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mom2two Thu, May-20-04 00:26

I am going to need some support, anyone on antidepressants?
I finally know what they mean by YO YO diets. I feel like i have been bouncing back and forth for 2 years now. I go to Curves at least 3 times a week, I am pretty active as well. I have joined and quite weightwatchers way to many times this year alone. I did give Atkins a shot for about 4 day's and I have tried South Beach and so on and so on.
I am still on antidepressants for post partum depression from 2 years ago. I do know that they can play a major role in weight gain, but the pro's of living anxiety free outweigh the cons of my weight by far. I have talked to my Dr and she feels that low carb is going to be the only answer for me. The girlfriend i go to weightwatchers with is having the same problem as me, but insists that we continue and not give up. I don't want to give up on anything, I just want something to work.
I gained 60 lbs in my pregnancy then lost all of it from my depression after. Now since then at least 30 of it has crept back up. I don't fit in any of my clothes and I feel crappy.
I am so scared that i will not do Atkins right and i will gain..
I have to admit i like to have a beer or 2 every night, and i am not sure how i will do at giving that up. I also own a candy business, so i have chocolate in front of me 24/7.
I have read the book, I do want this to work. I am just having a hard time re programing my mint off the low fat!
Is there anyone here on antidepressants, will this still work for me?
How do I stick to this and stay away from other plans, I could change my diet
I know that sugar is my biggest problem, I get mega cravings. I also do have binges, where i feel that i already cheated so "who cares"
I just want to make it through the first 2 weeks!
Help Please!!!

caligrrl Thu, May-20-04 01:04

You should get one of the Atkins books and read it cover to cover, if you do that, and get advice from the message boards, you can definitely do it! A lot of people here have had great success.

blatla Thu, May-20-04 04:03

I'm on antidepressants, too (Zoloft) and it hasn't affected my weight loss, I don't think. It's going slower than it has for me in the past but I think my age and the fact that I've done it before (it's how I lose my pregnancy weight...just had baby #5 three months ago) play a role. I know that some AD meds do interfere, though, so that might be something to ask your doc. You might need to switch brands. Before I would be so quick to blame the meds, though, I would suggest you do the full 2-week induction and see how it goes. If you've only given Atkins 4 days in the past, you really haven't tried it. It takes the full two weeks to detox from the sugar and really get going. I know that first week is tough, but I promise, once you get through it you will feel awesome. The cravings really do go away (I survivied having 20 boxes of Girl Scout cookies in my house without feeling the urge to cheat!). You CAN do this. Just make up your mind that you're going to follow the book to the letter for two weeks. You can do anything for 14 days. Plan to give yourself some reward (not food...maybe a pedicure or something you wouldn't normally do for yourself) for making it through. If you don't feel better and don't like the results after that, fine...move on to something else. I seriously doubt that will happen, though. I have yet to meet someone who has done the diet correctly and didn't love it after induction.

Good luck!

skinnbones Thu, May-20-04 05:23

I take Prozac and have not had a problem with losing weight. Maybe it would have come off faster but I don't care as it is still coming off. I too have been able to have chocolate and cookies around the house and not eat them. The cravings will go away. I thought I would never survive but did. You can to. Just take it one day at a time the first few days are the hardest because you are getting the old stuff out of your system. Hang in there! ;)

Squid Thu, May-20-04 09:00

I had trouble with depression which was related to hormones and got really bad once a month for about two weeks. Going on a LC diet helped that tremendously. Even other people have commented that I seem much happier now.

As far as sticking to the plan, can you commit to do it for just two weeks? By then you'll be able to evaluate whether or not it is the right plan for you. It's one thing to give up beer for two weeks - it's another to give it up permanently. So how about committing to sticking to this program for just two weeks and then deciding whether you want to go on. No candy and no beer for just two weeks. You can have it after that if you want it.

I think you'll find that you feel so good after about a week on this program that you'll decide to continue on with it. There's nothing better than that burst of energy that comes at about a week for most of us. I love it!


Itty Thu, May-20-04 09:04


I used to take Prozac and did not have difficulty losing weight.


fviegas Thu, May-20-04 11:36

I was there 3 years ago
although I don't take antidepressants, I was in your boat 3 years ago.
Just had my second baby, lots of cravings and hypoglicemia. Threw
out my pre-1st-pregnancy clothes because I thought I just had to
accept that I be fat forever, and probably gain a few pounds a years.
What a waste, I really loved a dress I had, that would be loose on me
now! Like you I craved chocolate and continuously had cookies throughout
the day just to stave off hypoglicemia. With a family history of diabetes,
I think I would begin to be diabetic by now, if I didn't stop that vicious cicle.
And then I discovered the Zone, and lost 20lbs in 6 weeks.
I think the Zone and maybe South Beach are a better introduction to LC
for those who have been brainwashed ( as I was) with the low-fat dogma.
The Zone works because if you maintain the ratio of macronutrients you
don't get hungry although being very restrictive in fat.

As for the cravings, they dont really disappear, but become manageable.
I still get them, and when I do, I just make my own version of cookies,
cheesecake, bread or cake, even chocolate. So my advice here is
take some of the wonderful recipes for LC in this forum and other sites,
make your own, and take them with you to work. When you get the
munchies, just eat them and satisfy yourself.

And visit this board often, so many problems have been solved and
address, and all the posters are ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL.
And STICK TO IT.Two weeks will pass quickly and you will be truly
AMAZED at what you can do for yourself.


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