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Amya2922 Fri, Jun-03-05 14:45

Gym Log: Reshaping My Body
I want my body to change, therefore, I must exercise! I decided Ishould add a gym log to help keep me accountable. I exercise, but very sporadically. I want to be more consistent! Maybe I'll have some exercise to log in later. :o


Amya2922 Sat, Jun-04-05 15:55

This Week's Exercise
I started this gym log to help me keep track of what I'm achieving each week in the gym. I started working out in March. Some weeks I'm very consistent and other weeks I only make it to the gym once. I want to improve and I feel keeping a log will motivate me even more! Right now I'm really into running. I hope to do a race soon, a 5k first and then on to a 10k. When I started I could barely run for 1 minute straight! Now I can run for 1 mile, walk 2 mins., then run another mile. I usually do this alternating until I complete 3 miles. Right now I am trying to improve my speed, so when I'm running I do 90 second intervals where I jog then sprint. Anyway, that is basically what I'm working on. I also do strength training 2-3x a week.

Ok, this is what I did this week:
Monday: 50mins. Walk/Jog: jog <10 min.
Tuesday: 50mins. Walk/Jog: jog <10 min.
Thursday: 50 mins. Walk/Jog: jog <10 min.

Thursday: 3set 10reps
Chest Fly
Chest Chest Press
Back Front Pulldown
Back One Arm Row
Upper Arms Curl
Shoulders Lateral Raise
Shoulders Upright Row
Thighs Lunge
Thighs Leg Press
Waist Crunch
Waist Twisting Crunch

Thighs Leg Press

I basically just copied and pasted from My PLAN, but next week I hope to be more detailed with my speed and distance for my running program.


Amya2922 Mon, Jun-06-05 13:31

I made it to the gym this morning. I still need to finish some of my exercises. I have some equipment at home, so I usually finish in the afternoon. I'm currently doing "Total Body Makeover" by Bob Greene (Oprah's trainer). I'm also a member of and I do some of the exercises recommended on their site.

Cardio - 50 mins. Treadmill walking/running
Distance - 3.75 miles

Chest Fly: 3/10/25
Chest Press:
Shoulder Press: 3/10/10
Dumbell Fly:
Lat Pull-down: 3/10/50
Biceps Curl: 3/10/10
Triceps Pushdown: 3/10/20
One Arm Row: 3/10/10
Lateral Raise: 3/10/5
Leg Press : 3/10/120
Single Leg Extension: 3/10/27
Leg Curl: 3/10/27
Incline Chest: 3/10/10
Upright Row: 3/10/7.5

Functional: sets/reps/weight

Basic Crunch: 3/15/55
Twisting Ab Crunch:
Fitness Band Low Oblique Rotation: 3/10/fitness band resistance
Upper Ab Crunch: 3/15/0
Low Back: 3/10/60
Shrug Roll:
Calf Press: 3/10/120
Reverse Ab Curls: 3/15/0
Extended Arm Crunch: 3/15/0
Vertical Leg Crunch: 3/15/0
Decline Bench Sit Ups:

Amya2922 Mon, Jun-06-05 19:34

Gym Log Updated
Ok, I think I have everything updated on my previous post. Also, part of Bob Greene's workout consists of daily stretches. You are supposed to do the stretches and the functional exercises everyday. I did almost everything on my list. I skipped a few, but I may make them up tomorrow, especially the lunges. I tend to skip the exercises I don't particularly enjoy ;) ! Well, I know I'll be sore tomorrow! Feel the burn! :D


Amya2922 Mon, Jun-06-05 19:37

Daily Stretches
Oops! I left off my stretches.

Hamstring stretch: 2-3 stretches, hold 5 seconds each
Quadriceps stretch: " "
Upper calf stretch: " "
Lower claf stretch: " "
Middle and lower back stretch: " "

All done!! :thup:


Amya2922 Tue, Jun-07-05 06:49

Good Morning!
I don't think I'll be able to run or even power walk today. My left shin is really bothering me. I'm thinking about doing the elliptical or maybe attending a spin class. I'm supposed to do cardio for 45 minutes. Also, I need to do the functional exercises and the stretches. No strength training today. Actually, I may make up the exercises I skipped yesterday. Overall, my body is not quite as sore as I expected.

Wt: 164


Amya2922 Tue, Jun-07-05 12:40

Tuesday's Exercise
Made it to the gym. I did the elliptical for 30 mins. and I ran a little over a mile on the treadmill. My shin felt better after doing the elliptical. My friend met me at the gym and she is an avid runner, so I wanted to run too. Of course she's going like 7.0 mph compared to my 4.7-5.0 mph, but she started slow like me too and has improved over time. It's nice to have someone to workout with. We did a few weight machines too. I'm more inclined to try a new machine with my friend. We decided to try the "assisted pull-up" machine today. She went first and set the weight at 85lbs. and she did fine. I get on at the same weight and just sink right back down to the floor. I needed to add more weight. It was so funny! I would've been embarassed if I'd been by myself though. Anyway, I'm still laughing about it now, but I'm proud of myself for trying something new!

I'll list the specifics of my workout in another post. :wave:


Amya2922 Tue, Jun-07-05 12:42

BTW, I started a challenge, "Fitness Summer Challenge", so check it out. I'm lonely over there. It's supposed to say Summer Fitness Challenge, but I don't know how to fix it. Ok, bye!


