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otenn Thu, Apr-05-01 10:44

Hi. I am totally new to this, just went to the doctor to try to get help for my weight. It is becoming a terrible thing to me. I am beginning to feel out of control and worthless. This is terrible because I just had my first baby almost one year ago (April 21). I love him to pieces and want to provide him with a mom who can do everything he deserves. I am horrified at the idea of trying to go on a roller coaster or even an airplane.

I am over 300 lbs right now, have been researching this diet and browsing this forum for about a week. I am so inspired by what everyone has to say in many sites, that I have ordered the Atkins book and plan to start the diet as soon as possible.

My main problem here is that I live way up north in Canada, in a fly in place and have to order many of my groceries a month or two at a time. I don't think I'll get this book (also mail order) before I have to place at least a small grocery order, so I am wondering if anyone would be interested in posting for me, their "top ten items" to have on hand, besides the obvious unprocessed meat and eggs...I'll have a better idea of what veggies to order once I get the book in hand, but as I said, that may take a week or so still, and I want to order some groceries by the weekend.

I hope you don't mind helping and thanks for being inspirational in your posts so far.


sherrybee Thu, Apr-05-01 11:17

web shopping!!!!!!!
i have found some of the most INTERESTING low carb foods at have pizza kits, jams, a chocolate hazelnut spread that is to die for, and for the monthly chocolate craving the ultimate pleasure--Ross chocolate bars!!!!!!!

the basics i buy are your meats beef, poultry, fish, pork---all good for you on this WOE (see my post for "carb content for over 1000 foods--link")...also EGGS!!!---they are GREAT for snacking on when your body needs a protein boost...munchies like beef jerkey and pork rinds.
I--although some people like to stay away from them--rely on low carb bars because my on-the-go living sometimes can't stop to prepare a gourmet low carb dinner.....

just a couple suggestions for ya.....happy shopping!!!!!------but more importantly----HAPPY LOW CARBING!!!!!

Elizabeth Thu, Apr-05-01 14:26

groceries on hand
HI mari,
I only started on the Atkin's Diet on Sunday, and have already lost 6 lbs. Two things that have been essential to me are cheese and diet Jello. The jello can be made so easily, and really works for that sweet treat. The cheese has been a life saver for me, since I started I get hungry, almost light headed mid-morning and afternoon. A nice little piece of cheese and a couple of glasses of water work wonders. Cold cuts such as black forest ham are also great. (Don't get any with alot of sodium, or have been processed) The cheese I have been eating is just Kraft medium cheddar.
One thing, when I started the first two days I felt like death, bad headaches, and huge fatique. I am over that now, but I probably wasn't drinking enough water, so make sure you drink plenty. You also need to get some vitamin supplements, mineral supplements including potassium and B complex. It explains it all in the book, but I didn't get the vitamins until my third day, and I could have really used the potassium from the start. I went cold turkey and quite everything all at once, carbohydrates, sugar, is like going into detox, so you may want to consider a gradual cutting back, particularly if you have a little one to look after. Thankfully my kids are old enough (10 & 13) that my 13 year old son made dinner one night as I was feeling so bad. I think this is a wonderful program, and I think this is going to be the one for me, and many others like me who have had a hard time losing weight. Good luck!

r.mines Thu, Apr-05-01 18:41

grocery list
Hi, Mari.

If I were you, I wouldn't go for the low-carb bars,chocolates, soft drinks, and desserts (with the possible exception of diet Jello) till you're over the two-week induction phase, if then. They are notorious for causing stalls.

Suggested start-out grocery list:

-fresh (or frozen) meat, poultry, fish
-canned tuna/salmon/sardines/whatever
-cheese, butter (NOT margarine), cream, sour cream (full fat)
-beef jerky is good for snacks, but many contain sugar. If you have a dehydrator, I'd suggest making your own
-prepared meats, but watch the carbs; some contain sugar and/or starch as fillers
-olives, pickles, hot pepper pickles
-pork rinds
-brazil or macadamia nuts (don't eat more than say 6-10 a day, they do have carbs, but make a quick snack)
-some people say green tea is good for fat-burning; I don't know, but it tastes good and is very low carb
-green veggies: salad veggies, cabbage, brocolli, cauliflower, zuchinni, spinach, kale. Just about any veggie except carrots, winter squash, or potatoes (too starchy)
-fruit is not allowed except small quantities of berries (strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, etc)

That should get you started. Once you're over induction, and maybe interested in trying new recipies, you can add in more 'exotic' (and probably harder to find) items such as soy flour, flax, protein powder, TVP, and so on.

