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Orang Fri, Apr-02-04 06:36

Protein Power Pals - Friday - April 2
Welcome to the Protein Power Pals daily thread. All are welcome that are using, considering or curious about this WOE. We also welcome friends using other LC WOEs to drop by for some friendly conversation and a large glass of water.

My menu was high in calories yesterday, but good otherwise. I'm going appliance shopping today - will try to write more later.

Total calories: 1869
Fat: 137 gms 1234 cal 67%
Sat: 35 gms 313 cal 17%
Poly: 40 gms 360 cal 19%
Mono: 53 gms 474 cal 26%
Carbs: 48 gms 143 cal 7% ECC: 34 gms
Fiber: 14 gms 0 cal 0%
Protein: 121 gms 482 cal 26%

4 egg beater omelet with 2 ozs lean ham and 1 oz cheddar
Breakfast drink - 8 ozs water, 1 envelope sf gelatine, 1 scoop sf orange citrucel
30 ozs coffee (regular, brewed)

2 cups full-fat, loaded spinach salad

Snack: .5 cup mixed nuts

Dinner: (stir-fry)
10 ozs chicken livers - floured and fried (canola oil)
1 cup LC mixed veggies - steamed
1 cup full-fat spinach salad
Tomato side dish - 1/2 can diced tomatoes, 1 t onion flakes, 1 TBS Parmesan cheese - simmered 10 minutes

About 150 oz water & 30 ozs coffee

Exercise: Fridge went dead - got to clean out big freezer to make room for stuff in fridge and clean and fill two big coolers with ice and transfer food to those. Whole process took several hours and I'm sore as the dickins so I know I got a workout. DH workd late so missed all the fun

WendyOH Fri, Apr-02-04 07:23

Morning! Elaine, it's so good to see you snuck in to post last night:) We've missed you.

Today I am at 148 after my "clean" and "old" WOE yesterday. I ate only about 1250 calories and carbs at 50g, which is significantly less than anything I've done in the last 3 weeks on CAD. Today I am going to do a protein day. It's been forever since I've done one, and I've always had great success with them in the past in terms of getting control of my eating again. For those of you who don't know, it is sort of like a day of Stillman's or from Lean for Life, where you eat several protein snacks per day only. I usually aim for about 900-1000 calories, ~30g carbs. I get 30g carbs b/c most of my choices are things like cottage cheese and yogurt. I physically feel awful if I go lower than this in carbs.

Last night I spent a long time talking to DBF about my disappointment in CAD and in my current weight. I know he doesn't completely understand b/c he thinks that it is purely a moderation thing, and doesn't see how I literally cannot control myself with certain carbs. He worries about me, b/c he knows how much I think about all this though, and is constantly reassuring me that I look fine and that he wouldn't think any different of me even if I was 1000 pounds. He's always been very supportive of my WOE, even if he only eats this way if I am cooking for him. He could stand to lose probably 10 lbs or so, but isn't willing to make the changes required to do so. So anyway, I always feel kind of weird after talking to him about it, like he's going to think that I am psycho or something. He's very into the idea that exercise is the key, although he's not been working out much since moving here. He used to be a huge runner, and that's all he'd do, so he swears by it. We decided to commit to working out together b/c I said it would help me be accountable, which is what I need. He said he'd run at my fitness center and I can do whatever I want. So my question is what should I do? I feel just as overwhelmed by all the conflicting exercise advice as I do with all the different WOE's. I know that I hate cardio and tend to put on and maintain muscle very easily. So does that mean I should stick with weight training or that I should push myself to develop my aerobic capacity? How long should I do something before expecting results? The only thing I've been able to maintain all year is doing my two easiest Pilates tapes, which I do about 3-4 times per week, plus WAP 1 or 2 mile tapes which I also do that often. I am not seeing the results I'd like from this current program, so I know I need to step it up. I already measure myself once per week, so I will have some sort of guage to my progress. I'm always afraid with exercise that I will see a gain in the scale from the water retention and muscle. Anyway, that's my current dilemma. Any advice would be welcomed. This morning, I think I will go with him and just see if I can do 20 minutes straight on the elliptical machine, and I know it will be hard. I will also step it up with a harder Pilates ab tape since the other one has become simple.

