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Logansmom Sat, Oct-26-02 10:31

Desperate for a BUDDY!
Hi there :wave: I am new to this forum thing and I think I am really going to like it. I live in the boonies and am a stay at home mom (3yr old boy ie stressmaker). I need to be accountable to someone and get some encouragement. I do feel better as far as headaches go. I have been back on Atkins for about 14 days now, since Oct. 13 and although I did not weigh at the start I think I have lost about 7 lbs. I am at 168 and my goal weight is 145. I have had a lot more energy since I cut out carbs and I have been keeping it under 20 most days. I have not had one single slice of bread or any sugar since I started so I should be proud of that fact alone. I find that I am a much easier person to get along with since I gave up my beloved carbs. I cannot imagine life without pizza however, and I occasionally (during high stress) want to eat a loaf of bread. :exclm: I used to easily eat half a large pizza or 6 pieces of toast in one sitting. I can just remember the hang over from that and I am glad I am on this program. My problem was adding the carbs back on. Once, I had bread with my sandwich I was off the wagon. I hope now that I have this board and journal, I can keep it together. This is the only diet I have ever been on where I was never hungry and I consistently lost weight. It sure makes you take a look at why you eat when you are not hungry and the things that stress you out. I have actually gotten back on my treadmill and have been quite consistent with that :thup: . I am going to skip the atkins bar today (the highlight of my day!) and make sure I have my beef sticks with me at the movies! I look forward to hearing from you all and I feel encouraged already :roll: Thanks for listening and good luck all :wave: Kim

Melameter Sun, Oct-27-02 09:07

Hi Kim, I am Melanie (Melameter) I am so glad tro see that you have found this site. It is great. I have been on this diet since May 1st. I am still chugging along, I have lost 25- 26 pounds so far. I love the diet, like you said I am not hungry and feel so much better.
I live in central Texas, and I have 2 boys, 10 and 13. Like you I live way out in the country, and find it so nice to have someone to talk to about my diet. It makes it so much easier. My husband and 2 sons could care less about what I eat. If I am thin or heavy. They care about my health of course but dont want to talk about dieting.
There are also loads of recipes in the recipe forum. If you like pizza, you should try the crustless pizza recipe. I just made one last night and it is really good.
Well, I better run and try to get something done today, I hope you enjoy the site, I have a thread going here in the buddy forum, under Melameter, pop in and visit sometime. Talk to ya later........... Melanie

Logansmom Sun, Oct-27-02 09:49

Hi Melanie, Nice to meet you and to hear that you are doing so good on the diet. I hope I can stick with it that long! I will try that crustless pizza, it sounds yummy :thup: I think this forum is going to be my saving grace what with being in the boonies and all! You must have a lot of will power with 3 males to cook for! My husband is quite supportive and never has a negative word to say about my weight, which is wonderful. I can't imagine not having that, I know alot of people do. Last night I went out to eat with some people I did not know that were friends of my husbands. I get nervous in situations like that and I ate too many roasted peanuts and feel bloated this am. I had a gr. chick ceasar with no croutons and water :thup: so all in all it could have been worse! Have a great day and I'll keep in touch! Kim :wave:

summer10 Sun, Oct-27-02 18:02

Hi Kim,

Welcome to the site. It sounds like you are doing well. You may want to consider starting a journal, it helps to track your food and it gives you the opportunity to get feedback from other people. It also is a good way to meet other people as they visit your journal and you visit theirs. I didn't start one until after I had been here for a while, but now I am really happy with it. It's helpful to be able to look back at your progress. Just a thought.

I agree with your comment - this is the only diet I ever been on where I haven't been hungry all the time too!

Good luck! Stop by my journal and let me know how you are doing.


Melameter Wed, Oct-30-02 10:12

Hi Kim, I know what you mean about eating with people you dont know, I get nervous too.
I have company coming for a few days, and it is hard to feed everyone when you are on a diet. We are going to have lots of steak and salad, I may cook them a baked potato to go with theirs, otherwise after a few days here with me, they may be in ketosis. Ha Ha!!! May even lose some weight.
Well, I will chat back with you later, have to tackle the boys bedrooms and try to get things cleaned up around here.
You may want to take Summers advise and set you up a journal. It really does help to keep track of things. Before I started a journal, I did not realize, alot of times, just how many carbs I was actually eating. Well, good luck with your dieting.......... :wave:

Logansmom Wed, Oct-30-02 23:58

visitors in ketosis
Hi Melanie, I laughed out loud about your company being in ketosis! What a riot! I have started a journal but we have had so much rain out here in the boonies that for the last few times I get to posting and get kicked off over and over and then I finally just give up! Do you know much about how the sugar alcohols effect ketosis. I have been having a piece of Orbit gum dialy and it has 1g of it and I have a feeling it may be slowing my loss down. Tonight, I made some "mock potato dumplings", from the atkins cookbook. They are made from steamed cauliflower and parm. cheese, eggs and soy flour. Pretty time consuming for what you yield (about 12 little balls). They tasted pretty good, I thought and my 3 yr old promptly ate about 9 of them! I can't say I was bummed because he is a VERY picky eater. I just wish he could have picked something a little easier to make to chow down on! Tomorrow, I am going to try some eggplant ground beef thing. I am not great in the kitchen and usually end up skipping some all important detail (once I left the flour out of some, but I am going to give it a shot as I am really tired of the same old easy things I have been having. I did not drink enough h2o today but I did get on the treadmill. All and all a good day and the sun even came out! Hope this finds you with no bedrooms to clean! :wave: Talk to you later! Kim

Melameter Sun, Nov-03-02 18:11

Hi Kim, Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I have been so busy lately. We live on a ranch and with deer season having started, we have been so busy. And my company will be here tonight, so I have been trying to keep my house clean. With two big boys and one messy husband that is pretty much a full time job.
I dont know anything about sugar alcohol. But I have been chewing trident gum, it does not seem to have hurt me any, so I dont know if it would cause any bad effects or not.
That mock dumplings sound really good. I have not tried that one. But I live way out in the sticks and it is really hard to buy all of those exotic things like soy flour and such. I guess I would have to get stuff like that in Austin, and it is about 80 miles from where I live.
I am so ashamed of myself, I ate candy today... :( Not alot, but I should have left it alone. I will have cravings so bad because of it. I dont know why I did it, it did not even taste as good as I thought it was going to. I am going to have to go back to induction, for a few days, I think. I am always thinking of something sweet. Uggggg!!!!!
Well, Kim I guess I better go, my guests should be here anytime. I will try to find time to pop back in to visit soon.
I need to get to my journal and do some catching up. There are just not enough hours in a day. Talk to ya later........ Mel

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