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AfroBob Wed, Nov-07-01 19:34

Well, Im back and I dont know what to do.
*Blows dust off forum*

I havent been here in a while. If you guys remember I am the 16 year old that lost 50lbs in 4 months. I use to weigh 195 and I got off low carbing at 145. Now I weigh 163. Ive been gaining weight and I hate it. Ive attempted to go back to low carbing for a month to lose around 10lbs but I never stick to it. I started again and its been 2 days. Its so much harder than before :( I ate over 20g of carbs today. I ate a little bit of chips which was probably high in carbs. I dont know what to do. My moms telling me that Id be better off doing WW since I can eat whatever I want. The reason I am choosing low carbing is because I can lose the weight quick. Im not even sure how long WW takes. Any suggestions?

Natrushka Wed, Nov-07-01 19:49

Re: Well, Im back and I dont know what to do.
Originally posted by AfroBob
Its so much harder than before

It will get harder each time, Bob. LC only works if you stick with it into maintenance. As you've discovered.

Originally posted by AfroBob
Any suggestions ?

Probably the same ones you heard before, yo yo dieting is very bad for you, it screws with your metabolism and it's hard on your body; If you can lose the weight with a program then you should be able to follow a maintenance plan. Some of them are pretty lenient in what you can eat. You're setting yourself up for some bad times if you continue along this way, Bob. There are many of us who can attest to that.

I hope you find something that works for you.

AngelaR Thu, Nov-08-01 08:14

Re: Well, Im back and I dont know what to do.
Originally posted by AfroBob

My moms telling me that Id be better off doing WW since I can eat whatever I want.

For a sanity check, go back and look at the WW menus. Can you REALLY eat whatever you want? In what quantities? Is a Big Mac and Large fries allowed? Last time I was on it there were so many restrictions maybe not in what you could eat, but in how much. 3 french fries is far from "large fries". 1/4 of a bagel isn't worth the effort. Any change in eating habits that lets you eat whatever you want isn't going to help you lose weight in the long run in JMHO

Do you realize how much normal food is still ok LCing? You just have to find the good ones, and the ones you like.

Stick with it. There's lots of help here in the forums.

Sarlye Thu, Nov-08-01 12:41

Have you read any books since you started??

I think if you really want to lose the weight, invest the time to read and get more educated in the way of eating and way of life you are pursuing.

The library have the books out on loan, so you don't have to spend any money. There is no EASY way to do anything and there is NO POINT to start again if you don't learn from each time you fail.

Do a search under your name and see all the great advice others have given you and then decide if you really want to pursue this way of life.

Being 16 years old does not mean 'you don't know any better'. Take some responsibility for yourself.

Have you done any menu planning for yourself? or you are expecting your mother to cook your meals? I think you are old enough to boil some water and make some boiled eggs to start. Can you make some salad?

Sorry to be so harsh but I truly believe you have to put in some true committment instead of using this forum as a crutch when you fail.

Good luck to you!

doreen T Thu, Nov-08-01 12:59

hey AfroBob!
Good to see ya back, I was wondering how you were doing ;)

The basic rule would be to get yerself back on Induction pronto. It's only 2 weeks, a.k.a. 14 days. You can do that! :thup: .. It's the cravings and the dips and surges in blood sugar and insulin that are triggering you to cheat. It's more than just a mental thing ... these are measurable physiologic responses to changing levels of chemicals in the brain and blood -- insulin of course, as well as cortisol and adrenalin ... and others too. You can only gain control of these by (1) stopping the sugar roller-coaster .. which also includes refined starches, flour, baked things, french fries, etc ... and (2) eating lots of protein, smaller meals and snacks more frequently. The longer you go hungry between protein-containing meals, the more likely you will crave sugary, starchy carbs. Period.

