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gtk Sun, Mar-21-04 09:21

IBS worse on Atkins?
Hi- this is my first post,sorry so long! though I have been reading around here for a couple months now. I need some help... my IBS has come back for me the last 6 weeks or so. My IBS started when I lost about 20 pounds way back when ( about 10 years ago). I eventually lost 40. I had the classic problems, back and forth, lots of flatulence, abdomial pain, etc. The doctor had me start drinking the metamucil stuff, and I did ok for a number of years- drank it every moring and night. Would have really bad times once in a while. Then I got preggo, and wow it got unbearable. So my doctor had me take colace ( whaterver the generic is) every day. It worked wonders! I stopped taking it after I had my daughter and never really got bad again. I would have occasional problems, and mild discomfort, but nothing like before. I had another baby, same thing w/ getting worse, taking colace. No problems afterwards. So for the last 4 years I have had none- minor problems. Until I started this WOE! The first month or so was ok. I had to start drinking the orange stuff again, but I can handle that. But lately, the last 6 weeks or so it has started affecting me alot. But I only get constipated now- not back and forth. I feel crappy and even have problems sleeping due to the discomfort. I felt so terrible about a week ago- I was so tired and energyless, and in pain - that I did my first refeed. I did dinner through dinner. I felt so good! I was afraid that I would feel crappy like everyone else when re-introducing carbs and sugar. And I went to the bathroom that night and 3 more times the next day!! This was last Monday, and now it has almost been a week. I am miserable again, only had one minor BM since then - that was Fri morning. Today I woke up at 5am, and couldn't go back to sleep due to pain. I have tried taking more, and less of the orange stuff, but dosen't seem to help. Right now I do a teaspoon in the morning and tablespoon at night. Any insight or thoughts would be appreciated.

KoKo Sun, Mar-21-04 10:00


ooooH I'm sorry your IBS is flaring up - I know how it hurts.

Since IBS is such an individual thing I can only tell you what helps me - I know a lot of people find relief in the low fibre Atkins type plans - others like me need more fibre - it might be that the fibre in the metamucil type things is just not enough for you, I tried things like physsiulium and it just didn't do a thing for me - maybe you need to add in some different kinds of fibre - don't forget you can subtract the fibre from your total carb count so if you have a 1/2 cup serving of a bran cereal (say fibre 1) you have 23 carbs but 13 of them are fibre so only count 10 - then up your fibre more by eating some fibrous veggies like cauliflower, spinach etc. If you are upping your fibre from really low levels then you can expect to have a day or two of bloating when adding in more fibrous foods - but after this passes you might find you feel a lot better is your pain hanging around your waist area and kind of poking you in the back on your left side and if it gets worse travelling all the way to your right side??

gtk Sun, Mar-21-04 17:28

thank you for your help! I will definately try the fibre cereal. I understand how somethings can work differently on people, the capsule fiber pills never worked for me, put the powder did. The pain is hard to explain, it is a dull aching constant pain or discomfort. It is usuallly the worst just under my ribs, usually one side is worse than the other, but can be anywhere. My whole midsection feels very tight, and I get slightly nauseated. I often massage and push on the bad spots, which sometimes helps ( to move things along ). I have found it interesting that I my IBS seems to get better the heavier I am? ( I kept 40 pounds from my first pregnancy) When I start to loose weight, I get into trouble. I have stayed pretty close to strict induction foods. I hoover around only 20-25 carbs, most of my carbs being from fresh veggies, my favorites are romaine, caulifower, cukes, & broccoli. I will try and eat some extra of those, too. Would be worth slowing down weightloss if I can feel better. I have just been so happy to have something that works for weight loss , and I hate having that sluggish, tired, feeling coming back. Wish my bowels would be more accepting.

Kent Sun, Mar-21-04 20:43

Hi Gtk,

Contrary to the popular belief fiber is not the answer for IBS and IBD. It may help in the short term but causes more problems in the long term. We normally do not digest fiber but the pathogenic bacteria digest it very well and produce many toxic compounds in the process.

