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ykmaggie Fri, Sep-10-04 09:12

Maggie's gym log
Hi everyone,I started Body for Life 11 days ago.

Progress so far...

Down 6 lbs on the scale. I did take the before pictures, god help me. Most noticeable difference is much less flab on my waist. Have taken measurements and see that I've lost an inch on my waist, inch from hips, and 1/2 inch on thighs.

I can't believe how committed I am to this program. Often I start things and give up part way through, get bored, have unrealistic expectations, or whatever.

I don't know what's changed, perhaps just gut determination? Maybe I'm just tired of being fat!

This is a major turning point for me. 2 kids in grade 12, I turn 40 this year, I'm heading back to school, a MA in Psychology that I can do part time.

I'm finding body for life quite easy to do, 20 - 30 minutes max for weight workouts. I've added more cardio, after the weights.

I'm doing a modified fat flush diet, with 1- 2 servings of high quality starch, like a sprouted grain bagel, twice a day, unlimited veges, and enough fat to keep me from starving. Still haven't kicked the habit of 2-4 diet cokes a day.

What I like best about the BFF is the free day! I'm already looking forward to Sunday. Last Sunday I pigged out on sushi, went to Boston Pizza for lunch and drank several glasses of wine with dinner. I intend to temper this gluttony this Sunday :)

I find myself really looking forward to the weight workouts, which surprises me, since I never enjoyed lifting before.

Here's my week log so far:

Sunday - Off
Monday - Upper body. 1 hr mountain hike after
Tues - Cardio, eliptical trainer 30 minutes. PM 1/2 hr walk
Wed - Lower body. 1/2 hr eliptical trainer after, PM 1 hr walk
Thurs - Fasting AM cardio - 25 min run on treadmill, followed by 1/2 hr walk
Friday - Upper body, 1/2 hr stationary bike, 1 hr walk

Have a great weekend everyone!


liftnlady Fri, Sep-10-04 14:03

hey there thanks for dropping by my log. When I started I too did the body for life program, lost about 18lbs total, then started doing body part splits and more carb cycling dieting to add muscle. So a few years later I am again coming to the end of another bulk cycle again and I should end up around 145-147...then I will diet back down to 120-125....with more muscle than before !!

I too turned 40 this year so I know how you feel, but these are the best years coming up, so keep up the hardwork and don't get put off by stalls or plateaus...dRop by anytime you have any questions.

have a great weekend !!

ykmaggie Fri, Sep-10-04 17:14

Thanks Liftinlady!

I bet you look like a million dollars all cut up. Do you compete?

I actually have a lot of muscle (even tho I didn't lift weights before this) from all my activities, kayaking, skiiing, etc, so I look like I've been lifting weights for a while.

I would like to have someone to work out with, my husband always says he will, but never sticks with it:(

I'll stop by your log and say hi again



ykmaggie Sat, Sep-11-04 14:25

Here's my Fri/Sat gym log update.

I forgot my log when I went to the gym so had to guess what I could lift.

Doing BFL so started out with chest, and man I am so weak in that area.

Did shoulders, dumbell shoulder press 12X10; 10X12; 8X15, and tried 20lbs for my 6 but no way.

Back workout, seated rows, 12X45; 10X 50; 8X 60, 6X 70, couldn't finish last set. Finished up w/lat pulldowns at 60X 12.

Triceps pushdowns, 12X25; 10X 30; 8X35; 6X 40. No set of 12 since my triceps are super develped from skiing.

1/2 hr on stationary bike, 1/2 hr PM walk.

Today, Saturday, I woke up after tossing and turning all night, I was STARVING. Took my AM temp and it was down to 97.3. This is what I was afraid of, I don't know what to do now.

Yesterday I had a sprouted grain wrap after my workout, a sprouted grain piece of toast in AM, and soup for dinner that had some pasta spirals and beans in it, for a total carb count of about 80 gms. Protein about 130gms, lots of fat. I can't believe I have to eat more carbs than that.

Did my 20 min HITT at 8:00 this morning, can't say I had a lot of energy. Did 1/2 hr of yoga after.

Still fiddling with my carbs and need to find a balance. Do not like being so hungry at night that I can't sleep, and finding my AM temp so low means my metobolism is dropping like a rock and I'm not converting my thyroid hormones.

My calories have been consistently around 1800/day. Last night I had a whey shake with cranberries and flax seed, but still didn't keep me from starving all night.

Ketone stik this morning showed small ketosis, all that starving for nothing.

This carb/calorie thing is frustrating and confusing but I guess we all have to find our own level. Last week my AM temps were all about 98, ketone stiks were pink in the morning.

Tomorrow is my 'free day' and I intend to load up on the carbs, about 150gms, then go to 40 on Monday.


liftnlady Sat, Sep-11-04 16:06

hey maggie, depletion workouts are basically circuit workouts. There are 3 circuits with about 10 exercises per circuit. The reps range from 8-10 10-12 12-15 complete each circuit with 30 sec rest after each exercise...or basically enough time to get to your next exercise. Then you take a 2 minute rest between each circuit. You go thorough as many circuits as you can in 30 minutes..this is usually about 2 circuits. These are preceeded by 2 heavy compound exercises for 2 major muscle groups.

I would say for now stick to ytour BFL, this is something you can transition to when you are more seasoned.