I hope you all have a great Friday!:)

Lissette Fri, Apr-02-04 07:26

Yuck Orang, a fridge workout does NOt sound like much fun! :lol: Hope the rest of your day goes better!!

:yay: :yay: :yay: Elaine is back! Glad to see you post! Just take it easy and get back to your old fiesty self! :angel: :angel: :angel:

Well I need to take my DS to school now!

Have a GOOD ONE!! :roll: :roll:

simplydawn Fri, Apr-02-04 07:40

Good morning!

Glad you see you checked in w/ us Elaine.. keep resting and taking care of you!

Fridge work outs.. please don't do a new video exercise series with that as the new exercise focal point!

Song-um.. poor doggie!!

Wendy.. good luck today with your protein day :)

Waves hi to everyone else.. gonna run for now.. have a GREAT day!

Songberrie Fri, Apr-02-04 08:42

Well, my dog Gigi was really upset with me, and I must of put her out 4 times during the night, but I didn't have a mess to clean up. I glad that's over!

My dh picked up some pills at the drugstore last night. They took away the pain from the bladder infection. I guess I'll have to call my dr this morning.

My dh stopped at Costco last night and picked up some butter, cottage cheese and cream cheese for me. Yum! I loved having a well stocked fridge, sure makes low carbing easy!

Chamellie Fri, Apr-02-04 09:31

Good morning :)

Yesterday's menu:

B- morning starts banana nut cereal, 1/3 cup CCD 2% milk, 2 cups coffee w/H&H splenda

L - 7 chili lime wings w/LC bbq sauce, 2 cups mixed salad greens w/almond accents, lite balsamic vinegar dressing 44oz diet pepsi

S - handful pumpkin seeds
S - 1/3 cup mixed fruit, 1/2 lc tortilla w/1 slice turkey, 1 tsp honey mustard

Gym - 45 minutes elliptical machine (good energy, burned over 400 calories!)

D - stuffed chicken breast, 1 cup broccoli/cauliflower mix w/1.5 tsp butter

S - 1/2 cup morning starts cereal, 1/2 cup CCD milk

Wendy - I think you just need to a take a deep breath and take it one day at a time. You don't have to solve your exercise issues today :) You are right, there are so many plans and exercise programs out there and it can be very overhelming. The thing is that you have to focus on what will work for you. I decided to look into Southbeach and after doing some research I realize that it isn't for me. It is too low fat and I know I can't handle 3 servings of whole grains (pasta, rice, etc) as these trigger me. As far as exercise, you have to do something that you like. Try different things to see if you like them and the worst thing is that you won't and move on to something else. I tried Ti Chee, wasn't for me. Then I tried yoga and loved it. As for cardio, I used to hate the elliptical machine b/c I couldn't do it for more than 5 minutes and it was embrassing. Then I tried it again and thought it was okay and now I do 45 minutes. Just take it one day at a time :)

Bawdy - You are right, it is flippin hard! Thank god we have each other to lean on :)

Orang - Sorry about the fridge, been there and it is no fun :( Hope you were able to save most of your food. When DH & I went to Vegas last September my DD left the door to freezer in the garage open and needless to say I threw out several hundred dollars worth of frozen food and the clean up was anything but fun.

Elaine - Glad to here you are on the mend :) Take it easy :nono:

Song - Hope you feel better soon :)

Michele - Glad your presentation went ok :)


acipenser Fri, Apr-02-04 09:46

good morning all...

well, i did good till after dinner when i ate a lc ice cream bar (carbsmart), then i went over my 1600-1800 calorie goal....

