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Frederick Mon, Aug-02-04 14:29

Frederick's Gym Log
Ok, here goes…

This is the first time in my life that I’ve ever started any kind of log or journal, and that goes for just about every other facet of my life. A little background on my situation would be appropriate, I suppose. To make a long story short, I was brought up in an era where “cardio” was the king of all exercises. I played college baseball and our coach had us running those two-a-days (5 miles each) with wind sprints in between. There was very little emphasis on weights back then.

The training regimen will be designed with one purpose in mind--increasing top performance. Endurance, stamina, and efficiency will all be secondary concerns. Instead, the focus will be maximizing speed and power. We know that high fat increases endurance. Let's see the effect it has on *anaerobic* activities.

What I'll do is update by editing this first page when the need arises. This way, instead of flipping through pages and pages of minor updates, this first page will always have the newest training stats. Commentary, observations, and rational will be in following pages, of course.

Naturally, any comments, insights, and suggestions would be welcomed.

Supplements: No longer taking one finding the constant swallowing of pills too great a challenge

Starting Parameters:
Weight: 150 (5’ 10”)
Waist: 29”
Shoulders/Chest: 39 inches

The Plan:

General zero-carbing keeping average daily carbohydrate intake to approximately 5 grams per day. I'm very curious to see how my athletic performance responds to zero-carbing. Having recently given out some subjective advice to a tennis player on options to improve her performance, I feel compelled to practice what I preach (put money where mouth is, if you will) following the identical training regimen I had recommended. Let's see if it works on zero-carb.

I will no longer track my food intake. It’s zero-carb, what’s the point right? During this period, I will make every effort to eat only meats, egg, and cheese, and with some heavy cream in my coffee. I will also not monitor my calorie intake, unless there’s a compelling reason why my food intake needs to be tinkered.

Training Regimen

4 days per week:

Cardio – Empty stomach run, 5 miles in 30 min

Upper body resistance, once per week:

Chest: Dumbbell bench press – 3 sets of 10 with 65lbs per side
Deltoid Fly (machine) – 3 sets of 10 with 120 lbs outward & 160lbs inward
Pushups – 3 sets of 50
Shoulder Press (machine) – 3 sets of 10 ~ 150lbs
Lateral Raise (machine) – 3 sets of 10 ~ 110 lbs
Arms: (not sure if it’s biceps or triceps – like I said, I know very little about weight lifting and it’s corresponding terminology—so please bear with me)
Triceps extension (machine) 3 sets of 10 ~ 110lbs
Standing Curl – 3 sets of 10 ~ 75lbs
Standing Pulldown arm extension (machine) - 3 sets of 10 ~ 55lbs
Abs on exercise ball – 3 sets of 40

Back muscles, once per week:

Super Longpull (seated machine) – 3 sets of 10 ~ 110lbs
Seated Pulldown (machine) – 3 sets of 10 ~ 150lbs
Dumbbell (leaning over bench with a knee raised and straight back) – 3 sets of 10 with 50lbs each side
Unassisted Pull-ups: 1 set of 10
Abs on exercise ball – 3 sets of 50

Lower body resistance, once per week:

Lower body:
Leg Curl (machine) – 3 sets of 10 ~ 80 lbs
Leg Extension (machine) – 3 sets of 10 ~ 100 lbs
Standing Calf (machine) – 3 sets of 10 ~ 190 lbs
Exercise ball with back against the wall where you lower to a sitting position then all the way back up – 3 sets of 10
Abs on exercise ball – 3 sets of 30

3 times per week:

40 yard wind sprints for 30 minutes


Just updated all the weights information. After a month into my training, I will begin monitoring 40 yard dash times, how I respond to increase in lifting weights, and how I feel during the intensity of competitive fencing.

Built Mon, Aug-02-04 15:22

Good start.

Go here for descriptions and terminology:

red1cutie Mon, Aug-02-04 18:02

Hi Frederick! :D I am glad you started a journal. I know exactly how you feel. I used to hate weights and now I love them (I can't belive it either).

I remember when you gave me the advice on how to start running. And when I got into it (no way as long as you do it I loved it). I still do but I was overdoing it and that's why I think I lost some lean mass. I overdid it. I still like to run but I am now only doing it on HIIT days. On other days I just walk.

Now, I am firmly convinced that weight training is an essential part of one’s workout regimen (I’m loathe to admit this, but from all I’ve read, I’m convinced that excessive cardio is counter-productive).
That's a fact! I was ignoring the advice of BFL and Wanda and doing cardio for longer the required time and slacking off on the weights and not eating enought protein on some days and I have lost about 7 pounds of lean mass which is going to be so hard for me to get it back. I could cry when I think about it now. Right now I think it's around 91 lbs. I hope it has not dropped anymore. I will get it done at the end of August.

