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Kaizan Fri, Nov-04-05 14:33

Kaizan's off the Martinis and in to the Gym!
OK, I finally did it! Went to the gym after work instead of relaxing with a Martini or glass of wine. My muscles feel as if I would have drank about 4 Martini's - LOL but the head isn't pounding, and I feel sort of good in a weird way.

Swam 15 laps - overhead stroke forward one way and then back float/kick the other way. With lots of breaks. In the same time it took hubby to do 30...*sigh* but better than nothing.

Started arm exercises with 5 pound weights, but found that too easy and switched to 10 pound weights.

I need to remember the name of all the exercises so that I can track reps and's been so long since I've exercised I could hardly remember good weight lifting form or the right way to use some of the machines. If I'm really going to do this, I have to make sure I start up slowly and with proper form so I don't hurt myself.

PS My triceps hate me.

Posted my mini goals.

Kaizan Sat, Nov-05-05 16:39

LOwer body work out today - walked on the treadmill for about 20 minutes, then did a lower body work out led by my hubby that has me really really sore - lol. Doing mostly 10 lb exercises with anything having to do with my arms - 20-40 on leg exercises.


37" waist
40" dunlap
38" chest
43 1/2 waist
23 3/4 thighs
12 1/2 rt arm
11 1/2 lt arm

Kaizan Sat, Nov-05-05 21:40

OK - here's my Thursday night work out -

shoulder raises 2 sets of 10 reps at 5lbs
lateral flies 2 10 5
shoulder flies 2 10 20
shoulder press 2 10 10
bench press 2/10 at 40
calve raises 2/10 ~ 25 (machine)
leg curls 2/10 ~35 (machine)
knee extension 2/10 ~ 25 (machine)
bicep curl 2/10 ~ 12
hammer curl 2/10 ~ 12
tricep press 2/10 ~10

OK, not sure those are all the right names, but it's what hubby calls them...ha ha

Saturday Morning work out - more leg focused

20 minute walk on tread mill just to warm up
squats 2/15 with no weights - didn't think they'd do anything but they kicked my butt
alternating lunges 2/10 ~ 0
alternating calf extensions 1/15 ~ 0 , 1/14 ~0
upright rows 2/10 ~ 10
1/2 dead lift 2/10 ~ 10

abwork - 2/15 sit ups ~ 0
"side" situps for obliques 2/10

Kaizan Mon, Nov-07-05 19:08

I did not work out Sunday - I was in too much agony from Saturday's work out. Wow, I must really be out of shape cause I don't remember doing anything especially squats were without any weights for heaven's sake!

I did shovel the whole driveway though yesterday, so I think that should count for something. Hubby is reminding me I need to do upper body today - but I can't even bend at this point. Think I'll just do some weights at home, would hate to look like and injured old lady or something at the gym...ha ha

Kaizan Mon, Nov-07-05 23:36

Not much of a work out - but a bit every day better than nothin' right??

shoulder raises 1/9 ~12, 1/10 ~12
Shoulder press 2/10 ~12
hammer curls 2/10 ~12
bicep curls 2/10 ~ 12
tricep press 2/10 ~12
25 crunches
calf raises 10

Kaizan Wed, Nov-09-05 00:13

squats 2 ~10
leg extension w/ machine 2x10 ~40
leg curls 2X10 ~ 50 (machine)
upright rows 2x10 ~ 15
1/2 dead lift 2x10 ~ 10
leg press 1x10 ~ 91,1X10 at next weight (machine)

Kaizan Fri, Nov-11-05 01:52

OK, worked out tonight.

leg extensions 2X10 ~ 40 lbs
leg curls 2X10 ~ 55
upright flies (machine) 2X10 ~ 30lbs
calf raises (machine) 2X10 ~ 60lbs
shoulder raises 1X10 ~ 10, 1x10 ~8lbs
lat raises 1x10~ 8 lbs, 1x8 ~ 8lbs
leg press 2x10 ~ 122
dumbell bench press 2x10 ~ 15
back raises 2x10 no weight
squats 2 ~ 10 no weight

Kaizan Mon, Nov-14-05 14:47

No exercise Friday or Saturday.

