged now...why wait? Is it the spending commitment...there are some great threads on how to LC cheaply... Or just the party thing? Do whatever works for you...there will always be lots of support here for you whenever you decide to DO IT FOR YOU!

Wow Karen...3 sweet little boys, what an amazing blessing! You must be getting a good workout just keeping up with the toddlers! My HB and I are thinking of looking into some extra help next year too...I never thought about 3 at one time...Wow...I would have to quit renting the grandkids for a while! LOL

Great to see you back in the matter what you decide...keep posting!

Take care,


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