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Songberrie Sat, Mar-27-04 05:54

Tuesday, March 27, Good Saturday Morning!
Oh my gosh, I was up at 4am! We're leaving this morning and I wanted to get an early start. I hope everyone has a great day!

WendyOH Sat, Mar-27-04 06:20

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BAWDY!!!! Did the whoosh fairy come for a visit last night????

Morning everyone! Yay, I am finally on spring break:) I didn't think it would ever come. I leave tomorrow for Phoenix, so I have a very busy day of getting ready. It's been a whole year since I've last flown, and I'm a bit nervous about it. I just have to keep reminding myself that this airplane goes back and forth like this every single day, and tomorrow will just be another day for the pilots and crew.

Still doing CAD, and still maintaining, which is good. Tried pizza 2 nights ago for the first time. I ordered thin crust chicken veggie medley from Donato's, a medium, and ate 2/3 of it!!!! Oh my. Probably not something I should do every night, but it was certainly fun to do and not gain. Well, I hope you all have a fabulous day!

BawdyWench Sat, Mar-27-04 07:17

Songberrie, get some sleep. Tuesday, March 27? Not quite!

This is Day 7 of CAD, and although I feel like I'm losing, the scale is the same this morning, 165. My face is definitely thinner, and my slacks feel larger. I'm retaining water big time, though. My rings haven't come off in days.

I'm going to make some changes this week (see journal for details) and hoping to see the scale move next week. This being my first week, I indulged in things I thought I had been craving -- mostly flaky dinner rolls, and last night I had corn muffins. Know what? They're not as good as I had imagined. The thrill is gone, as they say!

The book finally arrived, so I think I'll hunker down today and read it. You really get some conflicting ideas by just reading posts. One time I'll read that you can have anything you darn well please at your reward meal, and other times I read it has to be equal amounts of protein, good carb, treat. Then this morning I just read something about a half portion of that treat. I need to read the book to get the real scoop.

So that's it for now. Catch you all later! I'll be popping in from time to time.

Lissette Sat, Mar-27-04 07:25

:bday: :bday: :bday: :bday: :bday: :bday: :bday: :bday: :Party: :Party: :Party: :Party:

Happy Birthday Bawdy! Hope that you will celebrate it up good tonight with your DH!!! (you HAVE to live up to your name you know!!) :lol:

Ah Spring break, It sounds like you earned it Wendy! Just think when you get back you will be on the last hurrah of the school year!! I am like you when it comes to pizza, can't stop! I guess the main thing is to recognize that and not have it very much! So details details is your BF going with you??? Be safe and HAVE FUN!!! :dazzle: :dazzle: :dazzle:

SongB, Have a Great time also and fill us in when you get back!! :)

thanks everyone on the advice about the nuts, pistachios I do enjoy and can actually stop at a decent serving! cashews or almonds THAT'S another story all together! :blush:
I heard that people can lose weight incorperating almonds into their diet, what would be the difference???? :q:

Ok Dawn, what song do you have tuned in on your new ride today?? I could here you singing all the way from here! :lol:

ELAINE, I'M thinking of you today! Hope you are doing well!! :bhug:

Hello to Orang,Say on cutting your calories down, are you filled up enough with that amount??? If I could get my appetite down it would help matters! :nono:

A big thunderstorm system is (hopefully) moving our way, we have been so dry the last 2 years, nothing like 5 though!!! I need to get back out with the momas and move them to a better place! HOPE WE GET RAIN!!!!


WendyOH Sat, Mar-27-04 07:45

Bawdy, I just responded in your journal, but I'll add some additional thoughts here. You CAN have as much as you want to eat in that but, BUT it must also be balanced. That is the key. You can physically only eat so much in that time period, especially if 2/3 of it is meat and veggies. So I think each of those people are correct, in their own way. If you can only eat a small piece of chicken and 1 c. of veggies, you won't be able to eat much in terms of carbs.

Lissette, Nope, my BF is not coming with me. I am going to visit my best friend. My BF is going to take me to the airport, however, which is cool. Tonight my sister is in town and my family and BF are going to go out to eat. I've suggested Melting Pot, which is an extraordinarily expensive (and heavenly) fondue restaurant, but we'll see if my dad goes for that. I've said it's a celebration b/c my sis has now heard from two pharmacy programs that she's been accepted (University of Kentucky and Cincinnati). She's only waiting on University of Arizona, where she really wants to go, but my parents don't agree on that one. Well, I gotta go shower and start packing. Have a good day!

Orang Sat, Mar-27-04 08:12

Happy B-Day Bawdy.

Shelly (Lissette):
I don't normally go hungry - I eat enough to stay satisfied as long as I stay in light ketosis. I do get a bit hungry sometimes when I'm out of ketosis, but it only for a few days so I can live with it.

You asked about nuts stalling people - if I eat more than about .25 cups a day, I stall. I measure .25 cup servings when I buy the nuts and only allow myself one a day - that works for me. I eat .5 cups when I'm recovering from serious hikes - it seems to help for some reason????

Great to see you - hope you have a wonderful trip

I get up at that hour thru the week - go to bed early enough to get adequate rest....

I may be kind of scarce for several days - some things have gone horribly wrong with one of my step-children and her children... it looks like I may become a full-time mom to some of the children soon. Prayers would be appreciated from those who pray - good thoughts from others.

sasquatch Sat, Mar-27-04 08:32

:Party: :dazzle: HAPPY BIRTHDAY BAWDY!!!!!!! :dazzle: :Party:

((((((Renee)))))) Praying for you & the younger generation!!

