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KnitGirl Wed, May-12-04 06:19

Official Weigh In Day for Week 3
Well, it's official weigh in day today, and I have gained yet another pound. I hate this. :mad: This sucks. How in the heck do I gain weight while doing strict Induction? Yes, I cheated Friday. I've been perfect ever since, and still, I'm packing on the pounds. 4 pounds in 5 days. What a miracle. :skull:

I hate this. I'm ready to give up again and start over in a week or two.

Renkin1990 Wed, May-12-04 07:09

Please do not give up! I am not an expert, by any means, but I looked at your fit day and I just know someone is going to tell you to up your carbs. Looks like most days you are at or below 10 grams per day.

Please hang in there! Have faith and focus on your goals. The scale may not be moving in the right direction now, but you know that by going back to your old way of eating will not help you loose weight either.

You can do this. I wish I could be of more help.

bunks Wed, May-12-04 07:16

I think it depends on what you're eating. It's hard to give you any advice unless we have an idea. Do you do fitday or have a journal? I found in the first week of induction that I lost 8.5 pounds. Most of that was water weight and I found over the next week that I actually regained some of the weight I had lost ( because of the dehydration) so it is possible that your body is balancing itself out but as I said unless we have some idea of what you are eating it's hard to give advice.

Some of the frankein foods can cause you to stall also. I'm thinking though it sounds like a water weight thing. Could be a TOM thing also. Try to be patient, I felt much the same way but if you go into stalls and tips and the turtle club you'll find that you are not alone in experiencing this and you just have to wait it out. Try keeping a journal and it might help you to track trends. Maybe increasing the exercise a bit might help to push you the other way. Good luck.

KnitGirl Wed, May-12-04 07:21

Yes, I'm keeping a FitDay, although today in anger and frustration I've been eating all wrong. I just am so angry. My chest is all tight, and I'm in tears. I don't understand why my body seems to hate me. I'm trying so hard to be kind to it, but it just laughs at my efforts and doubles the efforts to pack on the weight. That probably sounds crazy, but I'm feeling pretty crazy right now.

bunks Wed, May-12-04 12:33

Sorry I didn't see the fitday journal there KnitGirl and I guess Renkin posted while I was composing. I can't see to much wrong with your food but then I'm no expert. What I might suggest is that you try to substitute something for the cured pork bacon. It could be the salt in it that is making you retain water. You might have a problem with the cheese also. I know cheese is a yeasty food and causes water retension also. I'm not sure about the pepperoni or the hot sauce.

I know this is frustrating because I experienced the same emotions just a few weeks back. Seems like nothing I did was helping the weight to come off and then all of a sudden overnight I lost a couple of pounds. I don't know why. I thought I had it figured out by increasing the fat and calories but then nothing......Another 3 weeks and then a couple of more pounds.

I still don't know why I lose and why I don't, nothing seems to make sense but I do know that I feel much better for having lost the weight I already have so I keep plugging away. I've come to accept that the weight comes off when it wants to and nothing I do by getting frustrated will make the process hurry up.

Some people can lose steadily and others seem to lose in little spurts. Just keep trying and tinkering with the diet and see if you can find the magic key to your own weight loss. Check out the tips for stalls and the turtle groups for ideas. Lots of people I'm sure will help you with ideas about what you can eat or cannot.

It's hard I know but the weight didn't come on overnight so it makes sense it probably won't go away overnight also. :bhug:

diemde Wed, May-12-04 15:23

Increase your carbs to 20 grams (approximately 180 calories). You want to aim for 5% of your calories in carbs, 70% of your calories in fat and the remainder in protein. If you don't eat enough, your body will try to hang on to the weight to protect itself.

Also, eat as little processed food as you can. I do eat some processed foods, but I lose weight quicker when I don't. I can't tell from the public version of your fitday, but how much sodium are you taking in? I would guess that it's higher than normal and you are retaining water.

Also, are you exercising? If you just started exercising, it can take up to 6 weeks before you start losing weight regularly again. During those 6 weeks you are building muscle. So take some measurements to see if you are losing inches. And if you aren't yet exercising... start. This weight loss works much better when you exercise and you get healthier to boot!

Good luck!

irisda Thu, May-13-04 12:08


If I had given up in week 3 where would I be now certainly not 80 pounds down and quite possibly many many more pounds than the original 304. I am a living witness that this thing works if you work it.

You have gotten a lot of good advice so I wont even add to it. Just know that every slip up..every cheat sets you back. Start right now with a clean induction...not tomorrow and not next Monday right now. If you are in the middle of eating something you shouldnt throw it out.

Imagine how good its going to feel when you make it to goal!

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