Check out my page and let me know if you have any questions.

Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, IBD, IBS, Crohn's, Ulcerative Colitis & Candida.

Kent :wave:

m1whowaits Mon, Mar-22-04 11:05

I cannot handle hi-fibre either. The gas and pain and bloating are unbearable. Like KOKO said, it's individual. Making sure I get enough good fat and LOT of greens and veggies usually keep me regular. If you want to try a supplement to help you out, magnesium is great!! Most people have a deficency and don't know it!! Just get some good 'ole Milk of Magnesia. Start at the lowest dosage and raise it until you find what works for you. After time as a deficency rebuilds it's self, you'll notice the amount you need will decrease as time goes by. DON'T start at the highest dosage!!! You want regularity not a continuous flow!! It's cheep and good for you!

JKMOM Fri, Apr-16-04 06:38

Can you please help me? I posted today under the title of Help Please! I wrote about my symptoms and have read your pages. I am in so much pain and have not met a Dr. that has provided ANY releif! I found when I ate coconut - non sulphured that I became very bloated - is this a symptom of yeast die off!
Any help would be so appreciated!

Kent Fri, Apr-16-04 07:54


Some coconut products have sugar added and should be strictly avoided. Unsweetened coconut should be OK. Simply avoid it if you sense any symptoms.

The biggest problem people have with the diet is cheating by eating "forbidden" foods. Carbohydrates are extremely addictive, especially for people with Candida and intestinal diseases. Don't buy "forbidden" foods. If they are in the house you will eventually weaken and eat them.

Many people stumble after they begin feeling better. The foods you want to eat most are the same ones most likely to make you sick.

Please report back on your progress,

Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, IBD, IBS, Crohn's, Ulcerative Colitis & Candida.

Kent :wave:

teresamay Fri, Apr-16-04 07:59

Hi, I have suffered from IBS and cysts for about 20 years....this way of life is the first thing that has eased my pain - I included a lot of leafy green veggies, I stay away from white onions (at least eat a lot less), don't touch a lot of grease, and have found the symptoms have almost entirely disappeared!.

JKMOM Fri, Apr-16-04 08:12

Oh Wow! Thank you both for your replys!! My diet was very clean until I added dairy back and the symptoms went crazy!! I am absolutely in agony! I eat a ton of watery vegetables because they help with digestion. I love olive oil and I absolutly love mayonaissse but I think that may have caused some problems too. Breakfast today was a salad with chopped spinach, peppers one egg and some olive oil. I feel ok but would love for my stomach to go down. I asked my daughter to sit on me - that sometimes helps! I find I just can not have food in my intestines or my bloating is very painful - however, I get ravenous and that is hard too! Any menu suggestions would be so appreciated! I really want to use coconut - hopefully I can!

Kent Fri, Apr-16-04 08:20


Don't eat any RAW veggies. Lettuce is especially bad.

Avoid ALL dairy including yogurt.

The special homemade mayonnaise recipe shown on my web page is great on lean meats and fish. Use butter generously on cooked veggies. Butter is the one acceptable dairy because it is all fat.

Do NOT take any fiber supplements or eat any high fiber foods. Healthy people don't digest fiber, but the pathogenic bacteria in the intestines certainly can. They produce noxious gases and toxic chemicals.

Kent :wave:

JKMOM Fri, Apr-16-04 08:36

It is like you have known me forever! You are exactly right about the fiber. If I even look at flax seed, wheat bran psyllium I die! Numerous doctors have put me on these products and the only thing I can do is cry!!!! Right now I am sitting while I type this out but I am not able to because the bloating hurts my ribs so bad that I have to stand and type! Thank you again for helping me!!!!!

Demi Fri, Apr-16-04 09:54

I have to stay away from too much fibre, or my symptoms start up again.

Something that I have found to work for me is to take a daily dose of Udo's Oil - it definitely keeps everything moving :)

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