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myturn Thu, May-20-04 15:31

Does addiction run in your family?
I have noticed something in reading post's here. I have noticed a lot of people who say they either have a parent/parents or family memebers with addiction problems...alcohol/drugs etc. I am wondering how many of us with "food" problems be it either carb addiction, overeating etc. have a family member who has an addiction of another kind because I am thinking that maybe genetically there is a connection...we just chose food as our drug of choice instead of alcohol etc. I personally have a brother who has been an alcoholic/drug addict since he was 13 ( he's 45 and still abusing) and I come from a long line of alcoholics, thankfully my own mother escaped this fate and my father doesnt abuse anything either. I suppose some could argue that the connection is mental and not genetic. So what do you think, could there be a genetic connectionn or is it a mental health issue or am I just crazy, weigh in and let me know what you think??

LoriLoCarb Thu, May-20-04 16:06

Hi Myturn! Interesting topic! I didn't come from a family with addiction problems, although my family has a history with depression and I went through some very tough times with my Mom in my 20's that I think lead to my issue. I am not sure I am that introspective, but I would guess that food for me became the one thing that I felt like I could control and was a comfort to me. After I made it through the rough time, it had become a routine, and a social/fun thing, and I believe I developed a serious sugar addiction. It is amazing though that a week on Atkins can teach you that you don't need to eat like that, you can still enjoy life without it, and the cravings have poofed! Interested in hearing the responses on this - good thread =)

jemman Thu, May-20-04 16:17

great question! my father is an alcoholic, my mother is a gambler, and my sister is a shop-a-holic. im not sure if i think it is genetic or product of environment, tho. quite interested to hear what others have to say.... :)

AntiM Thu, May-20-04 18:07

I'm like LoriLoCarb!

No addictions in my family, but serious depression and lots of suicides.

As a side note, I've never felt that I had an addictive relationship to carbs, or food in general, for that matter. I believe I was genetically pre-disposed to obesity and a combination of strict dieting in my childhood and types of food I was eating led to my high weight.

Not that I'm not taking responsibility for my fat - the only person who created 335 pounds of Monika was me.

I know people who genuinely have an addictive response to simple carbs - I'm sorry that this WOE must be 100 x more difficult to follow if that's an issue. I think I'm one of the lucky few Syndrome X people who only miss, not crave carbs.

sherbear Thu, May-20-04 18:24

I'm a recovering alcoholic, been sober for over 11 years now. Weighed around 140 - 160 all my life, started putting on the pounds around 6 years ago. I am sure that I switched one addiction for another.

toopoles Thu, May-20-04 18:50


No addiction in my family although along with many others, suicides and bipolar disorder runs though it. Marty

bunks Thu, May-20-04 19:16

I've heard that addictions can be genetic. Some people are more predisposed to them than others but I'm sure enviromental factors come into play also.

crysania Thu, May-20-04 19:18

drug adiction, alcoholism, depression, & mental disorders all run in my family... and that is just in my dad
My mom did her share of drugs and stuff when I was little but she has been clean for a good 17 years :) I don't think she has any addictions really now though some spots of depression I can recall
I don't know anyone else in my family they all died when I was to young to remember them
I luckily saw enough drugs, drinking and smoking to last me a lifetime without doing any of them! but I do have an obsessive/adictive personality... :rolleyes:

Kohkie Fri, May-21-04 16:02

I also believe addicted personalities run in families. Addiction runs in my family, mostly alcoholism and drug addiction, I was fortunate to escape those but I'm quite sure that I'm a sugar addict and as long as I keep that in check, I'm a happy camper.


hatetocook Fri, May-21-04 18:40

I also have alcoholism, major depression, suicide & bipolar disorder in my family tree. Also, my eating didn't really get out of control until I stopped drugs, alcohol & smoking.

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