Amya2922 Tue, Jun-07-05 13:20

Tuesday's Workout
Cardio: 55 mins.
Elliptical T: 30mins. D: 4.3miles
Treadmill T: 25mins. D: 1.77 miles (ran 17min ~ 4.5 - 5.0mph/ walk remainder)

Strength: I wasn't planning on doing any, but my friend worked out with me and needed to do the weights.

Hip Abductor: 3/10/70#
Hip Adductor: 3/10/55#
Assisted Pull-up: 3/8/100#
Cable Oblique Twist: 1/10/40#

Basic Crunch: 3/15/55
Twisting Ab Crunch: 3/15/0
Fitness Band Low Oblique Rotation:
Upper Ab Crunch: 3/15/0
Low Back: 3/10/65
Shrug Roll:
Calf Press:
Reverse Ab Curls: 3/15/0
Extended Arm Crunch:
Vertical Leg Crunch:
Decline Bench Sit Ups: 3/15/0

Ok, hopefully I'll finsih my functional exercise later today. Have a great workout! :wave:


Amya2922 Wed, Jun-08-05 07:18

Lost a lb.!
All of this exercise is finally paying off. I was happy to see 162 on the scale this morning. It keeps me motivated. I'm looking foward to exercising today, shocking, I know! :lol:

Today is supposed to be cardio & strength training.

I'm getting prepared to sweat. I'm already drinking my water, 20 oz. so far! :D

Amy :wave:

Amya2922 Wed, Jun-08-05 15:10

Wednesday's Log
Here is the plan for today. I still have a few things I need to finish. I took my daughter to the mall after my workout. I only wanted to stay 1 hour, but we ended staying 2 hours. I'm tired now and behind on my schedule.

Wt:162 :yay:
Cardio - 45 mins. Treadmill walking/running 4.5 - 5.0 mph
1st mile - 12:44, 2nd mile - 13:00, walked remainder ~3.5 mph
Distance - 2.88 miles
Elliptical - 10 mins.

Lunge: 1/10/20# (10# dumbbells)
Chest Fly: 3/10/10#
Chest Press: 3/10/10#
Shoulder Press: 3/10/10#
Butterfly: 3/10/10#
Lat Pull-down: 3/10/50#
Biceps Curl: 3/10/10#
Triceps Pushdown: 3/10/20
One Arm Row: 3/10/12.5
Lateral Raise: 3/10/5#
Leg Press : 3/10/120
Single Leg Extension: 3/10/27#
Leg Curl: 3/10/27#
Incline Chest Press: 3/10/12.5
Upright Row: 3/10/7.5

Functional: sets/reps/weight

Basic Crunch: 3/15/0
Twisting Ab Crunch: 3/15/0
Fitness Band Low Oblique Rotation:
Upper Ab Crunch:no
Low Back: 3/10/60
Shrug Roll: no
Calf Press: 3/10/120
Reverse Ab Curls: 3/15/0
Extended Arm Crunch: no
Vertical Leg Crunch: 3/15/0
Decline Bench Sit Ups:

Amy :wave:

Amya2922 Thu, Jun-09-05 08:29

Another lb. gone!
Well, I lost another lb.! Officially, I have now lost 10 lbs.!! :cheer: I've been exercsising for 3 months and doing LC almost 1 month. It's finally paying off. All I can say is be patient and results will come. I updated my exercise from yesterday. I did almost everything, so I feel pretty good. I am planning to go to the gym later, but will only do a light cardio.

My shin is still sore. I have it wrapped right now and it's helping.

Have a great day!

Amy :wave:

Amya2922 Thu, Jun-09-05 19:27

Thursday's Exercise
Cardio: Spin Class 45 mins.

That's it! I might do some abs before bed. I didn't get to the gym until
5:30 p.m.! I definitely prefer going in the morning. This messed my whole day up, as far as eating goes. I ended up eating over 2,000 calories! I also didn't eat dinner until almost 8:00. My usual cut off time is between 6 and 7 pm. Well, at least it was an intense workout! :spin:

Now DH and I are watching the NBA play offs. San Antonio is only about 70 miles from us, so we are rooting for the Spurs! :cheer:


Amya2922 Fri, Jun-10-05 07:56

Thursday Update
I did do a few ab exercises before bed.

Crunch: 3/15/0
Reverse Crunch: 3/15/0
Fitness Band Oblique Twist: 1/15

Amya2922 Fri, Jun-10-05 12:25

Friday's Exercise/ Awesome Cardio Today!!
Let me just start off by saying I had an awesome workout today! I met my friend at the gym and we did the spin class for 45 mins. The instructor asked if anyone wanted to run speed drills with her on the treadmill after class. My friend and I decided we would. I can't run nearly as fast as them, so I did .75 mile runs at a time and they did 1 mile runs. We started out at our normal pace and ran our planned distance. Then we took a 90 sec. break by jogging around the gym. Then back on the treadmill for the second mile, but this time she had us increase by .10 - .20 on our speed. Anyway, I was surprised I could do the distance at the increased speeds. It was fun and motivating! :yay:

Cardio: Spinning 45 mins.
Running: 20+ mins. S: 5.0 1st .75 mile, 5.2 2nd .75 mile, 5.5 for .25 mile

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