I'm curious, doing weights ever bore you? That's my biggest restraint. There are times when it becomes quite boring for me especially on those nights when the gym is quite empty.
I used to hate weights when I was doing BFL probably because I was doing my weights at home and using very light ones. I don't find it boring at all now. I love it.

I really like it when it's empty because no one is using the weights that I want. :lol:

You're going to get alot of great advice. There are alot of knowledgeable people on here willing to share whatever they know so just go ask them. Especially Built, Lift, Wanda and others. Even the guys know alot too(jk). ;)

Have fun!


p.s. Add some fish oil and L Glut. You should break up your meals if you can 5-6 meals.

Built Mon, Aug-02-04 18:41

Hi there Fred.

Thanks for stopping by my gym log - and you are MOST welcome to plagiarize my format - I just figured by always updating the first post, it makes it easy for me and for anyone else who might be trying to figure out what in the devil I am doing.

Your progress has been impressive, and your posts always insightful.

Aw, shucks! Thanks!

Red gave you some great advise about the glutamine and fish oil. I take 6g of fish oil a day (spread out, with meals) and try to get in 6 meals a day, spreading out the proteins with each meal. I aim for just under a gram of protein per pound of my bodyweight - so that works out to 15-25g protein per "meal".

PS quail, duck, filet, smoked salmon - I wanna eat at YOUR place!

serrelind Mon, Aug-02-04 19:21

Hi Fred,

I'm very impressed that you started a gym log -- a log of any kind, actually. I still can't believe it. This is almost like seeing you eating and *enjoying* veggies :p

Maybe this will motivate me to get my butt moving in terms of working with weights again. I did it for 11 months, then stopped a month or so ago. :(

I think Built & Red have a wealth of knowledge so you're in good hands...


red1cutie Tue, Aug-03-04 19:40

Hey Fred!
My gym is called 24hour Fitness. So, if you go during 2 am, it would be completely empty except for a few staff members!
That's what I need a 24hr go anytime gym. :)

I still say you should try the 6 meals. Bring snacks to work and eat them at your desk, if you can.

Built/Lift told me to get the fish oil. 6 caps a day. Divide them between some of your meals. I take 2 caps 3 times a day. The glutamine is best in powder form, 5mg after working out and 5 mg before bed (when I remember).

Be safe.


serrelind Wed, Aug-04-04 04:06

Fred eating 6 mini meals a day? Hehehe. Sorry Fred, I can't help it :) Hope things are going well with you. I'm thinking of trying out TKD.

I too need a 24hr gym!!!

Frederick Thu, Aug-05-04 00:50

Tonight's weight session was much more arduous than Monday's when I had PTO. I suppose that shouldn't be surprising since this was one of those very busy days.

As usual for a Wednesday, I started it off with an empy stomach run at 5:30 am and getting into the office at around 7:30 am. Fortunately, I was able to have a breakfast of bacon, eggs, and cheese.

The only chance I had to eat during the day was at 2 pm, where I had about a handful of peanuts, an orange, and about 4 oz of cheese (at least it was authentic parmegiano regiano this time). At 5 pm, a protein bar. And at 7 pm, about 3tbs peanut butter, then off to the gym for my upper body, chest, and shoulder workouts.

I felt weak today. On Monday, I felt strong, invigorated, and full of energy. Tonight relative to Monday was very lackluster. I just felt lethargic during the entire hour. I can only attribute this to having to work a full day whereas on Monday I had the luxury of enjoying PTO.

Its almost 12 am here now on the west coast, and I've just finished my dinner of steak, shrimp, and grilled onions snacking on some peanuts. I have to be at the office by 6:30 am tomorrow morning and will have to sleep on a somewhat full stomach.

This has been my dilemma for the several work seasons. How do I balance and find an equilibrium for working, the gym, and my social life?

red1cutie Thu, Aug-05-04 20:41

Originally Posted by liftnlady
Frederick, you take your total daily calories and split them into 6, then divide your meals appropriately. You actually get used to it and yes you eat every 2.5-3 hours...just smaller meals. The fish oil caps have no taste, but some of them can cause you to burp which tastes like you have eaten fish.

Hi Fred! I was also struggling today. Must be an end of week thing. Hang in there and make sure you eat protein at every meal---boil a dozen eggs and take them to work and have a couple eggs every 3 hours with whatever else you can get in (nuts, salad). You can also have a protein shake for a couple meals.

