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triplemom Fri, Apr-30-04 07:06

Switching from Atkins to SBD
I've been on Atkins since the beginning of March and have lost 6 pounds. Granted, I'm a very slow loser, so that's not really the issue. Two things have happened over the last week that made me think about switching. First of all, when I stayed between 20-30 carbs per day, I felt horrible. I mean, I had fatigue so bad that I could hardly get off the couch. One day I walked 35 minutes on my treadmill, and by that afternoon, I was so drained that I could hardly move (and exercise usually energizes me). Secondly, I got my cholesterol tested this week, and for the first time in my life, it was high. My doctor was supportive when I told him I was on Atkins, but he also said "let's see what the numbers show." He encouraged me to reduce the sat. fat for 2 months and run the numbers again. I know sat. fat isn't supposed to be an issue, but I'm concerned about it. Has anybody else had a similar experience?? Since I upped my carbs some, my energy has come back up and I feel so much better. Anyway, I guess it's worth a try!

Elsah Fri, Apr-30-04 07:20

Welcome to SBD. :) I know I have been happy with my change over.


Teardrop Fri, Apr-30-04 07:57

I've felt 100% better since I made the switch too. I still keep my carbs fairly low and those I do get are from whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. My trainer was happy to see that I'd added in good fats and taken out most of the saturated fats. I think you have to listen to your body.

trustycat Fri, Apr-30-04 08:22

i just made the switch too-- i def feel healthier although its a bit confusing how to add fruit and whole grains in ie. how much at a time, what types, how to mix with protein or fiber.... i wish there was more info on the GI and all but i'm hoping this forum will help. We can support eachother! =) What's your menu like now?

triplemom Fri, Apr-30-04 08:40

Thanks for your replies! I definitely feel better and more encouraged about "making the switch." The main thing I'm going to change right now is cutting down on the red meat and mega-sodium things such as bacon (I love bacon, and I can easily eat 5 or 6 slices) and high-sodium lunch meats. I actually made chicken this morning for breakfast, and I fried it in olive oil (no skin or breading) with some seasonings and sauteed mushrooms. It was wonderful! SBD allows bacon, but it's supposed to be limited to 2 slices per day, which I just can't seem to do! Phase I also allows beans (like black beans and kidney beans), which I've missed terribly! I've done without the breads, potatoes, pasta, etc. for the most part and am pretty much over that. I gave up Diet Coke a few weeks ago also, which was a huge step for me. My only caffeine is tea (with sweet-n-low). I still have a hard time drinking the water. Anyway, I'm going to spend time re-reading the book this weekend, but so far it sounds like something I can live with and hopefully will help my cholesterol! I may buy the new SBD cookbook that just came out. I'm always scrambling around for recipes!

Elsah Fri, Apr-30-04 10:37

The cookbook looks wonderful! I got a peek at it this week at the grocery store (where the price is jacked up of course!) I plan on going to walmart or a bookstore and buying it this weekend.


Monika4 Fri, Apr-30-04 18:07

Welcome to the beach! There are several here who switched for the same reasons as you - although whether it helps much is unclear - it would be great if someone posts after the retest!

If you feel better, listen to your body. Just don't go over with the carbs in the beginning! I don't eat pork, bacon and bean, so I am not sure my ideas are your taste - but I tend to mix cheese, lowfat deli meat like turkey breast and lf cheese - or lettuce with smoked salmon, low fat creme cheese and red peppers or tomato. Or Humus - for me that's sort of like

I borrowed the new SB cookbook and copied what I like. Some sound really exotic and nice - only disappointing part was that there were only very very few dessert recipes, and most are only for phase 3! Check out :
for free recipes.

5cats4me Sun, May-02-04 17:15

Hi everybody,
I'm new to this board, this is my 2nd post. I, also, am considering switching over from Atkins and am very nervous about the carbs!! When you're so used to counting carbs it's hard to eat the "good" carbs without the worry. In time I guess that gets easier but for now I'm being really careful! I love the SBD cookbook! The over fried chicken with almonds is great!
Anyway, the reason I want to switch is that I don't think I can not eat bread/grains forever! I love the idea that I can make muffins or breads with whole grains and enjoy them in moderation without the guilt! I've tried some of the weird bake mixes and flours and can't stand the taste. Also, the sat. fat is a concern of mine over the long haul. I'll miss my wings though....maybe on occasion:)

Nice to meet you all!