The second thing I'd like to lecture to you about :D ... is the fact that yer still growing. How much taller are you than when you first low-carbed last spring? And I'll bet your shoulders are wider too. Even ½" will make a difference and will naturally cause you to weigh more, without a change in the amount of fat you have on your body. Your skeleton has weight, bones are dense and heavy, especially the bones of an active young man who's still got a few years of growing to do. Skeletal growth isn't complete until average age 21 for men. So, you MUST expect to gain weight over the next few years just by virtue of your skeleton growing and bones getting heavier and denser.

I remember your previous posts, and your love affair with cookies and Crispy Creme donuts!! ;) .. and the fact that you can eat a lot more than just 20 grams of carb a day and still lose weight. But as you've learned, a carb is not a carb is not a carb. Someone else asked this question today, read about it here.

Okay, bottom line is:
  • eat more protein
  • smaller meals and snacks, more frequently, and make sure there's some protein EVERY time
  • get back at Induction, 14 days faithfully. If you can't make a commitment to yourself, then don't expect anyone else to do it for you
  • we can't make the commitment for you, but we're always, always here to encourage and support.
  • take your measurements, inclucing your height .. and accurately measure the length of your arms and legs too, as these will be your best indicators of bone growth.
Good luck, and keep us posted how yer doing!


ladibug Mon, Dec-03-01 12:45

hi bob

I just read your post, I hope that you are still low-carbing. I know that at times it can seem diffucult but I know you can do it

shelley Mon, Dec-03-01 13:56

Hi Afrobob
I know exactly what you are talking about. It is so easy to fall off the diet. But I think if you are unable to sick it out with this diet WW would not be any easier. It's a motivation thing that gets you. Personally, I can never lose weight on WW because as soon as I have a few carbs, I want a whole bunch of carbs. Carb junkies that we are. LOL Not only that but I am always hungry on WW. They say you can eat alot, but I don't think so. How many pieces of celery can you eat? I feel more deprived because they count fat, calories and they now also count the glycemic index of foods.

EllieEats Mon, Dec-03-01 15:28

Hi AfroBob !!
You've lo- carbed before so you already know what I have discovered------ this is the only diet I've been on that you don't have to go around hungry most of the time--- even WW has you hungering for more daily!!! And going to bed hungry is the worst-------- lay there thinking about food! :( Thats when I usually caved after struggling with the hunger all day. That never happens on Atkins--- cuz you can eat! :D
PLEASE give it another shot-------start induction and stick with it!! We're all rooting for ya :cheer:
Ellie :wave:

danume Fri, Jan-11-02 14:09

Never Give Up
Please since you are still just in the beginning of your Journey of life here on earth.....this is more than a is to be a continual way of life to achieve your desired goals in life. :bash:

Once you understand will be happy and can enjoy the results of your labor :D

Hang in there AfroBob :wave: :thup:

Marcie :p

razzle Fri, Jan-11-02 16:35

you've learned through a personal experience what any good doctor knows. Diets NEVER work in the long term.

My advice then, is to NEVER diet again. Ever! Instead, make permanent changes to your eating habits that will result in super-slow weight loss but that you can also stick with forever. Only you know if that means cutting out sugar forever, limiting yourself to one dessert OR pizza per week, or whatever. Since you're young, healthy, and not very overweight, I'd suggest that you make a single change per month to your eating/exercising habits that you can live with forever. If you keep falling off that single change, try it for another month, until it is habit.

In this way you establish habits that are healthy for you but that you can also live with. If you choose a 'diet' and think of it as a diet, it will fail you. You aren't the failure, the concept of "dieting" is.

Best of luck to you

BillT Sat, Jan-12-02 14:49

WeightWatchers is complete BS. Their goal is to keep you in their program for life so that you can suck up your dough til you croak. If you used low-carb to lose weight, good! If you used low-carb to lose weight fast, wrong! Did you think you body chemistry would change in the meantime? Low-carb is not meant to just lose weight. It?s the way humans should eat? for life. Not that you can?t cheat once in a while, but carbs are bad for you are bad for you are bad for you. Period.

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