Calories Eaten Today
source grams cals %total
Total: 1987
Fat: 132 1185 62%
Sat: 55 496 26%
Poly: 18 163 9%
Mono: 42 380 20%
Carbs: 44 123 6%
Fiber: 13 0 0%
Protein: 140 561 30%
Alcohol: 4 28 1%

the scale is still sticking strong at 200 even. i think i am doing something right cause when i first started pp, i was all over the place, up and down, up and down.

wendy--stay strong, read my signature, you CAN do it!! does your gym have personal trainers?? sometimes just one session with one can help you get direction. especially with what to do for your own goals. it is hard trying to figure out what to do and listening to everybody else is also difficult because we all have different goals and abilities.

lissette--you can read my signature also, we ALL CAN do it, just takes work. nothing good comes easy!!! or else we would all have perfect (in our mind) bodies, AND be rich!!!

elaine--WELCOME BACK!! hope you get to feeling better soon!!

song--hope you feel better soon also!!

orang--interesting work out, don't think i will take that up though!!!

big HELLO to everybody else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

well, i am off to hug the fish again today. will check back in later!!

WendyOH Fri, Apr-02-04 10:09

I survived! I just got back from working out. My "gym" is a fitness center at my apartment complex, so unfortunately, there aren't any personal trainers:( Thanks for all the thoughts. My goal was to do 20 minutes straight on the elliptical machine. At about 10 minutes, I didn't think I could ever make it. I was dying! But somehow I pushed through and went for 20 whole minutes. I kept an eye on the RPM, and since I started out at 56 rpm, I made sure I maintained that throughout the workout. Immediately afterwards, I took my pulse, just to see where it falls in the "ideal" range, something I've never tried before. It was 156, which would put me at 80% my maximum, which I think is a good place to be. Before leaving, I did the advanced Pilates tape I have. I love Pilates but I kept doing the easy tape b/c it's all I thought I could do. I couldn't exactly do all the moves yet on this new one. It was tough, but it gives me something to work towards. Reflection for the day....I feel like I actually worked out today, which is much more than I can normally say. I'm going to try to work out like this for a couple weeks and then evaluate my progress. It really helped having my DBF along encouraging me. I never would have made it 20 minutes otherwise. Ellie, I hope that I learn to love cardio too!:)

Chamellie Fri, Apr-02-04 10:15

Wendy - I totally understand...I used to hate cardio as well. Being in the gym helps as others tend to motivate you try a bit harder. The key to good cardio is music so if you don't have a portable player invest in one and put your favorite fast pace songs on there. It really helps!

Lissette Fri, Apr-02-04 10:15

hi again,
Wendy, Exercise is the same as dieting, one size does not fit all, I tend to bulk up with lifting, I just do light ones, pilates 2x a week and alot of running! It will have to be something that you like or it will be to easy to put off!

Hello to Ellie,Dawn,Eight,Michele(thanks for the encouragment!) :) And to Song! :wiggle:

BawdyWench Fri, Apr-02-04 16:35

Hello! Back from relaxing half-day of pampering. Tanning, then facial, then pedicure. Ahhhhhhhh.

Scale was down to 166 today (from 168 yesterday). I've threatened it if it doesn't read 164 by Sunday, which is where I was when I started CALP on March 22.

I'll have to catch up tomorrow. I'm starving.

unitydkn Fri, Apr-02-04 18:26

I was naughty...I went to have my first Dr.appfor my BR well anyway the dairy is right next door and they have the best ice cream....I had a waffle cone........but I didn't buy ANY for me at home and did get cream and 1/2 &1/2 half....anyway I got to go to work...bye

acipenser Fri, Apr-02-04 22:47

good evening.

had to work late today, i am pooped!! (and smell kinda fishy also)

dawn-- i thought about you today while i was at the chiropracters. i got a massage, then ultra sound, then crack and pop, boy am i relaxed now. i am going to get a good book and enjoy my good feelings.

wendy-- way to go on the workout. i agree, music is the key to cardio (or else a really talkative partner) sometimes i go to the gym with my bf's mother and she is a talker, i just walk/jog away and listen to her...hehe

ellie-- there is a thread in the excercise forum where people have posted their workout songs. i have pulled some good ideas from there. what kind of music do you listen to??

good night all....i am going skiing tomorrow so may or may not get a chance to check in with you all!!! :wave:

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