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meltinaway Mon, Mar-22-04 22:31

I messed up BAD!!!!
I really screwed up today, and as much as I do not want to be honest about what happened, I will. I went to the Olive Garden today and knew that it was NOT the place to stay LC but deep inside I guess I had pre-meditated it and wanted to give up. I started taking little nibbles off of the breadsticks and before I knew it I lost myself in the breadstick basket! So, I figured I already blew it and ordered angel hair pasta with alfredo sauce. In the middle of eating it, I got sooooo sick! I threw up :Puke: all over the table. (the waiter was PISSED) I feel like someone poisoned me. I am going to bed and gonna start fresh in the morning, I never want to feel this way again.

I can't believe after 10 weeks of faithfulness,I cheated. I feel awful, both physically and emotionally. Has anyone else ever messed up and got back on track the next day? I hope this does not doom me.

I refuse to start smoking again so I guess it could have been worse. I could have started smoking again and that would have been much harder for me to get back under control. I also hope you all do not think I am weak because I am really trying to be strong right now. I will take diet pills the next few days til I get back in ketosis again. Whatever it takes.

I went to the store tonight and bought every Atkin's book on the shelf AS PUNISHMENT! I already have them but I made myself buy them again so I would take away some of my spending money for the week. So everytime I want to buy something it will remind me why I haven't any extra money left.

teresamay Tue, Mar-23-04 05:32

Ok, to start with - stop punishing yourself! It is not going to help you. You messed up, and I think you paid the obvious price wehn you tossed your cookies. Now, it is time to just start fresh, and realize you are only human and relax. Drink lots of water, and read a bit (since you have all those books ;) LOL...and start taking care of YOU.

You are a wonderful, caring and dedicated person and you can do this!!! Maybe try writing down in your journal about the meal, the sickness and how bad you feel so that if you get the same craving next time you can go back and remember how bad this was for your body...

We are all here for you, and you can do this - one day at a time!..

hummelda Tue, Mar-23-04 05:38

((((Mona)))) You have had such a rough road lately -- don't beat up on yourself. Lots of people lose it for a day and are right back on program the next day. You definitely can be one of those.

I have been so impressed with your determination, fight, and strength and sweetie, I know you can pull yourself back on this one.

Stay strong, love yourself. Do something special for you today like take a bubble bath surrounded by candles.

You are worth it!

jadefox26 Tue, Mar-23-04 05:41

oh honey
Awwwwwwww poor you, don't worry about it, it could happen to anyone!!
Just remember you've been so good and come so far, I would love to boast your weight loss already!!

keep on with it, at least it proved a piont, carbs are badddddddd for you ;-)

diemde Tue, Mar-23-04 05:54

I feel for you. :bhug: You are a very strong person and your body was telling you something. I'm sure you will do fine from now on, so don't sweat it.

You really are doing quite well and you need to keep telling yourself that. Quitting smoking is the best thing you could have done for yourself.

For today, focus on good healthy food... veggies and more veggies. Also, get out of the house and enjoy some fresh air... walking, playing in a park, going to the zoo, whatever you can do to get a fresh perspective on everything.

itsgottago Tue, Mar-23-04 09:35

You still didn't smoke!! Do you know how hard it is to quit? You are awesome! I'm sorry you had a crappy day and I hope you feel better today. I'm one of those people who is going to have a planned cheat meal once every 6 weeks or so. My dr. says I will eventually binge on carbs so I will plan a meal where I eat what I want and get back to induction the next day. This shouldn't hurt you in the long run.

meltinaway Tue, Mar-23-04 09:38

:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:"THE DAY AFTER!" :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

If I were to let myself, I could eat everything in my kitchen right now! OMG the cravings are back with a vengance!!!!!!!!!! I forgot how it felt to be so out of control and want to eat alllllllllll day long. I promise one thing, I will NOT eat anything not on induction because one little taste and that will be the end of me for a few YEARS! This is the reason I quit the last time after the "one litle cheat" and stayed off this WOE for over 2 years. Once is all it takes and this was a very valuable lesson for me. The difference this time is that I KNOW what to expect and I know these cravings are not gonna go away if I feed them, they are only going to get worse.

