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melanie 27 Fri, Feb-15-02 12:33

Almost binged!!!
My weight was back up to 200 this am I was so hurt I starting reasoning with my self this isnt working for me I should just quit.Then I had a sudden desire to eat chocolates but I resisted & it wasnt easy but I did it I had a Splenda cream cheese cup in the freezer & ate half of it instead it helped me get through the temptation & now Im fine..But I am really getting discouraged the weight it just not coming off This will be my eighth weeek next monday The first two weeks I lost 10 pnds over the next 4 weeks 7 & gained 2 back. I here of everyone else just sheeding the pounds Why am I not sheeding them.I mean Id be happy at least to loose 2 pnds a week.Last week I cut out caffiene & SF jello .This week I upt my water intake from 128 oz to 145 oz.Guess next week I need to cut out cheese & see if that helps if that doesnt my next step will be eggs bacon & sausage What in the world will be left for me to eat..????Im sorry Im just really depressed today I went back to induction this week & that hasnt helped.I think Im retaining water again too.I no I didnt gain it over night & I dont expect to loose it over night but I gotta lot to loose & at the rate Im going it'll take tell next year to come off.& to Top it off Ive had 2 TOMS in a month only 10 days apart & I think its on its way again next week..How long will it take for my insulin to streighten out?Sorry MEN that I mentioned TOM..One thing I dont understand is I drink 145 oz a water a day & Ive tested my ketones morning noon & night & there always dark Now Im wondering if thats causing me to stall.I half to make it on this WOL because I no its helping me physically even thow the weights not coming off.Im going to throw the scale in the trash!! In Atkins new revised book it says Im average per how much I lost in Induction so I shouldnt be metabolically resistant to LC.I no I need a good slappping today Im sure alot of you had bad days too..Ive been doing great emoitionally up until this week .One thing I did do this week kicking myself for right now I started taking motaboloss again for the energy could some of the herbs in it cause water retention?Well enough pity party for me I feel better now that ive vented......Thank you all for all your wonderful support....... :wave:

Marlaine Fri, Feb-15-02 13:38

Hi there Melanie....

I'd like to share my journal with you. I had a very similiar beginning as you when I first started Atkins. I know how frustrating and depressing it can be when you think that this is just another diet that is going to fail for you.

I was fortunate enough (as you are too) to have found this forum and to have had the support of many people that had been at this longer than me. I couldn't have made it without them. I have learned that every one of us is different in our needs on LC and it takes some time to tweak and adjust to get the best results from our efforts.

DON'T GIVE UP!! It may take you a while for your body to adjust but with persistance and patience, it CAN work for you too. You mentioned that you'd like to be losing 2 pounds a week. Did you know that one pound a week is considered a good and healthy weight loss? Be kind to yourself. What would you be saying if this were a cherished friend you were talking to instead of yourself. You are doing GREAT simply because you have made the choice to do something about your weight. Hang in there and work the plan and the plan will work for you.


wbahn Fri, Feb-15-02 13:41

Consider yourself well and truly slapped. :D

:there: :bhug:

I truly sympathize and understand your frustrations. No matter what we tell ourselves about future rewards, the simple fact is that we are creatures of the here and now. We all live in the present - although it's debatable that we all live in the same universe ;) .

Focus on the one thing you said that is truly paying off in the here and now - you know that this WOL is helping you physically completely separate from the weight loss.

Now ask youself the following question. If I could somehow magically guarantee you a steady weight loss of 0.5 pounds per week until you met goal and then that you would stay there, would you take that over other offers that promised that you MIGHT lose it at 5# per week but would probably fail and end up heavier than before?

I would - and that would mean it would take me eight years! But had I undertaken even that slow and steady of a route when I graduated from college I would have been able to enjoy my entire 30's at a reasonable weight. Now, it will not be surprising if I don't make goal much before the time I turn 40.

But you know something - whether I lose the weight or not, in less than three years I will still turn 40. I can either do it at my goal weight or I can do it at well over 400#. Those really are my two options - there's simply not much in between.

Do I hope for a faster weight loss? You bet. I'm really shooting for something between an unrealistic 12 months and a fairly realistic 18 months. Do I fantasize about doing it in 8 or 10 months. Yeah. But, for the very first time in my life, I am truly willing to stay the course even if it takes four years. Even if it does take four years, that means I will be 50 pounds lighter a year from now! If I were only 50 pounds lighter now that I was this time last year I would be very happy with my progress.

Does this mean I don't still get a little frustrated when I gain two pounds in one day or see the scales creep up four pounds in one week? No. It's still frustrating. But focus on the long term and ask yourself if the slow rate is really that bad? After all, if it will take you a year to lose it all, you will be halfway there by the end of summer!

Expect your body to do strange things - especially with water retention - as you lose fat, have your TOM, consume salt. It's all water and it can only mask fat loss for so long. Longer than we would like, but not very long when everything is said and done.

I would not recommend making a bunch of changes to your diet on a weekly basis in respond to things that are or are not happening on a weekly timescale - your body takes longer than that to adjust to most changes.

I would recommend dumping the herbal pills. The vast majority of herbal supplements are pure crap with no science at all behind them. They are snake oil. Think about it. If I had a pill that would make a person lose just a half pound a week without making any changes in their lifestyle or eating habits I could prove that so easily in a double-blind study that it would be accepted and acknowledged - especially by the media - in no time. Look at Viagra - and it would be bigger than Viagra. So why are the pushers of all of these herbal supplements and other things so unwilling to actually conduct the studies?

So, while I doubt it is doing anything for you, it wouldn't surprise me a bit if they are actually hindering you. But they are likely not doing anything one way or the other beyond a placebo effect.

If you really want some motivation that others go through the same probems and that they will work out if you just stay the course, go look at Marlaine's journal. Talk about a journey of self-discovery! It should be required reading.

Sorry for the long post - but hang in there. Keep the Faith and Stay the Course!

And throwing your scale in the trash is not an altogether bad idea!

melanie 27 Fri, Feb-15-02 14:10

You all are the best!!!! :)

Thank you Marlaine Im going to read your journal after this post.You all brought tears to my eyes I needed the encouragment.I was thinking the other day even if the weight comes off slow its way better then gaining weight instead of loosing it & without this WOL thats what Id be doing gaining it.Im thinking Maybe Im getting ahead of myself with inpateince ;)
I also think because I keep getting so many TOMS when I used to get none on my own my body is deffanatly doing somthing & getting a Tom every 18 days or so can Cause water retention to hide fat loss. Pateince deffanatly is a vertue!! :) Its just like you said Im affraid its going to fail me because every thing has.

Thank you everything made perfect since.& I would rather loose 0.5 pnds a week then 5 & fail for sure Im staying on this WOL for Life & I do need to remind myself I didnt start this WOL for quik weighloss I started it to resolve some health issues PCOS,high triglisterides & low good cholesterol & a heart attack ratio of 6.9 at only 28 yrs old resolving those problems are more important & worth making this a WOL & not just another diet.I have 3 daughters I need to raise & they dont need to loose there mamma. I apprecieate & love reading your replys there always very informative & helpful. THANX apprecieate you all :wave:

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