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TXAimee Thu, Jun-03-04 12:22

Aimee's workout log
Had boot camp last night. A little more intense than usual. Only one new person joined the class. Hope is stays this intense. It's more fun. Missed my workout at the gym at lunch today. Got some bad news that a co-worker passed away last night, so I've been in a somber mood and time went by & I didn't realize it. I plan on doing HIIT tonight. Hoping it'll be a good workout. And boot camp tomorrow night.

dogbone1 Fri, Jun-04-04 08:05

Hi TXAimee!
Thanks for saying hi in the Intro forum-- hope you don`t mind that I stopped by. I`m sorry to hear that you had a sad day.

I used to do a boot camp class at my gym too-- it was a lot of fun. What is HIIT?

So you are from Cali? I was born out there-- and even lived in Santa Monica-- marina del ray.

Hope your day is better today-- enjoy boot camp!


TXAimee Tue, Jun-08-04 18:12

Hi dogbone! Thanks for stopping by. I've been bad about updating my workout log. I've been off the past few days and the last thing I want to do is get on the computer.

HIIT is High Intensity Interval Training. It's the kind of cardio Body for Lifer's do. Basically you walk/jog for a set time, say like, 2 minutes then sprint for a minute. You do that for 20 minutes. It can be tough. But it's fun and you're done quick. I'm always ready for a nap afterwards.

No, I'm not from Cali. I grew up in Texas, but moved out here for work in Nov. 2002.

TXAimee Tue, Jun-08-04 18:26

OK, been bad about posting. But doing pretty good with my workouts.

Since I posted last week this is what I've done.

Thurs., June 3 - HIIT 20 minutes

Fri., June 4 - chest, tri's & abs at the gym at lunch. Felt good to to workout at lunch again. missed it a lot. Also had boot camp at night. It's getting more intense. Yippee! I'm glad and the Major is changing it up. Don't know what happened but my upper back was sore on Sat. morning. Also when we were doing overhead tricep extensions the Major came over & gave me a heavier weight and commented on my triceps. Telling me they were getting hard & toned. Hmmmm, sounds like my workouts are working just need to make sure to get my carsio to get rid of the extra flab around my belly.

Sat., June 5 - ran stairs in Santa Monica. 30 minutes. It's been awhile since I've done the stairs. Was very crowded. May start going later int he day. There was a line!

Sun., June 6 - HIIT, 23 minutes. Was tough. I'm not a morning exerciser. Especially for hard cardio. Running up the slight incline was a killer, but felt great afterwards. My legs were a little sore from the stairs on Sat.

Also had a massage on Sunday. Had a few knots on my shoulders she worked out as well as working out my legs. Guess it worked b/c they weren't sore on Monday. Woo-hoo!!!

Monday, June 7 - Boot camp in morning & evening. Went 2x to make up for a class I missed last month. Had to take a nap in the afternoon. But otherwise I was full of energy.

Tuesday, June 8 - about to head out for some HIIT. Not very motivated, but making my self go. Wanna get rid of the flab around the gut!!!!! Wish there was a majic potion but I know there isn't. Darn it!

TXAimee Tue, Jun-08-04 20:01

Did my HIIT training tonight. Don't know where the wind came from but boy it made it hard to sprint. Felt good though. Think I'll sleep well tonight. Plan on working out legs pretty hard tomorrow at lunch. Haven't had a hard leg workout in awhile. They aren't looking as toned, guess running more isn't helping keeping them as toned.

TXAimee Wed, Jun-09-04 13:11

OK, didn't work legs today. Worked my chest, tri's & abs.

Inclined Bench - 3 sets,
1st set 15lbs, 15 reps
2nd & 3rd set, 20 lbs, 12 reps

Inclined Fly - 3 sets
15lbs, 12 reps

Pushups off weight bench
3 sets, 15 reps

Skull Crushers, 3 sets
25lbs, 12 reps

Close Grip Bench Press, 3 sets, 25 lbs
1st set, 11 reps
2nd set, 12 reps
3rd set, 12 reps

Assisted Tricep dips - 62lbs assisted weight
3 sets, 12 reps

Tricep Press Down w/ "V" bar
3 sets, 12 reps, 70 lbs

Various ab work, 15 reps per exercise, 12 exercises

TXAimee Thu, Jun-10-04 09:10

Had boot camp last night. Getting more intense. YIPPEE!! I like intense workouts. I'm just trotting along, the hardest thing we did, in my opinion were the interval runs. My co-worker that I got to go with me keeps telling me he's sore, can't move. (he's been complaining alot at work, I've hardly been that sore, just enough to know that I've worked out.) He tells me that he hates me for getting him into boot camp. I just laugh cuz most of the time I just consider boot camp more of like a play day or like elementary P.E. but with weights. I hated P.E. growing up, but now I look forward to boot camp. Not sure if it's because it's outside or the social aspect of it or both. At least it's something I know I can stick to.

I plan on running stairs tonight, but my hip has been giving me a bit of trouble. May lay off tonight to rest it.

I am also getting my bodyfat tested today at lunch. Hope I have some good news to report later. Keeping my fingers crossed!!!!!

TXAimee Thu, Jun-10-04 14:15

Leg & shoulder workout today at lunch. Broke a major sweat and the temp in the gym was 70.5 as always. Also got my body fat tested. It went down from 23.48 to 21.97. About 1.5%. Better than nothing. Guess I'm doing something right!!!!!!

Leg workout
Wide Leg lunges - 3 set, 12 reps, 15lbs.

Leg press - 3 sets, 12 reps - 1st set 130 lbs, 2nd & 3rd set 140 lbs.

