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annet Mon, Apr-01-02 02:14

introductory greetings
Hi everyone:

I'm glad to find a forum like this, found it by accident, but it's a good find because I just started the Dr. Atkins diet March 25. So you see, I'm ultra new this time around anyway.

I'm facing a major weight loss of about 150 pounds if I were to come down to goal, but then I would be pleased to report a loss of 20 to 30 pounds at first. I should say I've been up and down this hill many times in my life with my weight ranging from 130 pounds to a high of about 300. It's discouraging, but then I like the diet I have found and there is so much here that makes sense to me.

I'm pretty optimistic, however, I know how difficult this journey is and once again am pleased to say hello to everyone. Actually, I need to finally stabilize my weight at a lower level, and that will be a challenge as well.

I love food but I love life more and for me, I feel I'm on the verge of serious problems. Never before have I experienced knee pain for instance so this is surely a wake-up call. At 55 years of age, however, recent diets have just not worked and I sometimes feel like the darn pounds are glued on permanently.

However, we will persevere and look forward to meeting with you online again.


wbahn Mon, Apr-01-02 02:32

Greetings and welcome aboard! :wave:

You are going into this with a healthy attitude. You know that there will be rough times, you know that it will take patience and persistence. You know that the goal is life long and permanent progress and you know that the important things are not the weight as much as the health and lifestyle improvements.

You've already won the war - now it's just a matter of winning a few battles.

Keep the Faith!

razzle Mon, Apr-01-02 11:20


Good news: losing that first 30 pounds would probably give you improvements on blood pressure or whatever other health numbers might have you concerned. Other good news: keeping it off is easy with this way of eating.

I'm a yo-yo dieter from about ages 15-45, myself. I know the frustrations of the process, and I know now (after much reading) why it's so difficult to keep the weight off. Because of the combination of middle age and yo-yo history, I lose much more slowly than others here...your experience may be like mine, or you may see the pounds just leap off. They will come off, though, fast or slow.

One caveat--don't let your calories slip below 2000! (3000 would be a better place to start) For yo-yo dieters, the familiarity of lowered calories tells the body it's starvation time again, and it will slow metabolism in response. So eat plenty of healthy LC foods, enjoy them, and enjoy the results.

This is, indeed, the only "diet" that I've found that I can stay on forever--and that's what it takes for a diet to work--we have to change our eating habits forever. Oh so simple, and oh so difficult! But you can do it, just as so many others here are doing it.

Glad to meet you, and enjoy your time on the board. :)

sunflower Mon, Apr-01-02 13:25

I am haven't been on this site very long either Annet. I have about the same amount to lose that you do and I'm just 2 yrs. older, so, we have a lot in common.
It sounds like you are off to a good start. Your doing alot better than I did in the beginng. I'm
so happy for you. You will find a lot of support on this site and I have learned alot from the ones that have been on here for awhile.
Hope to hear from you again. You've made a good choice.

DWRolfe Mon, Apr-01-02 13:56

Welcome annet!
I'm happy for you that you stumbled upon this group...

...the same thing happened to me and I've been hooked and amazingly supported by the folks here ever since. :thup:

By the way...if you haven't already done so, check out the Triple Digits Club. Lots of useful information there and people with experiences and knowledge to share.

I also began this program when I could no longer deny the message my body (horrible knee pain) was sending. It took not being able to walk normally for a few weeks before I snapped out of my denial, but I'm glad it happened becasue it got me back on track. I'm now committed to this WOL.

Good luck to you and much success in reaching your goals!

Donald :wave:

Rosebud Mon, Apr-01-02 18:39

Hi Annet,
Welcome! :wave:
I think the majority of us here have been yoyo dieters in the past.
I'm a very slow "loser" which I find discouraging at times, but what keeps me going is
1.) My health is a lot better eating this way and
2.) This is the way I'm going to eat forever.
This really not another diet; it's a new WOE (way of eating) and for the weight loss to be permanent, so does the WOE.

Consider starting a journal, Annet (info in the "sticky" at the top of the page). That way we'll know how you are doing and can pop in to visit from time to time.


Lisa N Mon, Apr-01-02 18:46

Hi Annet!

Glad you stumbled upon us! This is a wonderful place to get information, ideas and just great support. I learn something new here all the time and I thought I knew a lot about low carbing to start with! I wish you great success in your low carb journey!

imready Mon, Apr-01-02 19:31

Hello There!
Well, I can only agree with all other replies. This forum is great! I'm in a similar boat as you, but a bit younger. My weight problem has been with me for all of my life and I am now beginning to get the problems associated with obesity.

We are all here to support you on your journey. Best of luck to you!

annet Mon, Apr-01-02 20:45

First month ahead
Hello, again:

thanks to everyone for your encouraging responses.
I'm facing the first whole month ahead, hope it will be a good one for all when it comes to our weight loss goals.

Razzle: you hit on one of my major dilemmas right off the bat when you mentioned that I should not limit calorie intake too severely. That is a problem for me because I can more easily coast for a week on less than 500 calories a day and feel relatively okay, a little hyper, but generally feeling well, than eat moderately.

While my metabolism may slow, my hunger also abates. As soon as I increase calories, my hunger starts again and the days become more challenging. Who wants to think about food 24 hours a day, although food concerns at times seem to get like that.

I'm starting off by eating whenever I'm hungry which will be more than 1,000 calories a day anyway. Some days we can get in the range you mentioned, but I would prefer not to count calories too strenuously just yet. However, I won't be having anything but lean poulty, meat, fish etc.

At the same time, I bought an exercise bike so I'll do 20 to 30 minutes a day in my target heart range of over 122 beats. I really like the bike and it's an ideal way to exercise, it seems, for someone who doesn't want to stress joints. I just wish those bike manufacturers would develop a more user-friendly seat for those of us who don't happen to be runway model weight. Ouch!

At the end of April, however, if the results are not good, I'll up the calorie count and see what happens.

Donald, you appear to be doing well in your weight loss goals. Congrats. By the way, how is the situation with your knees now? Have you come to a point where they are more comfortable? I was kind of wondering whether things get back to normal or whether added weight can cause uncomfortable knees over the longterm even after weight loss.


Good wishes to all for a strong successful week ahead.

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