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hippy Sat, Oct-02-04 11:10

I want to cheat!!
Ok i've been eating the LCway for about a month now and do i ever want to cheat!!! I am really craving chips for some reason, I don't understand it because before i sarted Atkins i would just have chips the odd time. Is it ok to just have a handful or is that a big no no?? If its not alright is there anything that will make this craving go away? I've tried those pork rinds and oh yuck!! Not for me! Can someone please help or i might get the temptation to go buy a small bag.
THANKS!! :help:

Elisann Sat, Oct-02-04 11:25

Cut some cheese (I like Monterey Jack but Cheddar and American also work) put it on a plate and cook it in the microwave until it bubbles and starts to turn brown. Then pat off the extra greese and if it's cooked enough when it's cool you can break it up into pieces. This is a great substitute for chips, they are crunchy and salty.

NWatson Sat, Oct-02-04 12:25

Also, you can get the pepperoni slices and do the same! They turn out crunchy and more tasty than any chip I've ever had! :)

Hope the craving passes and these suggestions help!!!


VickySail Sat, Oct-02-04 12:55

The good Dr. also says L-Glutamine for cravings. I'm not sure if they were just for sweet cravings, but it's worth a shot.

There are also soy crisps in the stores that are supposed to be low carb (haven't tried 'em yet), and if you have one nearby, Trader Joe's has a soy and flax seed tortilla that's very nice, but can put you on the pot. :blush:


Sapphire2 Sat, Oct-02-04 22:58

The closest substitute for a potato chip I have found, believe it or not, are soy nuts. They have the crunch of a potato chip and the saltinesss you crave. They also come in a variety of flavors such as ranch, bar-b-que, hot-n-spicy, salted, unsalted, etc. They are high in fiber (5 grms per 1/3 C.), have approx 5 grams of carbs. and 30 mg of isoflavones. I find them very filling, probably due to the high fiber content, and have never found myself in danger of devouring an entire bag/can as I do cashews, peanuts or walnuts. Although, the carb count (5grms) are probably a bit on the high side during induction, I have found that one serving does not impede me weight loss. Besides, 5 grms is a heck of a lot better then the carb count and shame I'd feel after devouring an entire bag of Kettle Chips!

Busyamom Sun, Oct-03-04 12:47

That's a good idea Sapphire2--I bought a bag a few months ago but haven't opened them as yet...will try them later on.

hippy Sun, Oct-03-04 13:14

Thanks everyone for the great idea's!! Im off to the grocery store! i've got to get rid of this craving! LOL

-thunder- Sun, Oct-03-04 16:34

Honestly, if you've been good for the entire month, go ahead and indulge a little. It's not going to kill you. What it will do is eliminate that craving and you can continue on.

Cheating is not bad, provided it is done smart and is planned. Done this way, it can be used to bust plateaus and get even leaner.

TarHeel Sun, Oct-03-04 16:43

Elisa's cheese crisps idea has worked for me. I just do them in frying pan.

Nuts help. Sunflower seeds. Don't know if you can get Lay's Doritos Naco Edge where you are, but they're another good substitute, used in moderation.

I can't agree with going for the real thing. I know it wouldn't work for me.

Kettle chip fanatic....aka Kay

Built Sun, Oct-03-04 16:46

Sometimes, it's the right thing to do. The trick for me is to PLAN it. I don't just cave in - I'll wait until I've got a killer workout planned for right afterward, or for the next day. That way, it's not a reward for a crappy day or a weak moment.

-thunder- Sun, Oct-03-04 16:49

Originally Posted by Built
Sometimes, it's the right thing to do. The trick for me is to PLAN it. I don't just cave in - I'll wait until I've got a killer workout planned for right afterward, or for the next day. That way, it's not a reward for a crappy day or a weak moment.

I think that's key.

1. When it's a planned cheat, it's a reward.

2. When it's an unplanned cheat, and a result of simply caving in, then you end up being psychologically defeated and guilty.

ljw32 Sun, Oct-03-04 17:02

Sunflower seed or peanuts work for me- also- if you look at the label and see how many chips are in one serving and can deal with just one serving it is ok- just don't totally cave and go days eating like that- have your snack and go right back to induction. A few weeks ago my son wanted nachos- my favorite- I could eat a ton before. Well- I didn't have time to go get some low carb chips so I took one serving 7 chips- 17 carbs- crunched them up in a bowl and put the nacho toppings on it. It was really great! It was filling and I got the little crunch I needed!

ljw32 Sun, Oct-03-04 17:03

Also- I did get some low carb chips soon after that and the serving was 19 chips/ 5 cabs- they were pretty blah by themselves but made as nachos or just with cheese were great and better than only 7 regular chips!

nikkil Tue, Oct-05-04 11:49

I think it's Genisoy that makes the one kind of lc tortilla chips I've tried. They're not that great by themselves (too heavy for me) but they're good if you're going to make a nacho platter with ground beef, olives, tomatoes, sour cream and salsa. That could/would be your dinner.

I've made the cheese chips and they're really good, too. I cut a small cube and put it on parchment paper in the microwave. Watch them because it doesn't take long! Then blot them with a paper towel and they're nice and crispy. The pepperoni is the best, tho. I smear cream cheese on them sometimes :yum:

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