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J.K. Sun, Jun-20-04 17:54

J.K.'s Daily - Bodyrock

Seems I'm all over today.

Might as well start one of these too. ;)

Former runner and and occasional gung-ho weight lifter. Played rugby in college (U.S.M. - about 4 years), which was great for keeping in shape. Lots of running and weight lifting there. However, that was about 20 years ago..

When I graduated I was 6 feet, 173 lbs, and lean as a gazelle.

Continued to exercise regularly after school for years - mainly running on pavement. When left knee pain started to set in I switched to running on the beach. I found that with a brace and the soft sand running was okay. However, with quite a few years progression even that became too difficult.

I don't have any knee pain at all normally. It's only when I run that it hurts, and as a result I have not run for quite some time. Unfortunatly though the result of that combined with a poor diet and sedentary job is these measurements that I'll now post.

At the time I had to quit running - (twas about 5 years ago - I was six feet and I believe about 188). Still not perfect but okay.

This is where I am today.

Starting Stats

Six feet 245
50 / 50 / 47 / 17 / 25 / 17 / 12 / 17
chest, stomach, hips, biceps, right thigh, right calf, right forearm, neck


Kind freaks me out. lol I figure that's about 13 pounds a year over the last 5 years. Thing is that's really an understatement. During the last 5 years I've also had a few rounds of significant weight loss - only to have it come back. But prior to about age 35 it wasn't a big problem - not the way it is now.

Anyway - I think I've found the equalizer. :D

I bought a Stairmaster for my home about a year ago. Also bought these 30lb dumbells and this sit up bench which I double for presses.

Stairmaster causes no knee pain at all, nor do the weights. Riding a bicycle causes no knee pain either and I ordered a new one of those just the other day.

When I was on Atkins previously I had great results using just the Stairmaster, dumbell routine, and sit ups. Again, dang problem is that I got off the plan.

My plan then is to just return to what I was doing but adding bicycling too. I think if I add a little more variety I'll be less prone to getting bored and quiting, plus riding a bike is kinda a nice way to get out of the house.

Last week workouts were limited to 20 minute sessions on the Stairmaster - Level 4 - Fatburner Mode. Starting tomorrow I'll begin adding to that a dumbell and situp routine. My schedule is pretty basic.

Monday - Stairmaster / Pushing / abs
Tuesday - Stairmaster / Pulling / abs
Wednesday - Stairmaster / Pushing / abs
Thursday - off
Friday - Stairmaster / Pulling / abs
Saturday - Bicycle Trip and/or Gardening
Suinday off

Anyway - that posted then I guess I know have a gym log. Prolly won't use it every day but rather post back here with progress in terms of measurments.

Thanks! :cool:

Built Sun, Jun-20-04 18:33

Hello there! Just poking my nose into your log to say hi and see what all you're posting.

'Zat you in your 'tar?

J.K. Sun, Jun-20-04 18:42

Hey Built,

Nice to meet ya. Also - whoa! Nice pose. :) lol

Yea, that's me in the avatar. Tis from about 8 months ago I guess. At the time I was donig Atkins and as I recall there I'm about 235. Right now I'm 245 and hopefully on my way back down - this time to stick to it.

Also re the posting - lol - it's prolly a lot pretty quick. I'm trying to get amaclamated <sp> rather quickly so that the forums seem a little more ingrained in my program. I can see how the community here can help a lot.

Cheers! :cool:

Built Sun, Jun-20-04 18:43

Which pose you mean? It's Marilyn Monroe in my 'tar. Do you mean my gallery?

J.K. Sun, Jun-20-04 19:00

"Built's Current Photo"

I can tell you've been at it a while.

kudos.. :cool:

Built Sun, Jun-20-04 19:03

THANK you. I can assure you, I didn't do it by running - my body doesn't like it, either. It's the only time I run into joint pain and chronic injuries. Heavy lifting just works better for me.

You look like a lad who would build up really well and lean out fabulously if you got into a serious lifting plan. Have you considered it?

J.K. Sun, Jun-20-04 19:21

Hey again, Built. :)

And yep - I'm considering it. Actually, I've done that before but don't think I'll really need a gym for a while. For now what I have will work, but hopefully in a month or two I'll start going to the gym again.