Lift answered in my journal so I thought I would copy it here.


red1cutie Fri, Aug-06-04 07:33

I wonder what causes that? Lack of carbs? Rest?

Here's to the next workout being less of a struggle, huh?
I think it's lack of sleep and lack of carbs right before workout, at least for me I think. I have to go to bed earlier. :yawn:

serrelind Sat, Aug-07-04 15:44

Hi Fred,
Just want to pop in to say hi. How is it going with your workout? Are you seriously thinking of switching to 6 mini meals a day? Right now, I can do either. I do feel better eating small meals but it takes some getting used to at first. Well best wishes whatever you decide to do. :)

Have a great weekend.

red1cutie Sun, Aug-08-04 06:06

Hi Fred! How's everything going? Hope you're feeling less tired.

Thank you. :D Don't worry I won't pass you anytime soon. It was a struggle. I'm not very strong.

Hope your weekend is going great!


wcollier Sun, Aug-08-04 17:14

Hi Frederick:

:yay: You have a gym log.

Weights are a different issue, though. I can lift my normal weights with very little carbs, and I hardly ever have carb load-ups (except for when I euphemistically call chocolate a carb load). It seems that on the days when I do have more carbs, I do find it easier to lift more weights. And, here is when it gets interesting. This effect doesn't manifest itself, unless I eat considerably more carbs pre-workout--that means in the 80 - 100 range. Anything less than that, I don't feel a difference.
According to the science (that I've read, anyway), the body uses fuel from free fatty acids for endurance sports, but uses glucose for fuel for HIIT and weight lifting. So what you say makes sense. But this is interesting. Wow! At least 80-100 preworkout carbs before you notice a difference? Great, another experiment. :rolleyes: :lol:

PS: What is NHS?
Do you mean NHE? It's Natural Hormone Enhancement which is a plan that uses lowish to moderate carbs with a high (starchy) carb/low fat/low protein carbup done as the last meal every 3, then 4 day cycles. There's a sticky about it on the CKD Forum.

Oddly enough, I found the book (before it came to this forum) not from a bodybuilding perspective, but from a hormone balancing perspective. It's great to see other people following it.

Have a great night. :wave:


TammiBelle Fri, Sep-10-04 07:19

Originally Posted by Frederick
This has been my dilemma for the several work seasons. How do I balance and find an equilibrium for working, the gym, and my social life?

:thup: Just curious, why are you on a diet? You look gorgeous in your picture. I try to balance those three things by getting up early in the morning to run for half an hour and doing yoga at night. I skip yoga when I meet up with friends for drinks. I try to get at least 8 hours of sleep. And on the weekend then I have more time to rest plus see friends and exercise. I've started eating like the Europeans and having very little for dinner and usually cold stuff like salads. I think it is easier on the body to digest smaller amounts at night. And it works great for weight maintenance. You just have to get used to not eating a lot at night. (Normally I'm also too lazy to cook after working all day.) It's tough though when you're working to balance all that stuff.

TammiBelle Mon, Sep-13-04 06:40

Originally Posted by Frederick
Also, in our own eyes, we always strive for perfection--whatever that elusive definition is respectively to each of us. You know, it's just that interminable human spirit to achieve and continually progress. I think George Bernard Shaw put it best, "You see what is, but I see what could be."

Cool, you're living in Swizterland? An American in Zurich! I was in Geneva years ago, but all I remember is the Beau Rivage. How do you like living in Europe compared to the States? Find acclimating easy?


Yeah, I know what you mean about perfectionism and this quality in humans. But it takes us to so many places where we shouldn't be ... there is a beauty in that right? My friend mentioned that after her visit here and we'd gone paragliding one day and canyoning the next day. What an adrenaline rush paragliding was! It really was like being a bird.

Did you like Geneva? Where is Beau Rivage? Rivage is shore in French so I guess you were along Lac Leman? I like living here. I miss the States mainly because my whole family is there and I really miss seeing them more regularly. The other day I registered to vote as an overseas American. There was this whole voter drive supported by Democrats Abroad and John Kerry's sister was there! I also got interviewed by Swiss Radio. I had to talk in German. We'll see how that's going to sound, ha ha! I might be moving to Geneva to learn some French. It all depends on whether I get a job offer. Had two interviews. Please keep your fingers crossed! Hope it doesn't get in the way of your typing ability.

Can I have some more thoughts? Those were really interesting. Feel free to share. :cool:

Take care,

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