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Orang Fri, Feb-20-04 05:52

Protein Power Pals - Friday - Feb 20
Welcome to the Protein Power Pals daily thread. All are welcome who are using, considering or curious about this WOE. We also welcome friends using other LC WOEs to drop by for some friendly conversation and a large glass of water.

Remember to continue praying / sending good thoughts to Meg and her family

My menu was good yesterday - a little over on carbs, but not too bad - still in light ketosis this AM. I'm the same this AM - 174 lbs

Still watching my calorie per pound intake to try to drop 5 lbs or so by about March 15 (have dropped 2 of those already). Calories per pound 1358 / 175 = 8.34 (am now aiming for around 8 to 9.5 to get this weight off)

Total calories: 1452
Fat: 71 gms 639 cal 45%
Sat: 31 gms 276 cal 20%
Poly: 14 gms 171 cal 9%
Mono: 19 gms 186 cal 12%
Carbs: 62 gms 186 cal 13% ECC: 46 gms
Fiber: 16 gms 0 cal 0%
Protein: 145 gms 580 cal 41%

4 egg beater omelet with 2 ozs lean ham and 1 oz cheddar
30 ozs coffee and 8 ozs sugar-free orange gelatine with 1 scoop citrucel

.25 cup soybeans - roasted & lightly salted

Yeti Mousse (my version): 1.5 cup cottage cheese with 1 scoop chocolate whey protein powder and liquid sweetener (enough water to allow blending smooth)

Dinner: (hubby worked late again - I'll be really glad when what is causing this is over)
2 cups LC mixed veggies with butter
Grilled ham and swiss (2 ozs lean ham, 2 slices swiss cheese food, 2 slices LC bread, brushed butter on outside of sandwich before browning.

About 80 ozs water & 30 ozs coffee

BawdyWench Fri, Feb-20-04 05:55

Renee, you and I posted at the same time. Then I was going to delete mine (or tell people to post on your thread), and then you deleted yours. Then you put yours back. Sheesh!

My numbers for yesterday:
Calories: 1446 goal: 1500 - 1600 (Fitday says 1672 to meet my goal)

Fat: 105 grams (65%) goal: 70%
Carbs/fiber: 23/8 grams (6%) goal: 5%
Protein: 95 grams (27%) goal: 25%
Alcohol: 0 grams (0%) goal: 3 - 4 glasses per week
Water: 80 ounces (26%) goal: 64 ounces

Meg, our thoughts are still with you. I hope you hear good news today.

Orang Fri, Feb-20-04 06:28

Nothing like a slap-slick fire drill first thing in the morning... I saw your note after I had deleted so I put my post back in place......

ewinpa Fri, Feb-20-04 06:47

Renee, you and I posted at the same time. Then I was going to delete mine (or tell people to post on your thread), and then you deleted yours. Then you put yours back. Sheesh!
Glad we got that settled :lol:

Good morning all and hugs and fingers crossed for Meg.

Not a great evening foodwise-gave in to a popcorn craving (reduced fat /light). Been doing some reading on the darkside about pp/ww, there is a thread over there and our old friend Macma(sp?) was on it. May give it a shot while I am recuperating from surgery as I will not be getting exercise for several weeks and don't want to keep eating this much fat and cal.Whatever.....

How is everyone?
Lissette, any news on dson-in-law?
Hi Marnie, Michele, Unity, Meg, Ellie, Wendy, (wherever),Karen and everyone I've forgotten. Boy, what a nice big group we've become :)

Chamellie Fri, Feb-20-04 09:18

Good morning :)

Meg, continuing to pray for you and your family :angel:

Yesterday's menu:

B - 1 egg over hard cooked in a tsp of butter, 3.5 oz lean ham, 16 oz coffee ( I am thinking it is more than 16), H&H, splenda

L - 4-5 oz grilled beef tenderloin on 1.5 cups of salad greens, 1 TBS almond accents, 3 TBS kraft ceasar vinegrette, a small sprinkle of jack cheese on top
32 oz diet pepsi

S - 1 drumstick baked w/skin

D - 4 small salmon patties (salmon, eggs, almond flour, onion flakes, salt, pepper) 1 cup broccoli/califlower mix w/ tsp butter 1/2 liter flavored water

S - 1 carton SF Jello w/whipped cream

My tummy issues seem to have resolved :yay: first week of induction is almost over and it sure did go by much faster than the first time. The first week was the longest week of my life :D I have also been ...well....
b!t~hy the past few days and then this morning realized that I am at the end of my cycle of pills. I had three days of spotting last weekend, sure hope this resolves.

simplydawn Fri, Feb-20-04 09:38

Good morning!

I have not seen my scales move in 11 days. :cry: So basically the first week was water weight. Everything is stubbornly hanging on. I'm not working out enough to use THAT as an excuse. I do more cardio than anything when I go to the gym. Which has been avg of 2x a week. If I go today, will make it my 3rd for the week.

Does watching a qigong video count as exercise? :lol:

Ok, I am going to go to the gym by golly..and quit pouting.