Back a little later!

Chamellie Sat, Mar-27-04 10:29

Wendy - Have fun in Phoenix! You will be about 2.5 hours from me, if you head out west let me know and maybe we could have lunch! That would be awesome, but totally understand if you don't come out this way. Bring lots of sunscreen as we are having record breaking temps. We have already had tripple digits and are supposed to be in the high 90's/low 100s next week.

Bawdy - :bday: :bday: :bday: :bday: :bday:

Shelly - :bday: :bday: :bday: :bday: :bday:

Orang - Missing you :) Prayers coming your way :angel:

Rob - :p

Elaine - :angel: :angel: :angel: Praying for your speedy recovery :)

Song - have a safe trip :)

:wave: to everyone

acipenser Sat, Mar-27-04 10:52

good mean saturday morning everyone!!!!

i get up at 530 during the week, i can understand

Bawdy--- :bday: have a GREAT day!!!

Orang--- will think of you and your family!!! hope things turn out okay..

Lissette--- :bday: to you too!!! how long does calving go on for??? how many cows do you have?? sounds fun to me, but i am a city folk so i imaging it would be like the movie city slickers.....hehhe

Wendy--- have a great time on spring break. my kids school was on break this week. they go back monday. i played hookie from work yesterday so i could take one of them skiing. the other one and i had our "day together" last monday which is my regular day off.

Song--you have a great trip as well also!!! surprised me with a 199.5 reading on the ole scale.. onederland??? will see if it sticks around!!! well, off to get some chores done. may check in a little later.

unitydkn Sat, Mar-27-04 14:11


BawdyWench Sat, Mar-27-04 15:12

Well, I read the book. OK, I looked through the book, read parts of it. If you're interested, I wrote about it in my journal.

As I said there, I plan to continue with CALP but for reasons of my own, not those of the authors (who are not medical doctors by the way, despite the fact that they use "Dr." in front of their names and they are photographed on the front cover in white lab coats). I don't care that they are PhDs and not doctors. Doctors certainly don't know everything, but the PhD doesn't impress me either. I've known plenty in my day who are dumber than mud.

Their "science" is shaky at best, in my opinion. I believe their plan will work (and certainly has for a lot of people), but not for the "scientific" reasons they cite. I still have a hard time believing that after your high-carb reward meal that your body will only release a tiny amount of insulin because that's what it "remembers" releasing at your last two meals. Has anyone tested their blood sugar to prove this? It's a chemical reaction, right?


I don't know if we'll be going out to dinner tonight after all. The other day DH was brushing his teeth in front of the bathroom sink and one of the kittens was right behind him. When he turned, she got caught up under his feet and by trying to avoid stepping on the cat, he lost his balance and ended up falling weirdly into the bathtub. We have a very deep bathtub, and he ended up wrenching his back when he fell and then caught himself with one arm extended. He had been doing ok, but today he's walking like he's in pain.

Poor guy. He's been injured so many times by our cats. When we had our first cat, Gradycat, DH was chasing him up and down the stairs. Now, he'd never had cats before, so he didn't know that when chased, cats tend to just hunker down and let whatever is chasing them go right over top. Well, that's what the cat did halfway down the stairs and DH went tumbling over top. Dislocated his shoulder.

(What was funny about this was that the next morning, half a dozen people at work brought in the same comic for me -- a man was lying in traction in the hospital, bandaged from head to toe. A woman was standing by the hospital bed holding a huge fluffy cat, saying, "Now you apologize to Fluffy for tripping over him on the stairs!")

Another time, DH was benchpressing a lot of weight (so he's on his back). Right when he was starting to bring the weights back down, Gradycat jumps on his chest. It startled him and he started to lose control of the weights. He managed to get them down without injuring the cat, but he mangled his wrist so much that he couldn't move his fingers and he had no feeling or sensation in his fingers. He went to the hospital (he was working as an EKG tech at the time) and a doctor friend sliced open his wrist to determine whether there was nerve damage or anything else seriously wrong. There wasn't, thank goodness.

Those are just two of the many examples. It's a good thing cats have nine lives. I just hope DH does, too!

simplydawn Sat, Mar-27-04 21:09

To all the birthday girls:

Goofy grins--we have had a messy day w/keeping dates str8!! WAIT til daylight saving time kicks in.. we will ROCK!

Song of the day was by Cher! I believe! LOUD! Then Sting-Desert Rose...then Clocks by Coldplay.......Then it was rainforest and dolphin music all day at the office along with some windshimes and my water fountain bubbling.

Lissette, I am from dairy country in northern ny before moving here to GA.. I will be honest, dh loves calves and cows and farms.. I on the other dislike the whole barn poopie thing. Looks nice from a distance, and looks nice in a picture.. LOL.. but.. um.. the odor that accompanies it ( lived next to farms too!) tends to make my nose curl.... and other things.. ha ha.. I remember having a bunch of foreign exchange students come to our h.s... ( which again, was BETWEEN 3 farms!) And taking them on a tour of a local dairy farm. I think every cow lifted its tail as I walked past it.. ( blech.. LOL)

:::Sending warm thoughts and energy to you Orang--keep taking nice big deep breaths.. and get some fresh air to help keep your sanity!:::::::

Bawdy-your poor Dh.. ice is best for initial injuries.

Aci-you hang on to that 199-er!! YEAH!!!! GO GIRLIE!

Gosh that sounded so CB'ish..didnt it.. breaker breaker 19.. got yer ears on?

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