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Wickedways Sun, Sep-12-04 05:09

Why are there more men in the grocery stores lately? Am I the only one in the world frustrated by this?

Ok, yes I know, equality, but ladies, PLEASE do your own shopping (alone!). Do you realise that your husbands are incompetent in the grocery store AND down right dangerous when you are not there?

I am tired of getting hit in the back of the legs by a wide eyed shopping novice male, and trying to manouver around the rude ones who leave the carts smack dab in the middle of the isle where you can't get around them either side....or the ones who stop and yap and block the isles, or the husbands who park next to the wives as they dutifully but ignorantly push the cart so no other shoppers can get by they think it is a race???Lets not forget the most evil of all shopping faux paus! DOUBLE PARKING!Gasp!

OR the darn comment I got while putting my daughters (I have 4) 2 boxes of cereal (which I never touched even when I wasn't low carb,) into my cart....the old guy (even worse) stopped in his tracks as he was passing by the end of the isle, stared for a good 30 secs...with not a smile he announced I must be 'hungry' and walked off in a hurry... UGH, why pray tell would you say such a stupid thing? Are you that naive about the grocery shopping JOB??? Do I look hungry? Do I look fat? Do I not look like I am a mother shopping for a family of 6?? Or do you seriously think everyone in there is shopping for themselves and my half full cart was because I was 'hungry'??? Did you not stop to realise how rude your comment was? Or did you think it was aaah funny???? Ok if that was the case, how would you like it if I stopped by while you were underneath your car and stared then said 'oh you must be too cheap to take it in to the mechanic' or while you were whittling away on a piece of wood, 'aah you must be bored out of your mind'....

Please guys, let your mom, sister, girlfriend, wife do the shopping!

Wickedways, an admitted sexist in the shopping isles! :p

IdahoSpud Sun, Sep-12-04 05:12

Good thing I wasn't there. I'd have taken your shopping cart while you weren't looking ;)

Wickedways Sun, Sep-12-04 05:40

Darn! I forgot that one! I always suspected that those cases were not accidental but a deliberate attempt to steal my groceries because you guys can't find anything!!!


3shewolf8 Sun, Sep-12-04 11:39 husband is a better grocery shopper than I am...he can go to the store, get everything on the list, and extras for himself and the kids!! He even is considerate enough to find a lo carb treat for me too!! (one time he brought me some cheese cubes cut into sun shapes because he thought they would make me smile!!), so I can't bash men in the store, but I have to wonder...where do you shop??

Nancy LC Sun, Sep-12-04 13:18

Hah! I've walked off with other people's shopping carts before... its so embarassing!

KoKo Sun, Sep-12-04 13:29

My husband always does the regular grocery shopping. I make the list (very detailed and in order of the store layout) and he buys only what is on the list. I don't like to shop so he does it for me, once or twice a year I might go to the store to check out what new products are available, but since we mainly only buy meats, fruits and veggie along with standard staples - there's not much need.

I find women who go shopping with a few kids with them much more irritating than men - I know it can't be helped at times but kids running all over the store can make you want to scream. And what about those little kid shopping carts :spin: - whoever thought that one up obviously never had to shop in a store with 10 or 12 3-5 year olds pushing them around.

laurenra Sun, Sep-12-04 13:49

I dont mind the men so much but the Groups of people who go together & make their shopping a social event. Like 6 or 7 of the, standing in the isle chatting about something they saw on TV last night or where they are going to eat later. And then they give me a dirty look because I say excuse me & try to stear around them. When I'd rather of said "Get the H*** out of my way, I've got real shopping to do!" LOL

DiannaH Sun, Sep-12-04 15:38

Oh my word...I thought I was the only person around who HATES men in the grocery store!!! I cannot even take my own hubby with me because he gets on my nerves and in my way, and in other people's way! I also can't stand couples shopping together because it always seems like they have to debate every purchase, explain every selection, stand and block the aisles, etc.... :p

Wickedways, I can't believe that idiot made that comment to you! I wish people would mind their own business sometimes. :nono:

CindySue48 Sun, Sep-12-04 16:37

My son does 90% of our shopping. He works at a food store, so I jut give him a list as he walks out the door!

RainCM Sun, Sep-12-04 17:43

I'm not against men at the grocery store for the most part, but I'm another who finds people who bring 2,3,4,5 screaming children with them really annoying. I know for some folks, it can't be helped, the shopping has to be done and there's no one to babysit the kids, but please, leave them at home if you can! They're standing in the aisles, transfixed by some sugary treat, completely oblivious that people need to get their carts past them. Or screaming or crying because they've just been denied something they saw, or they're tired, or bored. Or they're chasing each other through the aisles as though the store is their playground.

