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Frodo2001 Thu, Mar-28-02 07:51

How to Begin?
I know that this is a stupid question but how do you start? I know that you just eat protein and limit your carbs but how did you all get into the mindset to begin your weightloss journey? I'm very depressed. Some days I feel like I can do this and most days I feel like I will be a fat woman forever. I'm stressed out at home because I have to take care of my sister's 4 children and I am stressed out at work because of my new boss. In addition, one of my nieces is very thin and she calls me fat all the time (not to my face) but to my husband. This hurts me more than anyone else who has called me fat because I love her and I don't know why she wants to hurt me so much. I'm just feeling like this will be another failed attempt and I'm scared to even try it. How do you overcome your fear, get determined and get started? :cry:

TeriDoodle Thu, Mar-28-02 09:39

Well, Frodo, all I can tell you is what my experience has been. I was weighing in at 182.... 6 lbs. away from my all time high of 188 back in 1994 after the birth of my daughter. I was running out of things to wear and looking at moving up to a size 18 (my closet is FULL of beautiful clothes in size 12-14). I hated the way I looked. I hated the way I felt. AND I WAS SICK OF IT!!!!!!

I'm hypoglycemic so low-fat, low-calorie diets just absolutely made me miserable with hunger, not to mention that they didn't work.

I knew low-carb was what I needed to do and I knew that it worked. I also knew that it was up to me to ADJUST MY ATTITUDE toward food and fitness. It's just food!! After it gets past your throat what difference does it make (emotionally) if it was cake or cheese? As long as I wasn't hungry, that's all that mattered to me.

I cannot emphasize enough how important this board has been in keeping me on track. When I got discouraged because I wasn't losing at the pace I thought I should be losing at (silly me), I read post after post about people in the same position...they all said BE PATIENT!!! This is a WAY OF LIFE!! If you're going to be eating like this forever, what's the hurry? The weight will come off eventually, at your body's own pace.

That seemed to take the pressure off. So now I'm just relaxing and working more on my attitude than anything. I'm working on accepting that I'm no spring chicken anymore...I'm 43 and my metabolism is just a little more sluggish now. I'd rather it come off slowly and feel great (and not hungry!) that go back to a carb-loaded diet that made me always feel like crap and where i put weight on at the rate of a pound a month or more! NO WAY!!

My best advice is to consciously turn those negative thoughts into POSTIVE THOUGHTS.... RIGHT NOW! You'll be amazed at the results. Just stick with it for a few weeks... just try.... and you'll never go back!

gwilson38 Thu, Mar-28-02 09:42

Im sorry U are depressed. It sounds like you have a lot to handle. 1st of all read as much as U can on the LC subject. You are on Dr Atkins plan? Then make sure U read the book completely. Read about other low-carb plans aswell. Pick up a book on nutirents, [ can borrow them from the library] to see what U need and why U need them. Drink Lots of water. Make sure U eat enough of all the foods you are allowed. Try to get yourself thinking [ this is a way of life, NOT a diet] As for being hurt by negative things people say, I would confront your niece,how old is she? Tell her you are trying to better yourself but would she PLEASE stop making nasty comments. Lastly, this forum is an awesome place for support. You will realize when you read the posts that so many people are stuggling just like you. I wish U luck and once again...hugggggsss.

julesinmem Thu, Mar-28-02 10:38


Frodo, I can't emphasize this enough....READ, READ AND READ SOME MORE. Those fears will disappear when you understand the processes your body will be going through with this way of life. There will be a new you!! As for that niece, I'd have a sit down talk with her and let her know your feelings and ask for her support and understanding, that you ARE trying. We all had to start somewhere. This forum is so great for those unsure baby steps that we've all taken, you will learn alot and get alot of encouragement.

GO FOR IT!!!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Frodo2001 Thu, Mar-28-02 11:16

Thank You!
Thank You!!

I really appreciate your replies. You all made me feel a whole lot better. I'm now ready to give this a try. I don't have anyone to talk to about my weightloss plans, so this forum is a great motivator for me. I just want to thank all of you again for your encouragement and good advice. :D

clwydd Thu, Mar-28-02 14:37

I know how hard it is to make any kind of change, and sometimes the first few days of low carbing can be a bit rocky (I don't remember that part any more). But one of the most amazing and motivating things about this way of eating is the amount of energy you gain. Some of us are slow losers (only 1 pound this month), but the sense of well-being I have more than makes up for that.

Because of this energy (and because I feel so good about myself), I've started working out for the first time in my life (I'm 51), and that's paying off in inches lost, even when the scales don't budge.

So apart from losing weight, you'll also get the energy you need to deal with those four kids and the self-confidence to deal with a toxic boss and a poisonous niece.

Good luck and come to the forum any time you need a little boost.

