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Nightwind Sun, Jan-20-02 09:27

Insanity draws closer by the minute...
I started atkins a few days before the new year, and was super hyped about it. I breezed through the intro period with ease loosing a massive 14 pounds in just 2 weeks. I was stunned and amazed with the progress.

I now am approaching the 1 month mark (6 days from now) and currently reside at -10 pounds of my origional weight (gaining back 4 of the 14 pounds lost). I have been doing everything right as far as I know, and I GAIN WEIGHT!?!? My sanity is hanging by a thread today as I speak here now. Last night I kind of straied... well... I had a taco... I don't know how much of a 'stray' that might be considered, but I fear a much more diet killing stray is inevidible... Please help, I want this to work, but my body doesn't seem to agree. Any suggestions welcome. McDonalds becons to me now, I must fight the urge to comit ketosis suiside...

Also... I thought I might add this bit of info. I have been testing myself 2 times a week with ketosis sticks, and every time since I started doing this it has shown to be well into the ketosis state. Yet, I gain weight.



agonycat Sun, Jan-20-02 09:37

Nightwind I would love to help, however without knowing your water consumption and daily diet, it's hard to say.

Most people start stalling after the 2 weeks due to them "thinking" they can get by with 10 or less carbs a day. Less carbs is not always better. Less carbs does NOT speed the losing process. It tends to hinder it.

Are you eating enough calories a day?
Are you drinking enough water?
Are you getting at least 20 carbs a day?

Golden rules:
10 to 12 times your body weight in calories. (hungry or not..EAT)
64 oz of water plus 8 oz for every 25 pounds you want to lose
20 grams of carbs a day.

limit 3 sweeteners a day
Make sure you eat your veggies
Stay away from the low carb bars and shakes

Nightwind Sun, Jan-20-02 09:56

I guess you could say that I am abusing aspertame... I also have a low carb bar every now and then.

This is the same pattern I followed during intro.


agonycat Sun, Jan-20-02 11:09

Artifical sweeteners are KNOWN stallers. You may try cutting them out. As far as those low carb bars, they have hidden carbs that could also be stalling your weight loss.

Just remember, anything sweet tasting to your tongue can and will trigger insulin release. Your body has been conditioned to sweet taste equals sugar. If there is insulin in your blood stream, there is going to be fat storage instead of fat burning. That is why Dr Atkin's 2 weeks induction does NOT include anything sweet. Including SF jello. This is to be added AFTER induction is over with.

The main point of induction is to break the cravings and get control over those insulin levels.

Karen Sun, Jan-20-02 11:37

During induction, you lose water and fat. The 4 lb. gain is probably water. Just because it worked in induction does not mean that it will work forever. At one point, or at many points, we have to adjust the way we eat.

I'm with Cat. Nix the bars and artificial sweeteners.

In Newbies Questions there is a thread called Hot Links! In the thread, there is another thread called, 'So You Think You are a Turtle?' It goes over common stallers and will probably give you a good idea what is happening with the way you are eating.


Marlaine Sun, Jan-20-02 22:17

Don't give up and Don't be seduced by those carbs.

You thought you were doing it all "right" and if there are any places that you could be doing better, just take the opportunity to correct yourself and carry on. Time will pass and at the end of another year, where do you want to be?
Understand that the choice is yours.

I hope you choose to keep at it!


ladybugvv Sun, Jan-20-02 22:55

Don't quit!
Nighrwind, it may be posible that after losing so much weight is such a short time your body may be taking a "breather" to regroup. I know I have read that in Atkins as well as LCAD. 14 pounds in three weeks is a lot for one body to handle. Give it a chance. It will catch up, I'm sure. ;)

Also, how well I know the siren call of McDonalds! It was my favorite place to eat, happy or sad. Sometimes I go and eat the .99 double cheesebuger, without the bread, of course! I literally eat it on a plate w/a knife & fork. Makes me eat slower and appreciate the treat.

razzle Mon, Jan-21-02 11:41

if you lost an average of ten pounds a month, where would you be in a year?

It helps me to just stay off the scale and quit obsessing on that part of it. I do the program, eat real food (no bars, diet pop, shakes, etc), attend to living my real life that does not revolve around food, and the weight does come off.

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