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Shirlfe Fri, Nov-09-01 09:34

Blood pressure and other
I would like to know if any here, has lowered blood pressure, and colestrol(may not be spelled right) by low carbing. Shirl

Natrushka Fri, Nov-09-01 10:32

Yes, Shirl. Low Carbing helps to reduce total cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure. My triglycerides are at an all time low and my BP is now the lowest it has ever been (130 / 79) as a result of LCing.

If you're interested in the health benefits of LC I suggest you get yourself a copy of "Protein Power" by the Eades. They explain in layman's terms just how and why LC works to lower cholesterol and BP, how it helps regulate blood sugars and how it can help people with food allergies and intolerances feel so much better.


Shirlfe Fri, Nov-09-01 10:45

Thank's for the Info. Hug's, Shirl

Oldsalty Fri, Nov-09-01 12:10

High blood pressure was the reason that I came to this way of eating, about 2 years ago. I was searching for a way to bring blood pressure down with out meds. For 2 months I monitored blood pressure against diet and physical activity and by chance ran out of bread one weekend. I recorded an immediate drop in blood pressure just from not eating bread.
Soon after this I found the Carbohydrate Addicts books and went on from there. My blood pressure went down to normal over a period of 2 months as I refined my approach to low carbing and in the process I lost 20 pounds.
Contrary to the accepted medical view that you have to lose weight to lower blood pressure, mine went down as soon as I cut out the carbs and then the weight came off.
Of course I got many of the other benefits, more energy, no tiredness in the afternoon, no more dizzy spells, no more indigestion etc etc.

Good Luck.

Shirlfe Fri, Nov-09-01 12:42

Oldsalty, Thank's, I guess I Just needed reasured. I do have to take a lot of med's for the blood pressure. Just what I wanted to hear. Shirl

sunsight13 Fri, Nov-09-01 12:46

Thanks for the input. I, too, needed to hear that. It is encouraging as I have slightly high blood pressure and slightly high chlorestoral. Would like to bring them down. It helps to hear that others have lowered these by low carbing. Susan

Oldsalty Fri, Nov-09-01 15:52

A couple of additional comments.
I would recommend that you learn to take your own blood pressure, there is a technique to getting an accurate reading, height and support of the arm that you are using being one of them. A good device need only cost around $30 - $40 and you have it for life.
In addition when I found that controlling blood sugar and hence insulin, was the key to blood pressure control, then I invested another $30-$40 in a blood sugar monitor and strips so that I could be sure that my new found diet was indeed controlling blood sugar at the appropriate levels.
I monitored blood sugar at intervals over a 2 month period it did give me the confidence that my new food choices were indeed controlling my blood sugar / insulin levels. I am not diabetic merely insulin resistant and so I did not feel the necessity to monitor on an ongoing basis.
Dr Bernstein's clinic will freely give you advice as to which blood sugar monitor is their choice.

Good luck..

Sharon Fri, Nov-09-01 16:54

not me but the guy next door!!
Not me, but the guy in the office next to me.....also had fantastic results by lowcarbing and lowering his cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure. His Dr. made him go off on sick leave indefinitely because of his high blood pressure. He knew I lowcarbed and he and his wife came and talked to started and within a month, the Dr. had reduced his medicine inhalf... He started walking daily approximately an hour, and was back to work full time in about 2 months. (He lost about 20 pounds too, very quickly).

He was afraid to tell his Dr. exactly what he was doing...he told her he had cut out carbs and booze....and she said she didn't care what he was doing...just to keep doing it....she couldn't believe how he had turned his life around.

I believe there are lots of similar success stories.

Shirlfe Fri, Nov-09-01 18:24

Oldsalty and Sharon
Thanks for your advice and support, I am anxious to see what Low Carb will do for me, as far as blood pressure and lowering the cholesterol. I have a good blood pressure machine, but not blood sugar. I will keep you posted about the result's. Hug's, Shirl

doreen T Fri, Nov-09-01 21:03

I have brought my BP down from 140/90 to 120/80 in a year with LC and the resulting weight loss (no meds). My cholesterol and triglycerides were slightly high/borderline ... and are now normal. My HDL (good chol) is up. My reactive hypoglycemia (often considered a pre-diabetic state) is under control :thup:

If you would like to read an excellent testimonial, here's a story from a young man who suffered a massive heart attack requiring emergency quadruple bypass surgery. Afterward, he gained weight and his cholesterol and triglycerides sky-rocketed despite religiously following a lowfat diet and high doses of cholesterol- and blood pressure-lowering medication. He decided he had nothing left to lose, and against the harsh criticism of his doctors, he started Atkins. STRICT, no cheating. And he quit the meds. Within 4 months, he lost a lot of weight, blood pressure down, and blood lipids remarkably improved.

The thread I gave the link to is in the Low Carb and Your Health category - Cholesterol & Heart Disease section. The thread is titled "Letter to WebMD", and you'll see that he was still doing very well this past summer. And I can also tell you that he has continued to do very well, is off ALL medication ... and recently celebrated his 50th birthday. I know this, 'cuz he's my brother ;)

Hope this inspires


Flintstone Fri, Nov-09-01 22:51


What a wonderful story...Thank you for sharing it.

Shirlfe Sat, Nov-10-01 04:03

Hi Doreen, Wonderful testimony about your Brother. It give's me a lot of hope to be able to, maybe, get off my med's. I am looking forward to better health. Hug's Shirl

wenderwomn Sat, Nov-10-01 09:07

Yep, me too. After only six weeks of lowcarb, my BP went from 138/96 to 142/80. Cholesterol went from 232 to 169. Triglycerides from 176 to 85. That was back in August, I'm sure the numbers are even lower now. And as a bonus, I've lost 45 lbs. Is this living or what? :) :) :)


dreamreh Sat, Nov-10-01 11:05

Hi Shirl.
I have been on the Carbohydrate Addict's Diet since June 26. In May I was diagnosed with diabetes, was taking high blood pressure medication, triglycerides were over 600, and I had high cholesterol. In August, I went for a complete physical. I returned in September to go over the results with the doctor. The doctor was impressed to say the least. My blood sugar was normal, cholesterol was normal, blood pressure was normal, and my triglycerides were 210 (almost normal). I had also lost 40 lbs at that time (to date I have lost 51). The doctor said she couldn't tell me to do anything different than I have been doing. I feel great and for the first time in my life I have an eating plan I can live with. I hope this information helps you.


Shirlfe Sat, Nov-10-01 21:56

dreamreh, I have the carb. addicts book's. Calp and the first book, Cad.
I was wondering which plan you followed? And did you eat sweet's at all, in your reward meal?
What would a day's meal plan look like, if you don't mind sharing?
Thank's and Hug's, Shirley

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