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Twiggy Thu, May-02-02 05:21

Same 3 pounds up and down
For the past month, I have lost and regained the same 3 lbs. I fluctuate between 133 and 136. I lost 6 lbs. during induction and then lost 7 lbs. in two months to get down to 133 by early April. Since then, I go up and down but can't seem to lose any more. My hunch is that my weight loss has really slowed since I am down to my final 10 lbs. I am pretty happy about where I am since I feel so much better, but I would really love to completely remove the blob of fat around my middle.

I am on Atkins, but I still drink coffee. Other than that I follow a very simplified version of low carb bars, no bake mixes, no soda, no Equal, etc. My daily menu looks something like this:

Breakfast: 2 eggs scrambled in butter with cream cheese; ham, chicken or smoked salmon

Lunch: salad with olive oil and lime dressing + a protein; or tuna or chicken salad with greens; or leftovers from dinner

Dinner: salad, lamb, beef, fish or chicken, green beans, spinach or chard, 3-5 strawberries with heavy cream

water--approx. 1 gallon per day

Swimming-30 mins. per day, 4 days per week + walking everyday for at least 30 minutes.

In an attempt to lose more, I recently cut out homemade low carb ice cream and butternut squash, but strangely, I seemed to be losing better while having the ice cream and the somewhat carby squash a few night per week. Other than that, I have not changed anything about my menus. I am in no rush to get to my goal weight, as I am loving how energetic and happy I am feeling.

After typing all of this, I am thinking I may actually have to up my carbs + calories to take off more weight. I am so brainwashed from my years of starvation lowfatting, that I am scared to think this could be the solution!?!? Any suggestions are welcome.

Twiggy Fri, May-03-02 21:18

Need INPUT; no response in other posting area
I posted this a few days ago at Tips and Stalls area and I received no responses. I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions for me. I have taken this website very seriously; I am hoping others will do the same for me. I have never asked for help here before and would like any input you all have to offer. Thank you all so much in advance!

:( My post from Stalls area:

For the past month, I have lost and regained the same 3 lbs. I fluctuate between 133 and 136. I lost 6 lbs. during induction and then lost 7 lbs. in two months to get down to 133 by early April. Since then, I go up and down but can't seem to lose any more. My hunch is that my weight loss has really slowed since I am down to my final 10 lbs. I am pretty happy about where I am since I feel so much better, but I would really love to completely remove the blob of fat around my middle.

I am on Atkins, but I still drink coffee. Other than that I follow a very simplified version of low carb bars, no bake mixes, no soda, no Equal, etc. My daily menu looks something like this:

Breakfast: 2 eggs scrambled in butter with cream cheese; ham, chicken or smoked salmon

Lunch: salad with olive oil and lime dressing + a protein; or tuna or chicken salad with greens; or leftovers from dinner

Dinner: salad, lamb, beef, fish or chicken, green beans, spinach or chard, 3-5 strawberries with heavy cream

water--approx. 1 gallon per day

Swimming-30 mins. per day, 4 days per week + walking everyday for at least 30 minutes.

In an attempt to lose more, I recently cut out homemade low carb ice cream and butternut squash, but strangely, I seemed to be losing better while having the ice cream and the somewhat carby squash a few night per week. Other than that, I have not changed anything about my menus. I am in no rush to get to my goal weight, as I am loving how energetic and happy I am feeling.

After typing all of this, I am thinking I may actually have to up my carbs + calories to take off more weight. I am so brainwashed from my years of starvation lowfatting, that I am scared to think this could be the solution!?!? Any suggestions are welcome.

Karen Sat, May-04-02 00:07

I think you recieved no response because you answered your own question! ;)

You have done really well since you've only been LC since January. What to consider now is how to turn the way you eat into lifetime maintenance.

Have you ever used to keep track of numbers? It's always advised to keep fat intake at 60 - 70% of your daily calories. You can eat more carbs as well. They look a little on the low side.

An excercise program - many members swear by Body For Life - will reshape your body and keep your metabolism snapping. It is very hard to spot reduce by dieting. Fat has a will of it's own, but it can be reasoned with.

Nat just posted this link. It's very inspirational!

Rosemary Harrington


EllieEats Sat, May-04-02 04:43

Good advice from Karen.

Sounds to me like you are doing well with everything. I lost and gained same pounds for long stretches too and then they would finally stay off. I agree, too little carbs can stall you..... I had better luck with throwing in a couple high carb days here and there.
Hang in there!!!
Ellie :wave:

Lena gal Sat, May-04-02 07:44

Hi! Well, you probablyl did answer your own question you know sometimes we just need the input to reinforce ourselves and if we hear of someone who is going through the same problem it makes a difference.

I am only in the beginning stages of low carb eating and I already think "well, Lena, you know it's going to slow down"

I'm trying to prepare myself for that because right now the water is pouring out of me, I held a lot of water and I FEEL skinny, I'm not but I feel wonderful.