A bit more history...

When I was about .hmmm.. 22 I had the fortune to work out for an entire summer with my best friend at the time, Steve Smith, who was also Mr. Mississippi and a couple of other things. Twas a great learning experience.

During that time as you might expect I also bulked up quite a bit, and I think I'm still benefiting from that experience physically even today. It's just kinda burried under there somewhere. lol

Except for the remaining couple of years in college where I lifted for rugby, I've never really done anything to 'advance' on the gains that I made back then. In fact, I'm suprized I maintained the gains I did get having done all that running.

It would be a great thing to get back into, however. There is a fantastic gym not one mile from my house. But again, for now I think I have what I need.


Built Sun, Jun-20-04 19:33

Yeah, running's really catabolic, especially to quads. So is bike riding, I'm discovering - I've had to lay off that quite a bit because of it, and I'm doing a mini-bulk for the next month to try to gain back a little bit of muscle there before I continue with my cut.

Might I make a small suggestion then? Consider doing your cardio after your other stuff, not before it. You'll burn more fat that way. It's in an article from November Men's Health:

J.K. Sun, Jun-20-04 19:37

Are ya psychic.. lol :D

That very question has crossed my repeatedly for the last few days.

We'll make a change.

Monday - Pushing / Stairmaster . abs
Tuesday - Pulling / Stairmaster / abs
Wednesday - Pushing / Stairmaster / abs
Thursday - off
Friday - Pulling / Stairmaster / abs
Saturday - Bicycle Trip and/or Gardening
Suinday off


Built Sun, Jun-20-04 21:44

Yer welcome!

You might even decide to go whole-hawg and do the abs before ANYTHING - it's such a small muscle-group, you don't waste much steam on them, and you can really work them HARD if you work 'em FIRST. That's what I do. Look in my gallery to see what it's done for me.

Looking forward to your progress pix....


- Built.

"Vain, shallow and lazy since 2001 (and now, psychic!)"

J.K. Mon, Jun-21-04 21:10


I did it. :cool:

Today I added to my Stairmaster workout a dumbell and ab routine. Not a whole lot to hoot about on Day 1. I lifted to failure on several times but I didn't want to push it too hard right off the bat.

Also did in this order: - Abs, Pushing, Stairmaster

Will also add that I did 20 minutes on the Stairmaster but around minute 7 I thought I'd only make it 10. Just flat ran out of gas. However, between minutes 8 and 9 somewhere I got my second wind and completed the 20 minutes.

Re 'vanity' (cool tagline, Built - lol) I also bought a door mirror today. I'll be hanging that up next to my weights. Also, while I was at the store picking up the mirror I also snagged a copy of Muscle and Fitness Magaznine and Men's Health Magazine. Tis purely for inspiration, but who knows? I might find a supplement in there that sounds good.

Pulling tomorrow. :agree:

And cheers!

Built Mon, Jun-21-04 21:12

Good job buddy!
And the mirror for your weights isn't PURELY for vanity - you DO need to watch your balance and form.

That's what I keep telling myself, anyway...


J.K. Mon, Jun-21-04 22:21

Thanks, Built..

I'll keep that in mind....

Also meant to post this. Tis just a clip but this is a great workout song.

All Things (Just Keep Getting Better)

And Cheers! :cool:

Built Mon, Jun-21-04 23:05

Very nice! Upbeat, positive message - what's not to like>


Good night!

- Built

J.K. Tue, Jun-22-04 06:02

<script language="JavaScript">
("Hello World");

Good morning... :cool:

On a scale of 1 to 10

Chest Soreness - 5
Tricep Soreness - 4
Delt Sorness - 3
Ab Soreness - not really sore at all..

Right where I'd want to be on day two actually with the exception of the abs, but again I'll be hitting those again today when I do biceps and back (pulling).

I'm also going to have to start thinking a bit about my back exercises too. If anywhere - I'm going to reach the limitations of my home set up there. I plan to focus on bent over rows on the bench with dumbells right now but I don't have nearly enough weight. I don't have any way to do pull downs and I'm too dang fat to do pull ups.. lol

Will have to think about that.

All for now then - and cheers! :cool:

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