Sunday was really good and I really pushed my upper body, but I lost the little paper that tracked everything, so until I find it, I can't log it.

I did do 20 minutes on the cycle - really more of a warm up than anything else, and then I spent a few hours at the pool with my daughter, so I should have gotten some benefit out of that too. I think I'm actually getting to like this whole working out thing. I still hate the aerobics, but I've always liked weight lifting. It makes me feel strong. Well, OK, it's making me feel stronger - compared to where I was with weights when I used to do them before I'm really quite wimpy. But it all takes time, right??

It was hard to get through the work out cause I was a bit hung over, 2 nights of more than a few cocktails is hard for my body to handle nowadays...I've so totally got to remember I'm not in my 20's anymore. So, Mike and I are going to try and stick it out until Thanksgiving with no alcohol. On Thanksgiving we're going to a friend's and her hubby's mom is going to be there - so I know I'll have to watch consumption there and not go over board. LOL!

Kaizan Mon, Nov-14-05 23:05

Found my notes! Sunday work out:

shoulder flies: 2x10~8lbs
shoulder flies, machine: 2x10~30
curls: 1x10~12, 1x10~15
inclined press: 2x10~12
dumbell press: 2x15~15
arm raises: 2x10~8
squats: 1x7~35, 1x10~0
machine press: 1x10~41, 1x10~47
leg press: 1x10~126, 1x5~160
tricep press: 1x10~15, 1X10~20

Monday Work Out:
leg extensions: 2x10~40
leg curls: 2x10~55
lunges: 2x7~15lbs
machine press:2x10~41
leg press: 2X10~126
calf raises:2x10~30
rows: 2x10~15

I didn't write down what I was doing while I was doing it - so I don't know if I forgot something or

doloresrod Tue, Nov-15-05 07:01

You're getting in some great workouts. That's awesome.
I really need to start working out with weights for my upper body. Especially my triceps, they are so flabby, they need some toning. I'm ready to get the toned look back in my legs. I can't believe I quit jogging especially when my legs were looking awesome but I know if I work hard I'll get it back.

Keep up the great work. :thup:

Kaizan Thu, Nov-17-05 12:09

OK, did nothing Tuesday and Wednesday - life got a little crazy there for a sec and I just couldn't get any time in. Mike has the day off today - which means he can take care of Skyler and getting her fed, homeworked and to swim classes and I can focus on my work out. I never thought I'd say this, especially after only 2 weeks of work outs - but damn, I'm really eager to get into the gym today!! I really missed working out those two days.

doloresrod Thu, Nov-17-05 15:54

I never thought I'd say this, especially after only 2 weeks of work outs - but damn, I'm really eager to get into the gym today!! I really missed working out those two days.



Kaizan Fri, Nov-18-05 14:29

OK - Yaye, got a good hour of lifting in last night. Felt great!

shoulder flies: 1x10~8 lbs, 1x10~10lbs
shoulder flies, machine: 2x10~30
curls: 1x10~15, 1x10~20
dumbell press: 2x10~15
back raises 2x10
arm raises: 1x10~8, 1x10~10
squats: back started hurting, something up with my form - going to go back to doing them without any weights for a bit to work on flexibility and form.
machine press: 2x10~47
leg press: 2x10~147
tricep press: 2X10~20
rows: 2x10~15
calf raises: 2x10~30
situps: 2x10
lunges 1x10~15, 1x8~15

Kaizan Fri, Nov-18-05 14:31

OH, and forgot to put down last weeks measurements

37" waist
39" dunlap
38" chest
43 1/2 hips
23 3/4 thighs
13 1/2 rt arm
13 lt arm

I can't wait until Sunday to do my next round of measurements!

Kaizan Sun, Nov-20-05 14:56

OK - no exercise the last 2 days - we got 6 inches of snow and I shoveled off the back deck and the front drive way...but no formal exercise.

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