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pookalee Mon, Aug-09-04 06:43

Pooks Gym Log
Here we go: Have been doing this:

Lower Body

• Squats 75 lbs. 5x8, Stationary lunges 15 lb. dumbells 5x8 (no leg extension - gave me knee problems)
• Deadlifts 75 lbs.5x8, Hyperextension with 20 lb weight 4x10, & Reverse leg extension 45 lbs. )4x8 (dont know proper name of this exercise)
•Standing calf raise 15lb. 5x10

Upper Body (everything at least 4x8)

•Lat pulldowns (middle cable) •Bent over rows (standing) 65 lbs. & Bent over flys 10-15 lb. dumbells
•Flys (upright forward & side) 10 lb. dumbbells & Shrugs 15 lb. dumbells
•Bench press 65-70 lbs. & Decline flys 10 & 15 lb. dumbells
•Overhead presses 30 lbs.
•Curls 30 lbs.
•Lying behind head presses 20 lbs. (name?)

Abs & Cardio
•Hyperextension crunches & Regular crunches (adding weight soon)
Havent really been great about the cardio, but working on it

Currently doing two upper, two lower per week as listed above. I feel the need to split it up into a four day split (keep in mind I workout at home, so I am somewhat limited as far as equipment). Will check out the sites exercise sites that everyone has listed and see what I can find.

galatia Mon, Aug-09-04 07:14

Hi. Glad you started a gym log. You are doing great. I only worked out once last week, so I've got to get back on track this week. Keep in touch. :)

liftnlady Tue, Aug-10-04 11:51

Pookalee, have you thought about splitting your workout into the following,

Day 1 quads, calves, abs
Day 2 chest/tris/shoulders
Day 3 rest or cardio
Day 4 rest or cardio
Day 5 hamstrings, calves, abs
Day 6 Back/bi's/rear delts
Day 7 rest or cardio

Built Tue, Aug-10-04 14:37

Hiya pook -

Liftn's given you some great advise (as usual!) with the split.

I might suggest doing shoulders before chest and then tris, just because the shoulder is such a fiddly joint and prone to injury if you tire it out before you concentrate on it.

I wouldn't change a think on the order of anything else.

Good luck with your new split.

- Built

pookalee Thu, Aug-12-04 10:14

Great split suggestion, sounds good to me. I was originally thinking of doing something for quads and hams on each lower body day, such as: lunges and weighted hyperextension one day and squats and deadlifts one day, but this makes more sense in that you work one group of muscles once a week, so they get much more rest so you should be able to really push it each time. So it would go:

Day 1 quads (squats & lunges), calves (seated calf raise), abs
Day 2 chest(bench press, decline flys) /tris (overhead press)/shoulders (shrugs, overhead presses)
Day 3 rest or cardio
Day 4 rest or cardio
Day 5 hamstrings (deadlifts, hyperextesion (weighted), calves (standing calf raises), abs
Day 6 Back(bent over rows, flys, shrugs, lat pulldown)/bi's (curls)/rear delts(upright & forward flys?)
Day 7 rest or cardio

Does this look right to you? The right exercises with the right muscle groups? Where would lat pulldowns fit in? Thanks...

pookalee Thu, Aug-12-04 10:22

Got in my first workout for the week due to serious sinus issues, hard to workout without airflow. Got in lowerbody this morning, went ahead and did total lower today since its the only lower for the week. Upped my squats 5 sets 8, 80lb. and I could easily do heavier if I had a squat rack. I NEED A SQUAT RACK!!!
Upped my deads to 5 x 10 at 80lb. will up that more in a couple of weeks, taking it slow. Im actually developing a butt now, lol. Taking it easy on the shoulder, feeling some soreness in my rot. cuff, think I pushed a little too hard last week.

liftnlady Thu, Aug-12-04 10:33

looks like a good workout and a good amount of weight. Myonly suggestionto your upper body is to vary the chest exercises, one week do flat bench, flat flyes, next week do inclien bench, incline flyes...and add in declines if you like. I do not do declines as I am more concerned with developing upper and mid pecs, but if you feel your lowers need work, add those into the rotation as well, that way you are working all areas of the chest. Good job

Built Thu, Aug-12-04 11:16

The chest thing is very individual. I don't work my lowers at all, and hardly do any flat-bench work because I'm really only interested in developing my uppers. You'll have to figure what you want for your pecs.

Lat pull downs are a back exercise - do 'em on back day. So are shrugs - they're for traps.

Focus on your rear and side delts, ignore the front delt - it gets hit with almost everything you do anyway, especially chest.

So, incline prone rear delt laterals, bent over laterals, face pulls if you have a cable, bent over rear delt rows, and I prefer Arnies to shoulder press - hits all the heads, not just the front head. You seem to be hitting shoulders twice - once on shoulder/chest day, again on back day. Maybe pick one?

And if you can do seated leg extensions after squats/lunges, you'll get a good pump, especially if you supereset the leg extensions with sissy squats (sissies first, then leg extensions. Two supersets would do WONDERS)

Looking good kiddo.

- Built

pookalee Fri, Aug-13-04 06:16

Do I have this 4 day split right? The only exercise I couldnt find was sissy squats. Also with the incline prone rear delt laterals, what is the difference between laterals and flys. I was trying to see on the exercise databases? I guess Im asking if the arms are moving in a different motion, say more upward and even with the body for laterals, whereas reverse flys in the same position your arms would be in front of you? Lastly, supersets, is that going back and forth between 2 exercises with short rest periods, or doing one exercise with short rest periods? Sorry for all the questions, one day, Ill figure it all out. Any books I can read? ;)

**I list everything as 5 sets, depending on fatigue, some may be less sets, some may be less reps. Should I shoot for 5 sets?