Built Sat, Sep-11-04 16:11

I'll make a suggestion regarding hunger - switch to cottage cheese from whey. Whey protein is a very small molecule, and digests FAST - meaning it's out of your system fast, and it can actually glycolyze fairly easlily and produce an insulin response, making you hungry in about an hour. Cottage cheese has casein, a larger molecule that digests more slowly. Might make all the difference - I know it did for me.

ykmaggie Sat, Sep-11-04 17:28

thanks built I like cottage cheese, so I'll definately try it. When I have a whey shake, especially after I work out, I'm starving almost immediately, so maybe this is what's happening to me.

Thanks for the advice!


ykmaggie Sat, Sep-11-04 17:32

Hi liftinlady

This sounds similar to what I used to do when I was training for cross country ski racing years ago. I pushed myself so hard sometimes I had to go into the bathroom and sit on the floor so I wouldn't faint (or throw up!).

What is a compound exercise? Is it an exercise that hits two body parts, like squats?

I may consider doing this my last month of BFL, as I get ready for the ski season.

thanks for explaining this to me!


liftnlady Sat, Sep-11-04 17:52

compounds are bench press, squats, deadlifts...yes they are the core essentials that work more than one part at a time. Let me know when you decide to switch and I can help you.

BTW..good suggestion on the cottage cheese Built :)

ykmaggie Sat, Sep-11-04 18:05

thanks liftinlady, I definately want to try this as I get ready for the ski season, in "November, just as I finish BFL, or just before I finish. It snows for sking here in early November and I want to be in shape!

Thanks for the help, I will definately take you up on it.

I assume this type of workout is part of your 'cutting routine....'


liftnlady Sat, Sep-11-04 18:12

Originally Posted by ykmaggie
thanks liftinlady, I definately want to try this as I get ready for the ski season, in "November, just as I finish BFL, or just before I finish. It snows for sking here in early November and I want to be in shape!

Thanks for the help, I will definately take you up on it.

I assume this type of workout is part of your 'cutting routine....'


exactly..and it works in conjunction with carb cycling. I will be starting this plan again in November when I start my shed the fat plan...hopefully with a little new muscle to show for my efforts.

ykmaggie Sun, Sep-12-04 11:58

Sunday on Body For Life, yeah, my "free day!"

I'm going to do a yoga flexibility video in a minute, walk later, that's about it.

I woke up feel awesome! Took my AM temp and it's back up to 98.3. I slept great. My husband is away and I don't always sleep well without him, just me and the dog now all cuddled up.

Last night I ate a sweet potatoe for dinner, decided to make sure I have 2 starch a day, and one fruit, since I think I just wasn't eating enough carbs to keep my metobolism up. Execeptio will be monday, day after this "free" day, I'll do no starch.

For next week's eating plan I'm going to stay away from whey post workout.

What I've been thinking today is I might experiment with some kind of high protein, high glycemic muffin (I love muffins) that I can scarf down in the car after my weight workouts, as a recovery thing.

I'm thinking of using a flax meal, kamut flour, blueberries, protein powder combination, with sugar, instead of fructose to make it more high glycemic.

My last workout I felt weak, so I think I'm just not recovering, and I'm going to focus this week on getting something right into my system right after a workout. In the past I've always been so PARANOID about eating any starch or anything high glycemic, I go a whey and berry shake which gives me protein, but apparently the fructose goes right into my liver, so it's no help to my muscles.

Hope everyone has a great Sunday. There's snow on the mountains here, but the sun is out, and I CAN EAT WHATEVER I WANT TODAY!! Yes, this is how I got to look like this....!

I'm posting my measurements so I can look back on them:

Weight: 158
Waist: 29"
Hips: 39"
Thighs: 22.75"

Goal - absolute DREAM goal by Christmas:

125 lbs
Waist: 25
Hips: 36
Legs: 22
Size 6 :wave:
Will it happen, it's up to me!

P.S - previous measurements at 182 lbs, gasp:
Waist: 33"
Hips: 44"
Thighs: 25"
Size - tight (I mean squeeze) into a 14


ykmaggie Mon, Sep-13-04 17:03

today I'm starting my third week of Body for Life

I can tell I'm already stronger as I've been upping my weights at the gym

After this week I'm going to change my workout routine and do different exercises for 3 weeks.

I did lower body this morning

Leg extensions:

12X 45
10X 55
8X 66
12 X45

Leg press:
12X 160 (too easy)

Leg curls:

12X 45

12 x 35 deadlift (too easy)

Seated calf raise:

3 sets of 12x 45

Abs workout after
30 minutes of eliptical trainer

I had lots of energy today!

Next week I'll change my workout to incorporate lunges and squats now that I have some basic muscle fitness


ykmaggie Tue, Sep-14-04 14:32

oh oh, I'm exhausted
Tues, time for HITT high intensity interval training.

I'm really tired today. Did I jump in too quicky last week? Probably.

I'm going to wait a couple of hours then see how I feel, and if I'm feeling more energetic later I'll do cardio at the gym tonight when I pick up my daughter.

Am I whimping out? I don't know, I just know I feel tired and I want to honour that right now. I have done twice as much cardio as the BFL program advocates, in an effort to loose faster....


liftnlady Tue, Sep-14-04 14:37

Maggie you should not start off doing alot of should only be added in when you plateau at your weight loss...follow the plan, when you stop losing then add another session of cardio...if you startout doing alot of cardio your body WILL adapt and you will have to do much more down the road to get the results.....more is not better.

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