KC Ramone Wed, May-05-04 19:36

I'm also thinking of switching over from Atkins...I need to get my hands on a copy of the book though! One thing that I hate about Atkins is the lack of fruit. Especially with summer coming up, that will be really, really hard!

delilah Fri, May-07-04 13:25

I too am having a hard time staying on Atkins. My roommates all eat a very balanced diet and are currently on a cheese and bread and fruit binge. It's SO hard not to join in! I'd like to imbibe just a bit, and I didn't do so well on CAD.

Hmm. Is there a link around that outlines the basics? I kept finding non-straightforward links on Prevention. Anyone have a direct link to the plan?

Elsah Fri, May-07-04 14:34

This was the easiest one I have seen. Someone snagged it off the paid SBD site so I assume it's accurate. :)



Eating Guidelines for South Beach Diet


South Beachers - I want to share the most useful thing I've seen on the SBD website so far: the eating guidelines for phases one, two and three.

I'm not sure if you have to be a member of that site to view these pages, so I am posting them below, but they can also be found here:

How to adapt your meal plan - Phase 1

How to adapt your meal plan - Phase 2

How to adapt your meal plan - Phase 3


How to adapt your meal plan - Phase 1

The South Beach Diet™ is designed so that you can easily swap meals and ingredients. If you don't like eggs for breakfast, have low-fat cottage cheese or lean meat instead. Not a fish lover? Then choose lean beef or poultry. In Phase 1 of the diet, you can eat as many proteins and vegetables as you like, plus fats like olive oil. Fruit and starches aren't allowed until Phase 2. Here's a look at some general eating guidelines. For specific food choices, check out the Phase 1 Foods to Enjoy & Avoid list.

Protein: Quantity is not limited.
Vegetables: Minimum 1/2 cup.
Fruit: None
Starch: None
Milk/Dairy: 2 cups allowed daily (including yogurt)
Fat: 1 tsp mayonnaise or oil (optional)

Snacks are required. Choose a protein, vegetable, fat-free plain yogurt, or nuts/seeds.

Protein: Quantity is not limited.
Vegetables: Minimum 2 cups.
Fruit: None
Starch: None
Milk/Dairy: 2 cups allowed daily (including yogurt)
Fat: 1 Tbsp mayonnaise or oil

Snacks are required. Choose a protein, vegetable, fat-free plain yogurt, or nuts/seeds.

Protein: Quantity is not limited.
Vegetables: Minimum 2 cups.
Fruit: None
Starch: None
Milk/Dairy: 2 cups allowed daily (including yogurt)
Fat: 1 Tbsp mayonnaise or oil

Enjoy a Sweet Treat or any of the snack choices.

Diet, decaffeinated, sugar-free drinks are not limited. You can enjoy caffeinated coffee or diet sodas with caffeine added, but limit to 1 - 2 servings per day.


How to adapt your meal plan - Phase 2

In Phase 2, you'll gradually begin to reintroduce healthy starches and carbohydrates into your diet, starting with low-glycemic index ones like oatmeal and couscous, and eventually moving on to high-glycemic ones like fruits and whole-grain bread. The goal is to eat healthy carbs while continuing to lose weight, so pay attention to how they affect you. If your weight loss stalls or cravings return, cut back or try some different carbs and monitor the results. Here's a look at general eating guidelines. Want specific food choices? You can now eat anything from the Phase 1 Foods to Enjoy list as well as items from the Phase 2 Foods to Reintroduce list.

Protein: Quantity is not limited.
Vegetables: Minimum 1/2 cup.
Fruit: 1 fruit serving allowed daily (with this meal or other). Gradually increase to 3 total servings for the day.
Starch: 1 starch serving allowed daily (with this meal or other). Gradually increase to 2 or 3 total servings for the day.
Milk/Dairy: 2 cups allowed daily (including yogurt)
Fat: 1 tsp mayonnaise or oil (optional)

Protein: Quantity is not limited.
Vegetables: Minimum 2 cups.
Fruit: 1 fruit serving allowed daily (with this meal or other). Gradually increase to 3 total servings for the day.
Starch: 1 starch serving allowed daily (with this meal or other). Gradually increase to 2 or 3 total servings for the day.
Milk/Dairy: 2 cups allowed daily (including yogurt)
Fat: 1 Tbsp mayonnaise or oil

Protein: Quantity is not limited.
Vegetables: Minimum 2 cups.
Fruit: 1 fruit serving allowed daily (with this meal or other). Gradually increase to 3 total servings for the day.
Starch: 1 starch serving allowed daily (with this meal or other). Gradually increase to 2 or 3 total servings for the day.
Milk/Dairy: 2 cups allowed daily (including yogurt)
Fat: 1 Tbsp mayonnaise or oil

Snacks and dessert are optional. Choose a protein, vegetable, fat-free plain yogurt, artificially sweetened non-fat flavored yogurt, nuts/seeds, or a Sweet Treat.