So, I will suffer for this mistake til my body gets back into ketosis and I will not give up and give in! I know I am rambling but I really NEED to right now to keep myself on track. I could very easily be in the kitchen right now grubbin', but instead I will overcome my cravings on this forum.

I feel like a heroine addict that just had a "little" last night and now I have to fight with my body and my mind to keep from getting any more. And, unlike heroine, my addiction is in full supply in the other room right now.

I have an idea, I am gonna get ready for work and I am gonna go there ALL DAY LONG! That way, I will not be here thinking about it and tempted and I might sign a few loans while I am at it. Thanks for listening to me vent. I will check back in tonight.

BUTTERBALL Tue, Mar-23-04 09:49

Stop beating yourself up first of all...Im sure many of us have mess up days. Just try to get back on track. But importantly as well - YOU STILL NEVER PICKED UP THAT CIGARETTE!! SO A BIG CONGRATS FOR THAT!!! :roll:

Breecita Tue, Mar-23-04 11:38


I've been off this wagon so many times I can't count... and I don't even have your progress to show for it! You're doing so great, and since you've already come so far, I know you can keep going!

ValerieL Tue, Mar-23-04 14:27

I agree with everyone that mistakes happen, but I have to say, I really admire your determination to not let this turn into a complete dropping of the program. I'm not usually a fan of the tough-love response to mistakes, but I think in some cases it has merit, and in how we judge our behaviour for the first little while after a cheat might be one of those cases.

I really like your "not a morsel that isn't on Induction" stance on this. I think it will help you get past this and back on solid ground.

Good luck and keep us posted!


brdgrl Tue, Mar-23-04 17:21

oh Mona, please don't beat yourself up. You are one of my heroes on this forum. I am constantly impressed by your honesty, your willingness to take risks, and your incredible strength. Yesterday was a slip, but you would not beat a child for forgetting his lesson would you? You are already suffering enough with just the cravings as a consequence of the carb addiction, please don't beat yourself up anymore.
Look at yourself: You have given up smoking, you have lost over 60 lbs, and you have a community of friends here who believe in your ability and your wonderful soul. Take care of yourself.

liz175 Tue, Mar-23-04 20:41


Be nice to yourself! You are having a difficult week, but you'll get through it.

The best solution I have found for cravings is fresh air and exercise. If the weather is at all decent, try taking a walk. If you can find someplace pretty, like a park, with interesting things to look at, that is even better!

chicksalad Tue, Mar-23-04 23:04

I know how you feel

Last yr I LCed for 2wks. No cheating the whole time, and day I all of a sudden ate a bowl of ice cream. It still haunts me. If you start again tomorrow, then I will applaud you moreso than now. It took me a yr to get over what I had done. Please start again! Haha do it for me, since I waited so long to fix my mistake. Get back on the horse! Good luck, don't give up on yourself.

Your life is what you make it.

miristar Tue, Mar-23-04 23:43

Oh I can sooo relate!
Originally Posted by meltinaway
I feel like a heroine addict that just had a "little" last night and now I have to fight with my body and my mind to keep from getting any more. And, unlike heroine, my addiction is in full supply in the other room right now.

I sooo understand, I just blew it myself a few minutes ago. <blush!>

It really helped to read your thread, I can tell this board is going to be a huge help. I will think of you tomorrow as I will be doing induction right along with you.



memaw O5 Wed, Mar-24-04 09:21

Poor Baby, :there: I know you must have been :blush: but it is over now and no use :cry: The important thing is you are back in the groove and you have a lot to :read: If you want you can give the extras to your friends as a gift so the money is not wasted.

You did not go back to smoking that deserves a big :bhug: so don't be :( We all :rheart: you and are wishing for the best for you.

I haven't used these thingys for a while and just wanted you to :) :lol: :D

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