(aka Lobelia Brownlock--according to the Hobbit Name Generator)

wbahn Thu, Mar-28-02 15:40

Greetings and welcome aboard! :wave:

I can't add much at all to the wonderful advice you have already gotten other than to consider starting a journal here and to browse the journals of others. They are a great inspiration and let you know that most of the really successful people here struggled with the same reservations you do and will. Changing lifestyles is an evolutionary process that takes time - so let it take time.

Keep the Faith!

Frodo2001 Fri, Mar-29-02 12:00

Thank you Clwydd & Wbahn
Thanks for the added encouragement. I was going to start my new WOE this week but I've decided to start next week. My mother is keeping the kids over the spring break. I think this will help me stick with it the first week because I won't have any excuse to cheat. Unfortunately, I just found out today that my sister's 4 kid's will have to stay with me until July (It was initially until May). It has crushed me because they treat me so mean and it's hard for me to imagine another 3 months with them. But I'm not going to let them mess up my weightloss plans. I just have to learn to love myself. (That's very hard for me). I have a long way to go and I just thank everyone who has encouraged me. I'll start my journal next week (Wbahn thanks for the suggestion). I look forward to being a lot thinner just in time to take the kid's back to their mother and enjoy the rest of summer.

rhubarb Fri, Mar-29-02 15:16

Frodo –

Just a note about your niece: My guess is that she’s either pre-adolescent, or full-blown teenage, yes? You don’t mention why you have your sister’s kids, but whatever the reason, this girl is angry. She’s angry at her mom, and she’s angry at life, and she’s taking it out on you. It won’t matter to an angry kid this age that she’s hurt your feelings -- don’t set yourself up for more pain by expecting her to be concerned. It sounds like she’s justified in her anger, but it’s being misdirected at you. Keep your chin up and try not to engage in any in any negative conversation with her.

Don’t negotiate – you all have to make the best of the situation, but you’re the adult, so you’re making the rules. It’s hard, but try to stand your ground. You can do it! Soon you’ll have more energy and mental clarity from eating the LC way, and that will help.

Good luck …

Libbyfcr Fri, Mar-29-02 16:02

Just a note......

Just so you know Frodo.... I am one of those people who had to try this low carb WOL twice. I wasn't ready to do it the first time and I set myself up to fail. Now I am ready, and I am setting myself up to do it right. I honestly believe that this site, these folks, and the support from others going through the same things has helped me tremendously. I wish I had found this a year ago.

I am glad you are here.

Libby :wave:

Frodo2001 Mon, Apr-01-02 08:11

Thanks Rhu & Libby
Rhu, (thanks for understanding) My niece is 12 years old (13 next month). All of my sister's children have been physically and mentally abused by their fathers , so I understand where all the anger is coming from. I just don't understand why they continue to take it out on me, when I have never abused them. I don't have temporary custody so I'm unable to get them into abuse counseling. I have begged my sister to set up regular couseling sessions for them but she tells me she will and then she doesn't. My sister also needs couseling but doesn't realize it. She has allowed men to abuse her all of her life and has allowed these same men to victimize her children also.

But let me get back to what this forum is all about--LCing. I was going to start it today but I messed around yesterday and didn't get anything ready for today. I didn't have any excuse other than I was tired. After work today I'm going to go to the grocery store and make sure I have everything I need. I'm definitely starting tommorrow, so next year I won't be wishing that I started this year (Thanks Libby).

Emma 2002 Mon, Apr-01-02 21:47

HI - i just wanted to add my support too!

You know, you took the words out of my mouth - learn to love yourself - that didnt mean anything to me for so many years even though i knew that was what i should do. I needed to take some control of my life before it could have meaning to me - I have lost almost 60 lbs on ww and with the confidence of being almost slim I have been able to tackle the negative feelings I have about myself. and I am now having a go at the last 25 lbs with LCing as ww was too harsh for me now.

I do feel for you with all the negative energy around you but you have the power within you to change how you feel and react and I know for myself that channelling energy into an eating plan can be an excellent way to focus the mind, especially LCing as you don't have to suffer the hunger pangs of low fat diets!

Remember - you are the perfect you, now! and the perfect you is taking charge of your excess weight (and sending it right out of town!). You will feel so much better so soon!

I am pretty new to LCing and it is considered almost Voodoo here in the UK so I need some LC friends too, I look forward to seeing you around here.......

Take care

Emma :wave:

daisy92 Mon, Apr-01-02 22:31

I think everbody has had reservations about this WOE at first. But I will say that i feel better than I have in a long time. I was doing atkins last year and lost 40 pounds and just stop caring. Well I'm back on this WOE and that is exactly what it is for me now. I'm taking my time and trying to be patient ;) I did start out at 202 last year so I've come along way and so have alot of other people.
I still have a little trouble with my self but i just remind my self that I am a good person and I too deserve to be happy.
so you gofor it and know that ther is oogles of support here for you!!!!!!!!!!! :wave:
And also know that questions are what educates us so ask away.
We are here to help and support you!!!!!!!!!!!!
good luck

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