Hope that helps!

tamarian Thu, Apr-05-01 19:08

Originally posted by otenn
I am beginning to feel out of control and worthless.

Hi Mari,

Since other have sent some good suggestions for groceries, I'll just make a cooment on diet and success :) There is no reason for a fat person to feel worthless, and if they do feel so, they cannot succede in losing the weight. You have to love yourself, no matter how much weight you need/want to lose, and once you love yourself, you'll be able to lose weight successfully, because you're doing it for someone you love, YOU :)


Bonnie Thu, Apr-05-01 19:25

RE: Low Carb Groceries
Hi Mari,

I can certainly relate with your dilema in regards to your fly-in situation. A number of years ago hubby and I and at the time young son were doing a site job near Uranium City, Saskatchewan. We were scheduled to build a dam at Charlot River and had to be flown in and out by helicopter to the site. That meant I had to plan my grocery list well in advance to secure the necessities. I will not attempt to duplicate the great LC staple suggestions that have already been volunteered. All are great suggestions. Once you get on to this WOL, you will find that you will have no problem compiling a LC Grocery List. I have been following this WOL for quite some time and after while it becomes old hat; this LC grocery shopping. Good luck!

doreen T Thu, Apr-05-01 19:55

hi Mari
I read your post and I kept thinking to myself, Don't feel worthless, you've got a sweet little baby to whom you are worth your weight in solid GOLD, more even. You've found lots of understanding friends here .. :) .. And listen to Wa'il about loving yourself .... we've got a number of members working on 100+ lbs to lose. I'm in the process of trying to lose at least 60 ... and I have to tell you, I understand when you say you feel out of control. BUT, that was then, this is now ..

Everybody's given you great ideas, my favourite quick snacks to grab are tuna or salmon with lots of mayonnaise, dill and black pepper .... and a chopped dill pickle, if I haven't emptied the jar already .. :D, also, I like the canned French-style green beans, you know with the bits of onion and red pepper?? Blob of mayonnaise, some extra herbs, black pepper...... heck, if it's almost mealtime (instead of just snacktime), throw in some tuna or leftover cold meat or hard-boiled eggs ........ no extra dishes, no pots to wash, nothing to cook. The easiest recipe for pickled eggs is to save the liquid from a one-liter jar of dill pickles. Hard-boil a dozen large eggs -- yes, they'll all fit in there -- peel the eggs and drop in the pickle juice while still hot. Put in fridge, and they should be ready to devour in 3 or 4 days.

Um, do you like gardening?? Unless you have no access to the sun. I live in a 9th floor apartment, and one end of my balcony gets converted to a vegetable and herb bed. Most leaf type lettuces, chard, spinach and radishes will grow well in containers, and are fast too. Even with the shorter growing season, you should have success because of the longer daylight hours in the north. Chives are easy to grow too. Green and yellow snap beans are fast growers, the climber varieties can be grown in a pot and supported on a trellis.

Ok, so I like gardening, and just figure everyone else does too .. :rolleyes: Anyway, it's good exercise too, and if you order the seeds now, they should arrive in time for the season, end of May.

Take care, and keep us posted how you're doing. If you would like to read a few more ideas about lowcarbing before you are able to read the book, check our Tips pages , you'll find more ideas to get you started.


otenn Fri, Apr-06-01 12:24


Thanks for the great responses so far. I really do appreciate them!

Sherrybee: I added the link you provided in your other post to my favourites, it is helping already.

Elizabeth: I appreciate your beginner success story! Helping me realize that trying will be worth it, and some helpful tips too. Good luck and continued success.

r.mines: Your starter grocery list was EXACTLY what I was looking for! I really am thankful for this contribution. It was perfect to get me started.

tamarian: Your words are well considered. I should tell you that just finally facing what is going on with me, going to the doctor for help, and making a plan to take some action has given me a rejuevination (sp?) of my spirit. I feel, walk, talk and act better than I have in months and I haven't even started losing yet!