Maybe I will have time to check in when I get back to grab some lunch before heading over to the office for my afternoon clients. I have 3 of them today, which is good after my slow week.

I am praying for Meg.....

acipenser Fri, Feb-20-04 10:05

good morning all!!!

meg--sending some good thoughts your way...

ellie--i had to stop taking bc pills, i tried 5 different kinds, none of them would do right for me. i was always spotting the week before and the mood swings and depression were horrable. i finally just said $%&~% and stopped taking them. my cycle has gotten shorter, but the rest of the monthly symptoms have mostly gone away, just get crampy and slightly bit--y.

all--great day yesterday, wow 3 pages!!

well, i have plans to go skiing tomorrow. looking forward to it. i am demo-ing some new skiis and will probably love them and want to buy them. my stuff is 10 years old and starting to fall apart. i have a trip next friday though to try snowboarding and i told myself no purchasing any new ski equipment untill i try snowboarding. cause if i like it i will probably want to get snowboarding stuff.

time to get to work!!

Chamellie Fri, Feb-20-04 11:02

SD - Try to not get discouraged. I don't weigh anymore for exactly that reason. The scale is a buzz-kill :D

Michele - My doctor put me on BCPs for 3 months as a sort of hormonal cleanse, it was that or a surgical cleanse...I opted for the pills :D Let's hope it work ;) Be careful on those skiis :)

I had to share this recipe! I found it on the darkside but OMG looks so good. I already ordered my muffin top pan so that I will be able to make these when I finish induction :D

ewinpa Fri, Feb-20-04 11:27

Yes, the Darkside is seductive :lol: . I'm lurking on the lc/ww thread because I may do that after surgery .But they do have good recipes.

Ellie or anyone,how would you make these if you can't use Atkins mix because there is soy in it?

Chamellie Fri, Feb-20-04 11:43

Elaine - I thought someone else did a subsititution for the bake mix. I would sub a different flour and then add some baking power and soda because the bake mix has those ingredients as well. I will let you know if I come accross anything :)

Lissette Fri, Feb-20-04 11:51

Good (almost aftenoon!)

Elaine, I have heard poeple use the almond flour and things like that, surely there is a baking mix without soy??? Still no news, i am hoping that she will here something Monday! :)

Dawn, your cutie pup's picture is on Wendsday's thread I do believe! Get your exercising over, sometimes the hardest part is to start! Bawdy has a great rule, just do 5 minutes, if you feel like more (and 9-10 times you do ) go longer! In fact studies have shown that 3 sessions of 10-15 minute workouts spread out during the day is a good all around workout! I always try to do something whether it is just a 1 mile run or a 20 minute tape, or even a fast paced walk with the incline up for awhile! I would LOVE to try the Curves place out, BUT we live in the boonies! :mad: (I guess my curves workouts are scooping corn and hauling out the buckets to our calves!) :lol:

Ellie, glad to hear that your stomach troubles have subsided! Did you have any problems with sweet cravings?? I do not know if I can be so legal or not! :rolleyes:

Meg, thinking of you!

Well My dh has come back from feeding hay and cow duty calls!
Hi to everyone else! (I have run out of time to address everyone!)
If I have another moment I will get back on!
Have a GREAT DAY! :yay:

Chamellie Fri, Feb-20-04 12:31

Shelly - I don't have a problem with sweets except during TOM. My issues have been with bread, pasta, rice and potatos. Since re-inducting I drink diet soda and flavored water which helps satisify the sweet cravings without calories or too many carbs. I also have been having SF Jello which is also sweet :) Have fun at cow duty :D

katlynweb Fri, Feb-20-04 13:29

Look at all the "views" we had yesterday :lol: !!!!
Meg, I hope you find out something about your brother today! Keeping you in my thoughts!

I have a question to ask about the lowcarb ice creams. Does anyone else find them "filling"? I guess it is the Splenda that is used instead of real sugar. When I used to eat real Bryers', my potions were 1-2 cups at a time and I always wanted more! With the Breyers' Carb Smart, I have a 1/2 cup serving and can barely finish it and no cravings for more! Neat, huh? Now if they would just make lowcarb Mint Chocolate Chip :lol: ..............

Everyone have a good weekend!

ewinpa Fri, Feb-20-04 14:48

Kat, I find I eat more of the Carb Smart ice cream. I think there is a small amount of fructose in it and it is a trigger for me. Sometimes I get Edy's no sugar reduced fat and sometimes I get Pierre's at my Local WaWA. It was the first co to come out with splenda instead of sugar. I think theirs is reduced fat also. I have aTERRIBLE time with ice cream, I keep eating it past the point of fullness. (there's a TV movie in here, I KNOW it :lol: )
Send the No Craving Fairy over to my place, she can get in line behind the Woosh fairy.

Lissette Fri, Feb-20-04 16:06

Originally Posted by ewinpa
Send the No Craving Fairy over to my place, she can get in line behind the Woosh fairy.

Share the craving one, I have been fighting with the oreos ALL DAY!!!!! I Have not givin in, but have had enough sf chocolates that it is not going to be pretty! :nono: :nono: :rolleyes:

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