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may Sun, Feb-03-02 14:56

when do you workout?
is there anybody out there who doesn't workout in the morning?
I hve trubble getting up this early and to be frank I never liked getting up before 7 am (9 if I can) and I don't want to give that up.
I also find it very hard for me to go to sleep early because I like the afternoon and evening better, I know that's my bioligy that's just that, some ppl like the morning hours and function better, I don't. I was in the army for 2 years and one of the things I hated most was getting up when it's still dark ( I hatd a lot of other things about the army :) )

anyway here is my question: is there anyone out there doing body for life without working out so early? and also is there anyone doing BFL at a gym?

I must tell you I'm getting some wierd looks from the instractors at my gym and from some people too, I don't care, I know better right?

good luck everybody


pegm Sun, Feb-03-02 15:24

I try to do the cardio first thing in the morning (and I manage it most of the time), but I do the weights after work (before I make dinner). The cardio is only 20 minutes, so I can manage to drag myself out of bed just a little bit earlier, but the weight sessions are more than twice that long so I prefer to do them after work. On those 3 cardio days I like the freedom of not having to do a workout after work -- when I finish work, I'm done for the day.

I do everything at home for now (they gym I joined is still under construction and won't open for another 2 - 4 weeks).

The 2 times I did cardio later in the day (after work), I did notice that I had more energy while I was doing the sprints. That would lead me to believe that the theory that first thing in the morning uses your fat stores is probably true -- I had more energy at the later sessions because I was using more readily available energy from the food I had eaten (even though I made sure I had not eaten for at least 3 hours before the cardio session).

I think, though, each individual needs to do what is best for them. Doing the workout is much more important than what time of day it is done.

Aine Sun, Feb-03-02 15:25


I hardly ever wake up before 8:30 or 9 so I do my exercise in the evenings most days too. On Sat. and Sundays I'll exercise inthe morning before I eat, no matter how late I wake up. On the few days I've been able to do the AM work out I have been a zombie, very miserable and am of no use tomyself--so I stick to the evenings on an empty stomach.

I believe the book, BFL, says that's the second best option.


Aine :wave:

Marlaine Mon, Feb-04-02 11:29

Hi May......

I just thought I'd post my 2 cents worth as well.

I don't care to get up early in the morning. Have been getting up 9ish for a few years. As it turned out, when I started BFL, I needed to get up early to get it in before other commitments. Much to my surprise, though it's a struggle to get out of bed, I'm finding that it gives my day such a boost that I've kept at it...getting up at 6:30AM to do my workouts and cardio. You could find that you adjust to it and find benefits to doing it in the morning.


may Mon, Feb-04-02 13:02

hi pegm, Aine and Marlaine, thank you for the quick response!
I just wanted to say I'm surprised everytime about the kindness of the people here. it makes me feel welcome.
so thank you.
ok, so here's what I thought I'd do. I have a threadmill a(I'm sure I misspelled it but you'll have to forgive me, I am not a native speaker :rolleyes: ) so I decided to get up early in the morning and do 20 minuets of cardio and the resistance training I'll do in the gym after work. I know I cant start tomorrow (had a minor sergary today so I'm still a bit sore) but I'll try .

ok, so thats that.

I also wanted to share a problem I have with my gym, my trainers at the gym give me a hard time about my workout method (BFL) and it's becoming a stragle, some are exited about my unusual moves but some are more traditional. and also I feel like people are staring at me, and it's kind of hard to ignore this.
that's it.

thanks again :wave:

Natrushka Mon, Feb-04-02 13:08

What kinds of problems are they making for you May? I understand that many following BFL and doing their cardio at a gym get funny looks when they head out after just 20 minutes ;) What could they possibily find 'unusual' about your weight training sets? BFL is based on tried and true weight lifting practices.

I know that if I were in your position I would either ignore them or complain to management - YOU are the paying customer in this scenario and I am sure they would not like to lose you as such.

Best of luck,

Homegirl Mon, Feb-04-02 13:17

If I have any choice in the matter, falling out of bed and getting right down to work is what I choose everytime. It's really hard to do and I don't always start at the time I had set for myself but I do find that it gives me an energy boost before I start my day. Besides that, I have so many demands on my time and energy that if I wait until later in the day I have run out of gas and then it might not get done.

But, I do think we each know our own body best and IMHO I think we each need to work out a schedule that we know we can stick to. No point in trying to workout in the AM's if you know you won't be able to keep it up for 12 weeks. Setting the goal and completing it is the whole point of the challenge.

may Mon, Feb-04-02 13:18

thanks for the supersponic response!!!
well, first thing the trainers all know me, in a friendly way and I didn't really want to explain BFL to them basically because I'm not comfidant enough about that. so, whenever I go ahead and do my liftings they tell me I should do cardio first. and I don't know, maybe they are right... anyway, at first my trainer told me to do only cardio but after I insisted he gave up and now I basically do what I want. I don't see many other women lifting and the guys sord of look at it as their own terittory. anywat nat, you are right, I know what's best for me and I am paying a lot of money to that gym so I'll just keep getting the wierd looks and just ignore them.

Natrushka Mon, Feb-04-02 13:26

May, if you're not bothered by being w/o your BFL book for a few days why not loan it to one of the trainers? Perhaps they are just not familiar with the program as yet?

I think that 12 weeks from now you'll see very different kinds of looks when you do your "strange" workouts :) Nothing like leading by example. Your transfomation will be your evidence.


Marlaine Tue, Feb-05-02 00:55

Bodacious BFL Babes and Confident Low Carbers walk to a different drummer! We have done our research and we know why we do what we do and as far as I'm concerned, what I'm doing and why is not something I have to justify to the world at large.

I've been doing my own thing since the 60's! Why would I quit now?

May.....Your confidence in BFL and LCing will develop as you see how well it's working for you! Just keep on keeping are going in YOUR direction of choice and I applaud you.



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