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doreen T Fri, Jul-05-02 19:09

Exercise tougher at beginning of menstrual cycle -- study
Last Updated: 2002-07-05 11:00:40 -0400 (Reuters Health)

By Nic Rowan

ADELAIDE (Reuters Health) - Exercising after ovulation--at the midpoint of the menstrual cycle--is easier, and burns more fat, than exercising in the first week of the menstrual cycle, according to the results of a new Australian study.

The findings are reported by researcher Leanne Redman, a PhD student at the University of Adelaide's Exercise Physiology Laboratory.

She examined the effect of exercise on a group of young, healthy women with normal menstrual cycles. In the first week after menstrual bleeding began the women were given two exercises to do, and repeated them in the week after they ovulated. These times were chosen because the levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone increase toward the end of the menstrual cycle.

Redman explained to Reuters Health that her reason for focusing on hormone levels was that in menopause the level of estrogen drops, and women frequently find that they can't keep weight off.

"In Australia," she said, "cardiovascular disease is one of the biggest killers in women, so if we can somehow quantify the level of estrogen needed to burn off fat, one day down the track we can have a 'wonder pill' not for weight loss, but for weight maintenance."

Although the women got to the same level of peak fitness when exercising during the two phases, the way they got there was different, said Redman, explaining "that means they're using different types of metabolism to perform the exercise."

She added that the women burned more fat for the same amount of exercise in the second half of the menstrual cycle, and that these women perceived the exercise and their recovery from it quite differently from those exercising in the first half of the cycle.

"Women will often come in and say they feel tired and sluggish and headachy at the beginning of the month," she said. "On those days when they're not performing as well, even though they're achieving the same level, they're finding the exercise a lot harder."

Redman said that when levels of waste products like blood lactate, which causes a burning sensation in muscles, were tested, the levels were much higher after exercise in the early part of the menstrual cycle.

"At the beginning of the month, both estrogen and progesterone are low, and that's when performance wasn't as good. In the second half of the cycle, when both hormones are high, that's when we're getting an increase in fat metabolism," Redman concluded.

She advised women that "if we find that we're quite tired at the beginning of the month just going to work and looking after children and doing the things we do every day, that's normal. There are things happening in the muscle, driven by estrogen, unfortunately making us tired. When we do have more energy, let's utilise it. Push yourself a bit harder in the second half of your cycle, because you'll definitely reap more reward."

The study is soon to enter its last phase, where the impact of synthetic hormones such as those contained in the oral contraceptive pill will be studied.

Jinkster Wed, Jul-10-02 08:15

So true
Not like my non-scientific experience is needed here, but in my experience this study is absolutely correct. Having done Atkins for almost three months now, I can say that I know that the week of my period and the few days before are a total wash - I never lose weight, even with exercise. But about a week and a half later my body starts into ketosis quite strongly and I lose 2-3 pounds all at once....very frustrating the first few months, but now I'm used to it and I no longer expect the scale to move every week :)

-Jinkster :wave:

fridayeyes Wed, Jul-10-02 11:26

Ooof! Yes, WO during TOM - it's like being immersed in that heavy blue gel stuff they put in cold-pacs. Just so much harder to move period (pun noted, but not intended), much less work out!



pegm Wed, Jul-10-02 11:33

Wonder if having low hormones all of the time from menopause is the reason post-menopausal women like me have such a hard time losing. Those hormones (and/or lack of them) can really mess things up!

delilah Fri, Jul-26-02 20:40

whooo.... thank you for this article. I was wondering why I've been at a steady zero pounds lost all week! :rolleyes:

RockinRobyn Sun, Jul-28-02 18:31

Wow, doreen --

Thank you for that great article about the Australian study on the menstrual cycle and its affect on exercise and weight loss. I, too, was wondering what's been going on all week (mensis set in last week). I've had minimal weight loss inspite of being in lipolysis and working out intensely three times this week. Once I read the article, it all made sense, and hence the cathartic moment!

I'm grateful for you and others who share these very helpful research articles on the board. They have a far reaching affect.

Many thanks, again,


doreen T Mon, Jul-29-02 06:29

Originally posted by pegm
Wonder if having low hormones all of the time from menopause is the reason post-menopausal women like me have such a hard time losing. Those hormones (and/or lack of them) can really mess things up!
hi Peg,

I believe there are studies being done on this very issue, the effect of waning hormone levels of menopause on exercise and fitness level. It's part of a whole series of studies on the effects of hormones on women's fitness levels at all stages of life, and muscle loss vs. fat gain. I'll keep my eyes peeled for more on this important topic.



pegm Mon, Jul-29-02 07:08

Thanks, Doreen, we really appreciate you keeping us informed. It's about time they finally do a bit of research on women's issues. Seems like almost all of the major studies in the past have only included men. Women were treated as though they are just smaller versions of men -- our hormones were never taken into account. Thanks for keeping us posted regarding such important issues.

melllie Mon, Dec-23-02 13:52

Re: Exercise tougher at beginning of menstrual cycle -- study
you posted a grat thread!!!

but actually I dont know when a cycle starts: the first day AFTER the period or the first day OF the period?

i realized that i lost 2 pounds during the period, then it was over, istarted to take my BCP and I gained 1,6 pounds...

could that be the result of what you wrote and water retention?

mellie :daze:

Raquel2473 Tue, Dec-24-02 20:45

very much so
Hey guys,

I'm so glad I'm not the only one that feels this way, I was starting to feel like a freak of nature or something... :D
I totally feel so sluggish during those days that I have to push myself harder to do everything... :(

It makes a lot of sense though, I'm soooo glad we have such smart girls like Doreen out there to shine a light on us folks.... :p

Thank You for your research, that's great!!!! :thup:

Fumih_81 Thu, Dec-26-02 10:30

i think my pms drag a little longer this time. first, it got me looking fatter......probably due to water retention.....then the acnes/pimples..chest pains......

just started out on gym training....hope to try out whats said here.. (anticipating for the big thing in few days). but losing a lot of blood will make us easily tired...

kelleyb Sun, Dec-29-02 23:15

Great thread, Doreen! I find the same is true. I've always wondered if it was hormonal, or just due to the fact that I feel like CRAP during the 1st 3 days so I don't push myself as much (for reasons only you ladies--or should I say ladies who have 3 or more children--will understand....LOL!) Mid-cycle I go great guns because it's the time where I feel like I've got the world by the horns--it's all mine!

I've also wondered if there's a depletion of iron (since the red blood cells carry iron, thus oxygen), and that contributes to the sluggishness too... I guess that's another important reason for supplements for women.

BTW, Mellie--the cycle begins on Day 1 of the period.

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