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Natrushka Wed, Aug-21-02 13:14

Weight lifting: What is your favourite body part to workout?
I thought of making this a poll, but there are just sooo many variations for all the exercises.

So what is your favourite body part to workout and why? And while I'm asking, what's your least favourite and why?

Favourite: Triceps. I just love feeling my triceps work - probably because before I started lifting with any seriousness I didn't have triceps of any note. Nothing makes me feel that I've had a great workout like that back of the arm burn the next day.

Least Favourite: Calves. I could spend a whole training session on my calves alone and not be feeling it the next day - yet I know I'm giving it my 'all' cause I do have defined calves. I guess the masochist in me just wants some proof :)

And yours are ... ?


AmberinIN Wed, Aug-21-02 18:16

My most favorite part to strengthen is my upper back. I love the fact that I am starting to see my shoulder blades defined! :D

My least favorite is outer thighs. I like the definition I'm getting, but my muscles are really dense and I cramp once or twice during my sets. I have to stretch or I can't go on. :(

(My second fav is pecs, I am not droopy anymore!! :p )

:wave: Amber

fern2340 Wed, Aug-21-02 20:19

Fav: I would say biceps! Or maybe chest? I like them both!!

Least fav: Shoulders! Yuck! Blah!

Trainerdan Wed, Aug-21-02 21:06

good post!
FAVORITE BODYPART TO TRAIN: Quads! I love doing unilateral leg presses with high-stance. Watching all of the muscles of the quads kick into action during the different stages of the lift ... yeah! Also, leg extensions after everything else on a hard leg day (squats, reverse hacks, etc) when your whole body shudders when lifting the weight because you barely have anything left. THAT'S the fun of leg day!

LEAST FAVORITE: Abs. I do it, but it's no fun.

Calves run a close second, since when i do them I walk around like Frankenstein the next day because they get so sore.

Nat, your calves don't get sore? I used to do 2 sets of heavy standing calf raises (machine), then 3 sets of single leg full-range calf raises (off the edge of a step) with a db in hand .... then do 2 high-rep sets of standing calf raises with half the weight you used in the heavy sets. Do 20 reps on the first set, then go to failure on the last set.

Stretch them between each set and hold the strech for 5 seconds.

Makes you walk funny the next day ...

Natrushka Thu, Aug-22-02 06:11

Dan, I've tried and tried - heavy barbell, heavy dumbbell, alternating light and heavy, seated, standing, leg bent slightly, off a step, toes out and in. I can get a burn going if I do upwards of 75 reps with 15 or 20 lbs on one leg, but a 'burn' and 'failure' aren't quite the same, right? (lactic acid build up vs. failure)

I'm not complaining too loudly - I mean, I do have defined calves so something is working. I think it's just that while I spent years and years doing all that cardio (exclusively) it was cycling/spinning, jogging and on a stepper and/or ski machine.

I did once get them 'hurting' while doing hamstring curls, but that was before I 'learned' to point my toes to isolate the hammies. Maybe I could do a few sets specifically for calves ?


fridayeyes Thu, Aug-22-02 15:58

Legs, very definitely legs.

I love feeling strong.

I love watching the quads tense and bunch.

I love watching the S-curve of the adductor muscle as it snakes from the outer hip to the inside of the knee.

I love walking like a drunk when I'm done.

Ok, and I love watching some of the guys choke and reduce the weights when they get on after me. :D

Second fave: low row.

Third fave: bicep curls - because I have biceps to curl with now!



Akiwican Thu, Aug-22-02 17:46

Originally posted by fridayeyes
Ok, and I love watching some of the guys choke and reduce the weights when they get on after me. :D

:lol: You took the words right out of my mouth Friday! I should really be concentrating on my UBWO's, as I need alot more work in that area, but the satisfaction of LBWO is a great feeling! :agree:

:wave: Lesley

itsjoyful Fri, Aug-23-02 12:24

I'm in
I must have missed this.....

Favorite~ Shoulders! (sorry linda) For some reason, I feel like working the shoulder give me the biggest benefit. I walk better (posture) after working shoulders.

Yuckyist (yes, it's a word, I would have to say back just because it's hardest to work out at home. I can't say I've really ever had 'pain' or DOMS after a back work out, maybe once, but that's it.


Niky Brady Sat, Aug-24-02 17:49

This is a hard one Nat...

#1 FAV - Shoulders!!
I LOVE working them even though it is soooo hard. I like seeing that little line of definition between the front and side delts when I do presses... I guess I'm a masochist too....

#2 FAV - Biceps.
I like being able to see my biceps for the first time ever. They look like little tennis balls when I do 21s. ;)

LEAST FAV - hips/outer thighs/butt.
All the exercises burn like fire and I cramp in the middle EVERY SINGLE TIME!!!!

Misty Mon, Aug-26-02 06:25

Favorite: It's a toss-up between abs and triceps.

Least Favorite: Legs, because I only have dumbbells and a barbbell so I am limited in the exercises I can do: squats, deadlifts and my absolute least favorite: lunges!

elizz Mon, Aug-26-02 16:52

My definite favorite would be shoulders, too! I love the separation in my deltoids and the way they look in sleeveless tops and tanks. I have to admit I like hearing about my "ripped" arms after never wanting to go sleeveless before.

I have to agree with Trainer Dan on the least favorite - abs. I have to do them, but I do not enjoy it. The rewards are definitely worth it though.

I think it's awesome so many women are lifting weights now and there is such good advice in this forum! Thanks to all for the info.

- Lizz

Alexoc949 Tue, Aug-27-02 00:41

I think abs are top, ladies definitely like the cuts in that area. Machine Flys for chest gives me one nice pump and I like getting a couple sets of pull-ups.

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