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Marlaine Sat, Jul-27-02 13:32

Why Add Exercise to Your LC Regimen?
Are there any benefits? What are they? How would you encourage others to add in exercise?

Marlaine Sat, Jul-27-02 13:40

My vote is "Other" because it's really all of the above for me.

I think the number one benefit that I get from the exercise I do is the effect it has on my mood and sense of well being. I consider my exercise regimen the foundation of my LC WOL.

I believe that the best way for me to encourage others to add exercise into their lives is by being a good example. Anyone can derive the benefits I have, since I started exercising regularly five years ago at the age of 47.


missatc Sat, Jul-27-02 14:21

My vote is "other" for the same reasons as Marlaine. Ok, maybe I don't always "want to do this, because it feels good" before I do my workouts. I do feel good after all my workouts (ok-99.9%-you know how TOM can be :rolleyes: )

I have two equally important personal goals:

1) become phsically fit and strong AND stay that way!

2) take care of my emotionally well-being so I can be emotionally strong enough for others.

The one thing I have learned about myself is that I can NOT accomplish goal 2 without working on and maintaining goal 1.
Something else I believe is true about myself, is that I need the aerobic for my mental well-being and the weight training for my physical well-being.

To my nonexercising lowcarb buddies: You may not "feel" like exercising, or may seem that there is no time for it. But, I promise you that if you make exercise a priority in your life, you will:

-feel better about yourself
-your clothes will start fitting better (even when the scale shows no loss)
-you will get some sort of praise from your Doc.
-you will have more energy
-you will sleep better
-you will fight illnesses better and win more often
-you can have more "good" carbs
-you may possibly increase your sex drive
-your self-image/esteem will improve
-you will be less likely to "cheat"
The list could go on and on, please, if you don't exercise-START! :wiggle:
If you're not sure where to start, check out the exercise section in this forum. Read journals and ask questions of those who do exercise. Make it a priority-YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!!!

alice 2002 Sat, Jul-27-02 19:01

I voted Other as well.

For me, before LCing, I never felt the energy to exercise. Since LCing, my energy levels are up, and exercising helps utilize this energy.

I feel emotionally better, phyically stronger, and all over happier.

Exercising gives me a great sense of accomplishment.

I even enspire my non LCing friends into at least thinking about exercising.

Added benefits for working out: toned and tight body( which I never had) :D , so I can fit my clothes (thinner clothes) better!!!

rhubarb Sun, Jul-28-02 07:01

Marlaine -- it seems like the poll should have included an "all of the above." I picked "other" for the same reason. Well, maybe it doesn't always feel good -- at least not while I'm doing it. But when I'm getting regular exercise, I feel good the rest of the time.

I have never been able to stick with an exercise routine for more than a few months, but I'm starting one (slowly) now and I hope this time will be different. My kids are getting older, and with their schedules changing, I should be able to work exercise in between their needs and the demands of my job.

Actually, the kids are one of my motivating factors -- I want to have more energy for them (emotional and physical) and even though they're already very athletic, I'd like be a positive role model for taking care of oneself.

-- Rhu

razzle Sun, Jul-28-02 14:30

health. People who are 100 pounds overweight are healthier by every measure than their inactive thin counterparts, if they simply exercise 30 minutes five times per week.

also, I think many of us tend to be overly into our heads--all intellect and too little spirit and body. Exercise puts you into your it outdoors, and it becomes a spiritual experience, as well!

Marlaine Sun, Jul-28-02 15:47

Originally posted by razzle
Exercise puts you into your body...

And I think for some of's a place we've been avoiding. It's pretty exciting to discover the sheer JOY of being in the body.


DarkLotus Mon, Jul-29-02 05:48

I picked other for just about all the reasons that have already been listed as well as to attempt to increase my metabolism some. Before I started exercising, my knees were hurting to the point where stairs were a big challenge. Now I bound up and down them with no pain. I firmly believe exercise is a very big part of why I have lost as much as I have so far. I feel deprived if I miss out on exercising. I feel like the dog sometimes, I have to go and run around to expend my energy :p I'm looking forward to doing things like hiking, and biking and rollerblading, all which would have been impossible a few months ago. :wave:

Lessara Mon, Jul-29-02 10:32

To burn off energy
I found that in the morning if I take a quick walk around the block at my work, my mind is more focused and I'm not so.. hyper. I'm ADD so I guess my mind works differently than others. It feels good just to stretch the legs out and to do something physical.
I hope I'm making sense. :rolleyes:

Scarlet Mon, Jul-29-02 10:42

I picked other too. I exercise because

1 It's better for my long term health, the more I read the more convinved I become

2 I have PCOS and am insulin resistant and don't want to become diabetic so I exercise because studies have shown exercising improves insulin sensitivity

3 I am very bad at dieting, so at least if I exercise I am doing something

4 It MAY help me with my other illnesses

5 I might lose weight with my exercise


slimchance Mon, Jul-29-02 12:16

I had to pick "to tone and shape my body." That is what I am trying to focus on now that I am so close to goal. All the other reasons are great side-effects of the exercise.

Take care, and happy exercising everyone!!

KC :wave:

Karen Mon, Jul-29-02 12:17


To include my body in the process of becoming whole and balanced. Low-carbing for me has triggered a mental, emotional and spiritual process. Where has my body been through all of it? Sitting there like a lump under my head! :daze:

It was time to let my body in on the good news.


Judi B. Thu, Aug-15-02 09:34

All of the above
I have to force myself to go to the gym, but once I'm there-I feel great, a sense of accomplishment, I get energy and I clear my head!
PLUS...I love admiring my new bicepts! :p

vendala Thu, Aug-15-02 11:01

other for me as well.

two other times in my life i have lost about 20 pounds. On both occasions i was taking karate classes. not only were the work outs brutal, but i was constantly practicing.
now that i'm 42, i am not interested in that kind of commitment, but i know deep inside that working out is crucial to my overall well being and the only way to lose weight and keep it off.

i am also less self-centered and plan to enjoy being a mom to my 13-year-old etc. there are only so many years left with her under my roof. so yes, i will sacrifice a trip to the gym so she can go to band practice. but that does not mean i will not work out. i have a master plan all mapped out and i log my sets and minutes.

you'll see me doing arm cirlces in the kitchen and dancing with the broom ...

all i know is exercise is a surefire way to speed things up.


VirginiaOR Thu, Aug-15-02 12:09

Hooked on working out
Other: I didn't add exercise to my LC plan, I've been a regular exerciser for more than eight years, and I've continued to exercise since I started LCing.

A half hour of exercise makes me feel more rested than a half hour of sleep, more entertained than a half hour of TV, more satisfied than a half hour of eating, and more relaxed then a half hour of ... well, relaxing!

Exercise truly is the fountain of youth.

Virginia from Oregon

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