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Quincy Sun, Aug-18-02 15:24

Sprouted Grain Bread. Legal?
I was wondering if it would be ok to eat sprouted wheat grain bread? What we can get locally is Silver Hills Bakery "Squirley Bread". Here's a list of the ingredients from their website -

Organic whole sprouted wheat*, raisin syrup (soluble raisin solids, water), vital wheat gluten, sunflower seeds, malt syrup, sesame seeds, yeast, sea salt.
* Certified Organic
All fats in this bread are naturally occurring.

I think the syrups might mess it up for Sugar Busters, or is a little bit allowed? Probably wishful thinking huh? My wife thinks it's wishful thinking but I was hoping not. For the life of me I can't find any whole grain/wheat bread in our area without any kind of sugar added. Maybe an automatic bread machine is the answer.

BTW, Donna started Atkins 1 week after I did but does not want to Sugar Bust till after our daughters wedding in 3 weeks (doesn't want to slow down her weight loss at all) :rolleyes: She is looking pretty fine though.
I checked out Sugar Busters! from the library so I hope to be much more informed shortly.

molly1844 Sun, Aug-18-02 16:41

Sprouted Grain Bead
Hi Quincey!

I think the ingredients are acceptable. In the States we have a sprouted grain bread called Ezekial that is SB "legal".

You want to avoid "enriched" flour or plain wheat flour or unbleached flour. In other words the less processed the better.
The remaining question then is how many grams of sugar does the bread contain per serving? If it contains 3 grams of sugar or less then its ok.

Pepperidge Farm, Holsum and Natures Own all have a bread that is either 100% Whole Wheat or StoneGround Whole Wheat. I don't know if they are available in Canada.

Hope this is helpful.
molly :)

Quincy Sun, Aug-18-02 21:31

Sprouted Grain Bread
Thanks Molly!
I will try to find out if the sprouted grain bread has 3 grams or less of sugar. There are one or two other whole grain stone ground breads that I can get that have sugar or glucose/fructose as an ingredient. I read somewhere that a little sugar is needed to make the yeast work properly, I think.?
Having a number to go by makes it much easier to figure this out.

For the last 2 days I did have a piece of pumpernickle bread - rye meal, whole grain rye and sunflower seeds with no sugar. A little heavy though compared to what I'm used to but pretty good all the same with roast beef.

It's great to have people who've "been there done that" who I can talk to. :)


molly1844 Mon, Aug-19-02 04:41

Referring to bread: Someone once told me that if it melts in your mouth its probably not legal. :)

The coarser European Style Breads (like your Pumpernickle) are more likely to be acceptable.

You are right about the sugar feeding the yeast. If you and Donna are bakers I'm sure we could come up with a recipe or two for you.

Good luck today!
molly :)

Carol56 Mon, Aug-19-02 05:25

Hi Quincy! :wave:
I use the Squirrley bread all the time with no problems.There also another whole grain bread that is legal but for the life of me I can't think of the name right now{it's downstairs in the freezer}.I like it better than the Squirrley.Will post the name a bit later!

Molly was telling me you are from B.C.! I'm from Kamloops!!


Carol56 Mon, Aug-19-02 13:50 is the name of the other great bread.
It is called:
Healthy Way
Sprouted Grain.....Alpine Chipmunk
Ingredients are:
organic whole sprouted wheat, filtered water, wheat gluten, raisin extract, organic sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, sea salt, yeast, malt syrup, whey & may contain traces of seeds and/or nuts

Nutrtion information:
per slice:90 calories, 4 gr. protein, 1.5 gr. fat, less than 1 gr. sugars, 3 gr. fiber.
It has the Health Check symbol from the Heart and Stroke Foundation on the packaging.

The bread is made in B.C. and distributed from Delta, Victoria, Kelowna, Edmonton, Calgary & Winnipeg

I buy mine at Coopers, Overwaitea or Safeway.I know you have a Coopers in Revelstoke so you should be able to find it. I like it better than the Squirrley bread.