It's not really the children that are the problem, but the parents who can't seem to keep them under control or well-behaved. Having grown up as a military brat, I am constantly amazed at some of the antics the little ones get away with that my siblings and I would have never even considered doing!

Okay, rant over. I really do like children, (honest!), but the way some behave or are allowed to behave, particularly at grocery stores and restaurants, drive me completely over the edge!

silverfang Sun, Sep-12-04 19:33

I shop for my wife all the time. I am a better shopper than she is, and she hates going to the gorcery store anyway. I know what I want, and go right to it.
The people _I_ hate in the grocery store are the moms with spoiled kids. When the kid does something wrong, the mom just says " do you want a time out"? or something equally ineffective. I also hate the old people on their damn scooters. They block the isles worse than anyone. I also hate the people that come stand _right_ next to you, like you should get out of their way, even though you were there first. I also hate the cell phone talkers! Doing a buisness deal on the soup isle, or chattin' it up with booboo at the cash register is rude.
end rant.

CindySue48 Sun, Sep-12-04 20:26

Originally Posted by RainCM
I really do like children

Wow! I wish I could say the same, but the kids now? Nope, can't stand the little brats! Yes, it is the parent's fault, but I just can't stand them!

I have two kids, now grown and I love them dearly. I also have friends with kids, family with kids....and for the most part they're good kids. And these kids I like or love.....some almost as much as my own! But, being honest, as a general group? Nope, don't like them.

I remember once when my two were younger....probably around 8 & 10 yrs old. We were over a friend's house and my friends two kids were fighting....hitting, kicking, spitting, the whole bit! Mom stepped in between them to break it up and they were kitting and kicking HER!!! My two were standing there with their jaws on the floor! When we got into the car, one of them said "they hit their mother" with amazement! I pointed out that these kids were not very well behaved and if they were mine they'd never think about doing that! My two agreed....and asked why their mom allowed it. Sadly, I didn't have an answer for them.

Today mine are almost 20 and 22 and I'm very proud of the way they both turned out.....I guess I can breathe easy now! They are both kind, helpful, nice kids....and very polite! Daughter's in college and works as a waitress and the other wait staff tease her about her "please and thank you's". She just laughs. My son works at the local food store and has several customers that just love him!

It really isn't hard, you just have to show by example and expect proper behavior back.....and punish if they don't behave!

Sccuffy Sun, Sep-12-04 21:58

Grocery Shopping is my time to myself, I sneak out of the house early when my daughter and husband are still asleep on Saterday mornings and spend a good 2 hours crusing the isles, selecting new low carb whole foods to eat.

chysmith Sun, Sep-12-04 22:38

My husband is great at the grocery store. He does a lot of the cooking so knows what ingrediants he needs and where to find them. Not all men are complete idiots when shopping. Some women can be complete idiots when shopping and do the things complained about.

I do take my kids shopping a lot of the time. How else are they going to learn to shop in a grocery store if they've never had the experience? They will turn into the men that people have complained about. Grocery shopping is a great teaching opportunity. My kids help me figure out, for example, which toilet paper package is cheaper based on price per roll. Sure, it takes a little longer than just figuring it out myself and doesn't happen every time we go to the store, but they are learning to be frugal shoppers. My oldest two are 10 and 8. I also have a 3 year old, but she's not quite ready for this type of math, though she does sometimes like to count how many items I buy. :)

There are also times when my kids try to bug me for things, and yes I do mention being put into time out. It's effective because my kids know that I have no problem with putting them in time out in the grocery store, for all to see. They learn that when they bug me for things my answer is definitely "No." They learn that they can't have everything that they want. Yes, there are those parents out there that threaten with negative consequences and don't follow through, and those kids are learning that their parents lack follow through and they can get away with anything.

For the old people in the scooters which are rather quite bulky and difficult to manuever around others, sometimes a "May I help you reach something?" would go a long way. A lot of times they have to park in the middle of the aisle in order to have room to get out to retrieve the item that they want. A little understanding goes a long way.

Rant over, stepping off my soapbox now...(and looking over my shoulder...) :)

CindyG Sun, Sep-12-04 23:00

This is cracking me up! I had a "man at the grocery store" incident today! I was attempting to cross the parking lot, but this 50ish guy in a red miata was driving in the parking lot, talking on the cell phone, and not watching, so I was trying to stay out his way. He just drove like by, like he owned the whole parking lot! Next thing you know, I'm in Safeway and this same guy basically has his cart parked sidewise in the aisle. I say "excuse me" and he looks at me like "why can't you go the other way?"... I wish that was the end of it, but no on the next aisle he is completely oblivious, comes around the corner and crashes right into me! Least it was the cart and not my car!

Ok... so ladies if this was your husband or bf today.... PLEASE!...don't let him shop alone :lol:

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