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JonDuncan Fri, Aug-17-01 11:56

Hanging in there
Hello all. I lucked upon this forum and thought it was a cool idea. I've stopped by a few times and I finally decided to join. I started Atkin's on 8/4. I lost a lot of water weight the first week, but I know the fat is starting to disappear too. (I have to believe that or I would quit.) I've gone from 312lbs to today I'm at 297. I know this sounds like I'm huge and covered in fat rolls, and I'm not saying I'm not fat, but I carry my weight well :rolleyes: , so I'm told. I've started working out two months ago and lost one pound and put on some muscle. That just wasn't fast enough for me. I decided to go on the Atkin's diet because my father has been on a modified version of it since February to control his type II diabetes and the concept behind the diet just made sense. I hope to get down to at least 230lbs. Good luck to all and stay strong.

And to all that hate scales, I look at taking my weight as inspirational. When my weight's up, it motivates me to try harder and when it's down, I feel encouraged to stick to the diet.

tamarian Fri, Aug-17-01 12:09

Welcome aboard,

Make sure you use a tape for measurement as well. Particularly for those of us who do weights, it hard to interpret the scale when you lose fat and gain muscles at the same time.

A weekly chart of measures and weight can be quite helpful, and motivating.


tkdgrl Sun, Aug-26-01 11:18

Hi JonDuncan, I agree with you on the scale thing. I weigh myself every morning. It's actually something I look forward to and it helps me to get up. I find that the more I weigh myself, the less of a deal it becomes. If I had a bad day before and the scale is up, then it confirms that I overdid it and it encourages me to have a good day, so that tomorrow the scale is back down. Also, sometimes it surprises me, when I think that it may be up and it isn't. I've been low carbing since last September, I've lost 40 pounds so far and I decided to take the summer off and maintain, which I have, quite easily I might add. I think that low carbing is very corrective and maintenance is not nearly as restrictive as people might think. Good luck on your journey. I look forward to your response.

debbiedobson Sun, Aug-26-01 11:57

welcome jonduncan! i love your avatar! doh!! apparently doh is going to be in this year's edition of the oxford dictionary! that just breaks me up! congratulations on your 15lb loss. you must be a quite tall man. how tall are you? i agree w/wa'il to take your measurements. it's a much more accurate measure of weight/fat loss. looking forward to hearing more from you!:D

JonDuncan Mon, Aug-27-01 06:54

I think I turn more into Homer with every episode of "The Simpsons" I watch. :D I just can't get enough.

I don't consider myself a tall man. I'm about 6'3''. I don't think my height has as much to do with the way I carry my weight as much as genetics. My father carries his weight well also. Plus we have large frames (at least that is what I claim :) ). I haven't been taking measurements but I have noticed a few changes. Strangely enough, I noticed that my watch has gotten lose. I had it tight enough as to where it wouldn't slid around on my wrist and now it will spin all the way around. Has anyone else experienced this? My pants also fit better. And my favorite, I can see my biceps and triceps better now. I still have a problem with weighting myself. I think I might be becoming an Obsessive-Compulsive or something. I know I don't need to weight myself but I do anyway. I'm just too curious.

Thanks for the hearty welcome. I'm glad I've found a forum with so many people that are so eager to help.

r.mines Mon, Aug-27-01 10:31

My watch is now too loose too. I think I noticed that first, even before the rest of me started shrinking. I know the band hasn't expanded, 'cause it's metal! Funny, eh, the one place I never particularly thought I'd want to lose weight - my wrist - but what the hey, I'll take it!


Natrushka Mon, Aug-27-01 11:25

Originally posted by JonDuncan
I still have a problem with weighting myself. I think I might be becoming an Obsessive-Compulsive or something. I know I don't need to weight myself but I do anyway. I'm just too curious.

Mea culpa, Jon. In the past, I'd get on those scales every chance I could. It's different this time, maily because I can tell i'm losing by how my clothing fits. I did come up with a technique that has helped me though (unconsciously, at that). I weight myself on Mondays (or as soon after as possible) but I measure myself on Fridays. If there are inches lost I can wait 'til monday... its almost like a pacifier. Placing the scales out of view helps too!


JonDuncan Mon, Aug-27-01 13:50

Quilty as sin
Maybe je suis folle but I think I will try to weight twice a week. Once on monday to see what the weekend did and once on friday to see how well the week went.

Thanks for the advice Nat. P.s. I stole the french from the web while tring to find out what mea culpa ment. Here in North Carolina it is more important to study spanish. Hay muchos latinos aqui.

Natrushka Mon, Aug-27-01 13:53

Can I assume you found out it was latin, and not french, Jon?

Dos cervesas, por favor (the extend of my spanish) :rolleyes:


JonDuncan Mon, Aug-27-01 13:57

My bad. I just found a web page with the song "Mea Culpa" and the translation. I just assumed that it must be french because of where you live. (no wonder Altavista couldn't translate it from French to English :) )

Natrushka Mon, Aug-27-01 14:00

Mea (Me) culpa (guilty).

Good luck with twice a week. Dont listen to that little voice whispering 'come step on me'


JonDuncan Mon, Aug-27-01 14:04

Thanks to that web page, I made a fool of myself but a least it did give me the "I'm quilty" translation.

Do you think my parents will think I'm crazy if they hear me telling the scales to shut up? :D

Natrushka Mon, Aug-27-01 17:20

You mean they don't already? Thought it was part of being a parent ;)


debbiedobson Mon, Aug-27-01 17:34

john, i think 6'3" is a very tall man! i guess it's a matter of perspective.!:D
hey nat, do i hear another Catholic girl, full of guilt? mea culpa seems to roll easily off your tongue, er, fingers!:D

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