Leg Ext. - 3 sets, 12 reps - 1st set 30 lbs, 2nd set 35 lbs, 3rd set 40 lbs.

Hamstring curls - 3 sets, 12 reps, 1st set 35 lbs, 2nd & 3rd 45lbs

Standing Calf Raises - 3 sets, 12 reps, 25 lbs.

Military Press, 3 sets, 12 reps, 20 lbs

Side raises, 3 sets, 12 reps, 12 lbs

Delt raises, 3 sets, 12 reps, 10 lbs

Felt like a good workout. Gonna try to do some HIIT tonight.

TXAimee Fri, Jun-11-04 13:08

No HIIT last night. Had a sinus headache, went home from work to sleep it off. Almost completely gone now.

Lifted at lunch today. Biceps & back. I must've worked hard - I'm tired, ready for a nap.

Seated Low rows, 3 sets, 12 reps, 1st/2nd set 70 lbs, 3rd 80 lbs

Lat Pull Downs, 3 sets, 1st set 15 reps, 60 lbs, 2nd/3rd set 12 reps, 70 lbs

Bent Over Rows w/ bar (25lbs)
1st set no weight, 15 reps
2nd/3rd - 10 additional lbs.

21s - 1st/2nd set, just EZ curl bar
3rd set - additional 5 lbs.
can we saw OW-EEEEEEEE???

Concentration Curls
3 sets, 12 reps, 15 lbs - increased my weight from 12s - was tough!

Hammer Curls
3 sets
1st set, 15 reps, 10 lbs.
2nd set, 12 reps, 12 lbs.
3rd set, 11 reps, 12 lbs.

Also did various ab work. 250 reps total

liftnlady Sun, Jun-13-04 17:06

Hey Aimee, I looked over your log good workouts you have going on. How long have you been following this program, and what are your goals....add muscle, lose fat first ...that kind of thing.

TXAimee Sun, Jun-13-04 19:40

Hi Lift, thanks for responding. I've had this program for the past year or so except I took most of Nov. off due to illness and April due to travelling and family visiting. I really like to lose as much fat as I can. Get to about 17 or 18%. I also want to add a little more muscle. I've been on Atkins since the beginning of the year w/ a few cheats but got right back on track. I keep losing the same 5 or so pounds over and over. Plus, as intense as I workout I think I need more carbs and NHE might help me reach my goals quicker. What do you think?


TXAimee Mon, Jun-14-04 13:15

My workout for today.

Dumbell Chest Press
2 sets ~ 15lbs, 12 reps
1 set ~ 20lbs, 12 reps

Dumbell Flys
1 set ~ 12lbs, 12 reps
2 sets ~ 15lbs, 12 reps

Pushups, incline,
2 set, 12 reps

Military Press
2 sets ~ 15 lbs, 12 reps
1 set ~ 20 lbs, 8 reps

Dumbell Side Lateral Raises
3 sets ~ 12 lbs, 12 reps

Dumbell Rear Delt Flies
3 sets ~ 12 lbs, 12 reps

various ab exercises, 20 reps per exercise, 11 sets total

TXAimee Tue, Jun-15-04 13:08

Tuesday workout.
Shoulder & hip are bothering me so I just did biceps, tri's & calves. Have a Dr.'s appt. next Tues. about my shoulder & hip.

Concentration curls
sets 1&2, 12 reps, 12lbs.
set 3, 11 reps, 15lbs.

3 sets, 12 reps, 12lbs.

4 sets, 20lbs


Skullcrushers & close grip presses (DB)
3 sets, 15 reps, 20lbs

Triceps kickback
3 sets, 12 reps, 12lbs.

Tricep Pressdown (Cable)
4 sets
set 1, 15 reps, 50 lbs
set 2, 15 reps, 70lbs
sets 3&4, 12 reps, 80lbs

3 sets, 12 reps, 35lbs
1 set each of toes straight, turned in & out

dogbone1 Tue, Jun-15-04 14:01

Hi TxAimee!
Thanks for stopping by again-- I`m glad you got a response from the folks at Beverly. They have been great with me-- even called me at home once to check up.
I`m curious what diet plan they gave you-- does it look sort of like mine or are they giving you carbs in the mornings?
I am also using their workout plan and I think I am getting some good results from it. Again, we`ll have to wait for picture day to be sure....
I spoke to Trainerdan about Keto7 v. Lean Out. He said that the Lean Out is designed to assist your body use its fat stores more efficiently, but that the Keto7 is more geared towards fat reduction since it has ingredients like green tea extract and caffeine-- of course, that means there is a stimulant effect and I don`t know if you want that.
Personally, I love all that

Btw, I am so envious that you can do mid-day workouts!! I used to do that in my old job, but no way now--all I get are early mornings and evenings. Seems unfair that my best hours are wasted on work, instead of

Anyway, I`m off to do a chest workout tonight. Hope all is well and your sinuses are better!! :)


TXAimee Wed, Jun-16-04 14:53

Had Boot Camp this morning. Almost didn't go. I didn't sleep well last night. I was halfway to bootcamp and ALMOST turned around. I was soooooo tired. But I went anyway. And OMIGOD!!! Boot Camp was pure torture. WE did suicides. (running to one cone, run back to start, run to 2nd cone, back and so on. Last cone was at the top of short hill. I HATE THOSE THINGS!!!!) But after boot camp I felt great. We also did some step ups, lunges and one arm rows. I was beat afterwards. Plan on going tonight to make up for a class I missed at the beginning of the month. Bet I'll sleep great tonight!!!

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