Quincy Mon, Aug-19-02 19:12

Thanks Carol for that info!

I guess there's a few of us from B.C. eh? I was chatting to Joycey from Nelson in the the "Canada" forum of the Active Low Carb. She's doing the Zone.
How's sugar busters working for you Carol? I just started after being on Atkins for a few weeks (was a little harsh for me). Sure feels great to lose lbs. and feel better too. :)

I will look for the bread when we're in Coopers.
I think we still have a working bread machine stored in the basement. I'm going to resurect it and see if we can't make our own bread as well.

Molly - I think we could get used to heavier bread......... just need time to adjust. Been going through a lot of adjustments lately! :spin:

cherylco Mon, Aug-19-02 21:06

I don't know if the raisin syrup is legal because raisins are not legal?

molly1844 Tue, Aug-20-02 14:41

Raisin Syrup
Hi Cheryl!

My take on the raisin syrup is that its like added sugar in breads.

Sugar & Honey aren't legal but as long as the total sugar grams per serving are 3 grams or less then its ok to have bread that contains them.

molly :)

Carol56 Thu, Aug-22-02 06:33

Quincy.......hope you found the bread!! I would think the raisin extract in it is used in the processing of the yeast so the yeast would "eat" it up & therefore would not cause an insulin probem.

I'm coasting along on my "diet".I have had some health issues for a year now and it's messed up my way of eating. Things are falling into place though & once off the medication I shall be back in full swing!

I'm always thrilled when I find someone from BC on the internet. I did meet one gal on the Active LC board who was from Kamloops.Sadly she passed away before we were able to set a meeting date.

ferrando Thu, Aug-22-02 12:43

I have to be cautious that I am not advertising here, but I use inulin instead of sugar to feed the yeast. Inulin is a sugar to yeast but a fibre to humans.

Do an internet search on inulin to find out more.


Quincy Thu, Aug-22-02 21:02

Hi Carol!
It's pretty neat alright to find others who are LCing in BC. Nice to talk about SF stuff with name brands we recognize and stores too. I did not see "Healthy Way" bread in Coopers yet, so for now I guess Silver Hills will have to do. Maybe if I ask for it they will stock it. I was looking at a 0 added sugar (uses sucralose same stuff as Splenda) fruit syrup from E.D. Smith, but the carbs are 7.4 grams per serving - 3 tablespoons. Much lower than regular syrup but still too high maybe? Is 3 grams the cut off per serving for acceptable carbs? Still pretty new at this :)
I hope your health continues to improve and you make steady progress toward your goals.

I like the dryness of Kamloops and the smell of sagebrush after a rain. Some great golfing too :)

Quincy Thu, Aug-22-02 21:07

Hi Ferrando!
Thanks. I will check out inulin. Never heard of it before and I have a lot of questions about it............ but hey, I'll find the website and take a look.

molly1844 Fri, Aug-23-02 04:43

:wave: Hi Quincey!

ON SB we don't count carb grams only ADDED sugar. Any naturally occuring sugar such as the fructose in fruits is ok. But if you look at the ingrediens list and see sugar or dextrose or other forms of sugar then the food must only have 3 grams of sugar or less per serving.

As far as carbs go you just need to limit your intake of starchy carbs i.e. bread, rice, pasta and sweet potatoes. For me I try to keep to 2-3 starchy carbs a day. A Physically active male could probably handle more than that. You may want to experiment with that to see determine how many starchy carbs you can eat & still lose weight.


Quincy Sat, Aug-24-02 00:12

added carbs
I am kind of used to counting carbs from Atkins and have a hard time eating anything with naturally occuring carbs.
It's a lot clearer now though. If I stay away from anything with "added sugar" I should be ok.
Honest, I listened to the tapes and read the book. Just need to believe it I guess.

I see you've lost a lot of weight since you started Molly :) Must make you feel great!

Did you lose it all following sugar busters?
I really want this WOE to work for me.

Thanks for the help Molly, I appreciate the encouragement.

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