I would suggest that exercise is key
along with the program. You just can't fail, unless you have a thyroid problem, which few do, YOU can do it, oh you just can and you willl.

Try not to lilmit yourself to a date,
i.e. I need to lose this by such and such date........

above all, be gentle with yourself
and praise yourself for taking control,
you are brave to undertake this,
we all are in a way.

Good luck to you :thup:

Twiggy Sun, May-05-02 08:12

Thanks Karen, Ellie and Lena!!
This info you all posted here is great! Yesterday, I added in a bunch more veggie carbs -- half an onion, a small sweet potato and peppers all roasted with olive oil. Bread, crackers, pasta, grains, white potatoes and sugar are strictly off limits for me. I can only up my carbs by adding ones that grow naturally -- such as vegetables and fruits. [I cannot eat 'just ONE' slice of bread or a 1/4 cup of pasta, so I have made the decision that these foods are not going to be part of OWL or mantainance.] Today, I plan to eat blackberries and cream along with my buttery eggs for breakfast.

As to exercise, while I am impressed with the incredible results BFL brings, I am not sure it is the plan for me. I love the saying 'fat has a will of its own, but it can be reasoned with!'

I also went back and reread Dr. Atkins' statement about stalls. He is pretty clear that coffee can be the culprit. I am working on mentally mustering the resolve to eliminate it or at least cut down.

Again, thanks to all of you for your wise words!

Nan Sun, May-05-02 09:50

Thank you for posting as I was just about to write a similar email. I have my coffee down to 1 okay okay 2 cups a day - so I too will try to make the switch.

FITDAY is an excellent site and lets you really look at your numbers to figure out what is going on. I don't know how you get the water down but it sounds to me like you are doing all of the right things. The only thing I would add is to make sure you stick to the carb ladder that Dr. A outlines.

I am just on my way out to buy a new bicycle. A job with travel leaves little time for exercise - but I really think that when you are close to goal you have to 'move it to move it'.

Anyway, for what it's worth I'm inspired by your commitment! :wave:

adnil53 Sun, May-05-02 15:47

:) Journals work very well to keep all your records of what you've eaten or haven't eaten and looking back over it can give you insight into what is working and what isn't. Plus you will get visitors and they are always so encouraging! I encourage you to start one if you want to and haven't yet. They really help! You are doing really well. Keep it up! :thup: The one thing to remember is we are all different and what works for one may not work for you, keeping it personalized for you is what works. Experimenting later may be something you want to do and will have to when you get closer to maintenance. Keep up the determination and good luck! :wave:

Bevb Sun, May-05-02 18:49

I have also found that I had to add more carbs and calories to stop my stall. I realized that on weekends I ate more then during the week when I work, that I would lose and then by the following Sat. gain back the couple lbs I thought I lost.
I am up to about 25-30 carbs and trying to stay at about 1800-2000 cal and now it stayed off and I lost another lb.
I'm hoping now I will have a more steady lose.
Bev :roll:

Steph111 Mon, May-06-02 06:52

Sounds like the same thing I am going through. I wish I could figure out how to loose the last 10 more pounds in less time. I lost 10 and now I keep loosing and gaining these three pounds. I exercise everyday. I do 20-30 minutes on the treadmill every morning. I walk 30 minutes at lunch time during the week at work. I do still drink coffee, but I never gave it up. I drink 50-60 ounces of water daily. When I increased my water intake, it didn't make a difference. The amount I drink now is comfortable for me. I am patient though! I will continue this WOL because I feel better without all of the white flour products. When I used to eat them, I would have heartburn more often than not. I can honestly say that I have not had heartburn since I gave it up! Keep up the efforts, it pays off...

Twiggy Wed, May-08-02 16:08

Things are getting better!
So many great suggestions from all of you! Thanks so very much. My stall may be coming to its end. I am not entirely sure because I decided not to get weighed till my TOM passes...instead I am using my jeans tightness/looseness as my measuring stick! Today's fit is excellent and comfortable.
What I ended up changing in the past couple of days:
1. less coffee [down to 3 cups per day instead of a bizzillion]
2. more carbs--in the form of butternut squash, roasted peppers, and other veggies, strawberries and blackberries.
3. far more butter -- what a pleasure!
4. eating the fat off cooked meats
5. no ham [my hunch is the ham was contributing to my weight bounce--it was probably cured with sugar.]
6. no nuts -- I don't like them anyhow, so I cut out the handful or two per day I was using as snack food and replaced with meat or cheese.
7. Even more water--over a gallon per day
8. reduced stress-- I honestly think stress can make me bloat and gain. I decided to quit obsessing about my weight and let things take their natural course. Not an easy task and I am still working on de-stressing, but all of you here make learning this new WOE so much easier and a lot more fun!! ;)

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