Bonnie: How wonderful to hear from someone who actually knows for real what it is like to be this isolated. I am VERY CLOSE to Uranium City believe it or not, as we are way on the western edge of the province of Manitoba here. Right area exactly. Thanks for your words.

And DoreenT: As I have been lurking around this website for a while, I have obviously encountered many thoughtful and encouraging and informative posts to other readers from you. Thanks for providing me with the same. Your tips and information will be taken to heart. Not sure about the gardening...just sand here, no real soil, but maybe I could try a little indoor stuff! It would be nice to grow something other than a semi-abused houseplant!

My best wishes to you all, and everyone who viewed this post. Looking forward to getting the book soon, placed a healthy, protein packed grocery order today and I hope to share some success stories with you soon.

Thanks again,


Lessara Mon, Jan-14-02 16:53

List under Atkins forum
I posted a grocery list for all those to use under the Atkins diet for anyone to copy and use :D

psychobil Mon, Sep-30-02 00:28

Hello SherryBee, this is my first time posting after a few days of lurking. I'm gonna start my LC WOL this Wednesday. You posted that you have a website or posted at an earlier time about 'carb count for 1000 foods.' Where can I find this site at? I'm gonna go shopping Tuesday night. I am aware of the Atkins diet and the basics of what I can eat....eggs, meat, green veggies, etc. I've read a lot of idea's already in this forum. All great. I would like to have a list of food items with the carb count on them. I have a food count book with over 800 pages full of food items but it would be easier for me to print out a few sheets of paper all with low carb food items on it than to search through this book I have.

Thanks and I love this forum,

--bil-- (btw--not really psycho) :)

nealworld Tue, Apr-15-03 12:44


You'll get your own list in no time! Need Ice Cream? Pour some whipping cream over som frozen berries and let it sit out for about 10 minutes. Then eat. Yummy!

Massive77 Fri, Jul-23-10 17:28

This is awesome! Thank you for the ideas and help.

Chell921 Fri, Jul-23-10 20:20

neal's top ten are all good, but maybe not the strawberries if this is your first induction...

Personally... I'd list:

cream cheese
almonds (1 oz + 1 oz of cream cheese.. the bestest snack)
veggies (broccoli and zucchini)
cheese (aged cheddar, swiss and gouda)
oh and splenda and tea :)

Fun post... thanks for letting us play along!

Elihnig Sat, Jul-24-10 09:08

A blast from the past. This post started in 2001, and yes, I was here to read it.


Shannan Wed, Jul-28-10 10:11

Originally Posted by otenn
Hi. I am totally new to this, just went to the doctor to try to get help for my weight. It is becoming a terrible thing to me. I am beginning to feel out of control and worthless. This is terrible because I just had my first baby almost one year ago (April 21). I love him to pieces and want to provide him with a mom who can do everything he deserves. I am horrified at the idea of trying to go on a roller coaster or even an airplane.

I am over 300 lbs right now, have been researching this diet and browsing this forum for about a week. I am so inspired by what everyone has to say in many sites, that I have ordered the Atkins book and plan to start the diet as soon as possible.

My main problem here is that I live way up north in Canada, in a fly in place and have to order many of my groceries a month or two at a time. I don't think I'll get this book (also mail order) before I have to place at least a small grocery order, so I am wondering if anyone would be interested in posting for me, their "top ten items" to have on hand, besides the obvious unprocessed meat and eggs...I'll have a better idea of what veggies to order once I get the book in hand, but as I said, that may take a week or so still, and I want to order some groceries by the weekend.

I hope you don't mind helping and thanks for being inspirational in your posts so far.


Hi Mari,
Congratulations on taking ur first step in losing weight.. i see u have already started losing. U have come to the right place. We are all in the same boat. Trust me.. One day at a time.. and TRY.. thats all we can do. We are all here to encourage each other and at times give each other a good kick in the butt to get moving.. as far is food. i like to keep things simple. Eggs, (quick and easy) Chicken, Beef, Pork, Salad greens. All able to be grilled, boiled, roasted, baked, whatever u want :)

Dont feel down or worthless. we all have bad days.. but we are worth it! When U feel good about yourself, u will push urself even harder cause u want to look even better and feel better, and when u relize, wow, i'm not out of breath or Wow, these pants fit, that too helps.

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