Diet, decaffeinated, sugar-free drinks are not limited. You can enjoy caffeinated coffee or diet sodas with caffeine added, but limit to 1 - 2 servings per day.


How to adapt your meal plan - Phase 3

By the time you reach Phase 3, you'll know which starches and carbs you can eat without gaining weight, so you'll have already integrated them into your diet. You'll be eating normal foods in normal-size portions, sticking to the good carbs and good fats. There's no list of forbidden foods in Phase 3, however. In other words, if you want it, and it doesn't undo all your sacrifices, you should go ahead and enjoy it! Here's a look at general eating guidelines.

If you'd like to adapt some of your meals to exclude meat, simply choose protein sources such as beans, soy products, lower fat cheese, eggs and egg substitutes, and eat vegetables and nuts for snacks. You can also choose to receive vegetarian-only meal plans, complete with shopping lists, by selecting "vegetarian" in the Profile area.

Protein: Quantity is not limited.
Vegetables: Minimum 1/2 cup.
Fruit: 3 fruit servings allowed daily.
Starch: 3 to 4 starch servings allowed daily.
Milk/Dairy: 2 cups allowed daily (including yogurt)
Fat: 1 tsp mayonnaise or oil (optional)

Protein: Quantity is not limited.
Vegetables: Minimum 2 cups.
Fruit: 3 fruit servings allowed daily.
Starch: 3 to 4 starch servings allowed daily.
Milk/Dairy: 2 cups allowed daily (including yogurt)
Fat: 1 Tbsp mayonnaise or oil

Protein: Quantity is not limited.
Vegetables: Minimum 2 cups.
Fruit: 3 fruit servings allowed daily.
Starch: 3 to 4 starch servings allowed daily.
Milk/Dairy: 2 cups allowed daily (including yogurt)
Fat: 1 Tbsp mayonnaise or oil

Snacks and desserts are optional: Choose a protein, vegetable, fat-free plain yogurt, artificially sweetened non-fat flavored yogurt, nuts/seeds, or a Sweet Treat.

Diet, decaffeinated, sugar-free drinks are not limited. You can enjoy caffeinated coffee or diet sodas with caffeine added, but limit to 1 - 2 servings per day.

babydoll23 Fri, May-07-04 16:19

After reading the South Beach Diet book this week I decided to go ahead and make the switch. My husband's coworkers have been on it awhile and love it. I couldn't stand a lot of things about atkins. I hated high fat meats, I hate when things are greasy. Honestly I would rather starve than eat a big greasy burger! I love fruit & yogurt & just wanted to be able to have it occasionally without feeling so darn guilty. Also my skin just seemed to be oozing grease from the atkins diet. So I got the book, read up on it and have been SBD'ing since Monday quite happily.

Jlb180 Fri, May-14-04 11:32

Making the Switch
Hi all,
I am new to this site, and I could really use some advice! I was on Atkins for about a year, but I seriously started losing my hair (I see some of you had that problem as well). In fact, my hairdresser asked me if I purposely had it thinned for some reason. Yuck.
So I switched to South Beach, but I am gaining weight on it! In two months, I gained 7 pounds! I am very upset! I have been strict with it, so I am not sure what I am doing wrong? Should I go back to lower carb? Thanks!

vbrowne Fri, May-14-04 12:16

you may be gaining a little because of introducing carbs back in. I have switched over just recently and found that to be the case. Are you watching your calories. I have cut my calories considerably and now am losing quite well.


Judynyc Fri, May-14-04 20:44

I'm new too and just started SBD almost 3 weeks ago so I don't know alot yet. I'm feeling very healthy on this food plan. Just giving up sugar and flour products was big enough for me to see weight loss.

FYI-A few years ago my cholesterol was 233 so I ate oatemal for a few months for breakfast( old fashioned cooks as fast as instant and has a lower glycemic index) and I got my cholesterol down to 175.

I am eating mostly fish and chicken for dinners sometimes a steak, lots of veggies and I can tell that this plan is something I can live with!! :D

I'm in this for the long haul so I expect to be around here to give and get support.

while the SBD doesn't count carbs per say, they are conscious of the glycemic index of all carbs. Some are better than others. Cherries and berries are low on the scale while bananas, watermelon and pineapple are on the high side. The higher the GI number the longer it takes to burn in your body which turns it into sugar/insulin which then gets stored!! stored=fat!!!

I'm so glad to have found this site and people who are going through thie same stuff I am....Thanks for being here!!

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