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BabyGirl Tue, Feb-19-02 21:31

Compulsive Overeating
What's up, everybody? I'm a college junior and an insomniac with a computer two feet away from my bed in my dorm, which means lots of time spent reading up on food allergies and addictions and diets, etc. I'm pretty convinced at this point that I'm a Compulsive Overeater and possibly a sugar addict.

Someday I would like to discover exactly what it is that makes me lose control when it comes to food, and I know that's what it will take to keep off the weight for good. If anyone can relate, I would love to hear from you. Insight, suggestions, and any comments are more than welcome!

Love and laughter,
BabyGirl :D

Karen Wed, Feb-20-02 00:49

Hi Baby Girl!

I know what you are talking about. Have you ever heard of this organization?: Overeaters Anonymous

The only requirement to join is a desire to stop eating compulsively. There are meetings in most cities and you will find the meeting directory on the site.

May you find peace on your journey!


csfdavis Sat, Mar-02-02 15:48

compulsive overeating
Hi Babygirl,

I have also suffered with an eating problem for most of my life. I have never felt comfortable about joining OA, even though it would probably be great. But I think that some people, like myself, just find that food is their drug of choice to take the edge off of life. Sometimes I wish I just could have been a cokehead, because at least I wouldn't be fat. I have found that alcohol doesn't do much for me, and I have never tried any other drugs, but I know that pizza, cake, and other foods (all high carb) will always make me feel better. Of course, I then remember that I am fat and just getting fatter, and it makes me depressed so I want to eat more. A lot of people go through this. I am trying to kick the habit, and I wish you luck as well. :wave:


moonmist Tue, Mar-12-02 20:02

Yeah ive got problems with over-eating too.... i could eat all day if i didnt have to worry about gaining weight or anything. i eat when im bored (REALLY big problem for me) and depressed. But, ive cut done my eating by drinking a lot more liquids. I'm pretty much ALWAYS drinking something now in order to keep myself from eating too much.

csfdavis Thu, Mar-14-02 11:55

I have noticed, like most people on Atkins, that my cravings for food are gone. I never want to eat between meals, and sometimes I don't even want to eat meals, but I make myself. Even a moderate serving of vegetables or meat fills me up.

LauLose25 Tue, May-21-02 21:34

:spin: Hi babygirl....I hear you on overeating....I feel the same way. I am a college junior too...well, now senior. I think that my overeating is due to stress. Whenever I'm stressed about school, my grades, boys, problems with friends....I go right to the fridge. So don't feel that you are alone. But this low carb thing has really helped. I lost 10 pounds kinda fast....and I'm getting a lot of compliments.....which is a huge inspiration to keep it up. Just stick with the LC diet.....and whenever you feel the need to eat compulsively, find something else to do to divert your attention. Working out is always a good alternative. Good luck with everything! :spin:

chunkybutt Fri, Aug-23-02 19:44

Hey babygirl,
I totally understand what you are talking about, I am an overeater too. I don't quite understand why I do it, but I can seriosuly eat all day long. When I first started low carbing like a month ago I didn't want to overeat at all, I didn't even want to eat. But now, slowly I am getting back in to my overeating habits, just with a few less carbs. I am a college senoir, and kinda hoped by this time I would have conquered this porblem. I eat when I am nervous, stressed, happy, anything. I know for many eating disorders they pescrible anti-depressants, but I am not too keen on taking drugs. I don't know, those are just my thoughts.


LBDropper Sun, Oct-27-02 23:16

I am a binging compulsive overeater. People tend to care so much about people who starve themself or throw up but when it comes to just stuffing your face they don't really care. It's an eating disorder but you don't hear about it that much because people think you should just quit like we have it any easier than aneorexics and bullemics. I guess I'm a non throwing up bullemic. Why do I eat that much? To be honest because it tastes good. I'm not sad or mad or depressed when I eat it just tastes SO good. No one knows this. My ex actually used to try to force me to eat because I wouldn't eat around him so he thought I never ate. The other night I had two hamburgers and a supersized fry. Then was hungry after. Ah I don't know how to stop be honest.

Zuleikaa Mon, Oct-28-02 07:24

Hey Babygirl.

Welcome from another carb addict.

Maybe you should read the Hellers' book, The Carbohydrate Addicts Diet. It really explains the chemistry involved in a carbohydrate addict's reaction to carbs. Understanding the chemistry frees you from the guilt and gives you control.

CarbsKill Mon, Oct-28-02 11:22

I've never had a serious overeatting problem, so I guess you can take this post with a grain of salt. I agree with a lot of the people who say boredom, stress, etc can make you overeat.

I try to keep myself really busy. I also try to keep all stressful events put into perspective so I just don't stress out as much ( I know: "easier said than done". :rolleyes: )

Working out is great. I really have to force myself to eat after a good workout. It also gets those endorphins running through your body, so you'll be in a better mood.

Everyone else seemed to give really great advice. I hope I was of some help. Don't give up. You're doing great. :thup:


chunkybutt Mon, Oct-28-02 16:38

I TOTALLY understand what you mean.
And no offense to carbskill reply... if you dont have that compulsiveness running through your veins, no matter how busy you are, how much you exercise, or how few carbs you eat... you will find a way to overeat. It's just a preoccupation with food - like no other.

LBDropper Mon, Oct-28-02 21:36

I keep very busy and months ago I was working out 2 hrs a day and trust me I found time to overeat. It doesn't take long to stuff it down. It's more of a need and want than boredom.

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