Day 1
QUADS -squats (5x10x80#), lunges(5x8x15#dumbs), leg extension, CALVES - seated calf raise (5x10x?), ABS

Day 2
CHEST -incline bench press(5x8x70), incline flys(5x8x10 & 15#dumbs alt.) TRIS - lying pullovers (5x10x30)
SHOULDERS -Arnies (5x10x15#dumbs.)

Day 3 rest or cardio

Day 4 rest or cardio

Day 5
HAMSTRINGS -deadlifts (5x10x80), hyperextesion-weighted (5x10x30), lying prone leg curls(3x7x45)
CALVES -standing calf raises - 5x10x15# dumbs.)

Day 6
BACK -bent over laterals (5x10x10 & 15# alt.), shrugs (5x10x15# dumbs.), lat pulldown
BI'S -barbell curls (2x10x30), hammer curls (2x10x15# dumbs.), concentration curls (2x10x15lb dumbs.)
REAR DELTS -bent over rear delt rows (5x8x70), incline prone rear delt lateral flys (5x8x10 & 15# dumbs. alt.)

Day 7 rest or cardio

liftnlady Fri, Aug-13-04 08:57

that looks good pook, for curls I alternate between barbell, concentration and hammer curls. You might want to do 2 sets of barbell curls and 2 sets of hammer works inner head of bicep and the hammers work the outer head.

In terms of books, I have just read Muscle and Fitness mag and Oxygen...well pretty much most mags on this, but I do not reccomend them, and been on a lot of boards that cater to bodybuilding so I have learned alot that way. There is a book I read that was good, let me dig it out so I can tell you the name, it as an excellent reference on all exercises and it was for women. What rep range are you planning to do.

Built Fri, Aug-13-04 10:15

Sissy squat: (I do 'em un-weighted)

galatia Fri, Aug-13-04 15:02

Hi Jan. Just passing through to see how things were going. Looks like you're doing very well. Getting any closer to getting that squat rack? And while I'm here I'll say "hello" to Built as well. Hope all is well with you too. Keep in touch! :)

pookalee Sun, Aug-15-04 08:00

Since yesterday was only my 2nd workout this week, I did total upper body, and then will go to my 4 day split starting Monday. I will have to lower my weights for the incline bench press, geesh, I couldnt lift it with my current weights in that position. I will have to pay attention to my actual # of reps for each exercise, I shoot for 8-10 but some dont make it there and I want to be closer to my actual #s. Tried the Arnies yesterday, HELLO, they work. I dont know what the deal is with my rotator cuff on my right arm, it doesnt hurt during my workout, but last night when I woke up from sleeping on my side, I could hardly move it without serious pain. It didnt hurt ever until I worked out with my brother..... dang it, whatever did he do to me :). Im going to have to sleep on my left side for a while I think. Oh yeah, the hammer curls work well too. I am sore today!

Day 1
QUADS -squats (5x10x80#), lunges(5x8x15#dumbs), leg extension,
CALVES - seated calf raise (5x10x?), ABS

Day 2
CHEST -incline(5x8x__)/flat bench press(5x8x70), incline/flat bench flys(5x8x15#dbs.)
TRIS - lying pullovers (5x10x30)
SHOULDERS -Arnies (5x10x15#dbs.)

Day 3 rest or cardio

Day 4 rest or cardio

Day 5
HAMSTRINGS -deadlifts (5x10x80), hyperextesion-weighted (5x10x30), lying prone leg curls(3x7x45)
CALVES -standing calf raises - 5x10x15# dbs.)

Day 6
BACK -bent over laterals (5x10x10 & 15# dbs.alt.), shrugs (5x10x15# dbs.), lat pulldown
BI'S -barbell curls (2x10x30), hammer curls (2x10x15# dbs.), concentration curls (2x10x15lb dbs.)
REAR DELTS -bent over rear delt rows (5x8x70), incline prone rear delt lateral flys (5x8x10 & 15# dbs. alt.)

Day 7 rest or cardio

Built Sun, Aug-15-04 13:13

Ooooh! Sorry to hear about your shoulder! Baby the HELL out of it - shoulders are wimpy little joints. Give it LOTS of rest, VERY light work, and if ANYTHING hurts even a LITTLE bit while you're training, STOP. And go get it checked out - you may need to do some rotator work. I keep a 3 pound dumbbell at my desk so I can do rotator work between Access queries. Yes, my co-workers think I'm nuts. But they ALREADY think I'm nuts from years of watching me eat bacon and avocado salads, and carrying a suitcase of food with me into work every day...


pookalee Mon, Aug-16-04 08:33

Ooooh! Sorry to hear about your shoulder! Baby the HELL out of it - shoulders are wimpy little joints. Give it LOTS of rest, VERY light work, and if ANYTHING hurts even a LITTLE bit while you're training, STOP. And go get it checked out - you may need to do some rotator work. I keep a 3 pound dumbbell at my desk so I can do rotator work between Access queries. Yes, my co-workers think I'm nuts. But they ALREADY think I'm nuts from years of watching me eat bacon and avocado salads, and carrying a suitcase of food with me into work every day...

I will take it easy on the little wuss shoulder, but really nothing hurts during my workout, and last night I didnt have any problems when I mostly slept on my left. ROFL, your co-workers just do not understand the necessity of eating regularly and properly. And theyre probably just a bit jealous ;)!

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