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beanerz Thu, Feb-12-04 11:12

On the road to be thin for Jamaica, MAY 15....
I think this is where I do a gym log.... I hope so....I have been working out 5 days a week and this is my fouth week. I haven't really lost any weight since I started, but I have noticed that my back, stomache and waist area are thinning. I do cardio for 30-35 minutes 5x a week. I use the elliptical machine. I also do 3 days a week of weights with the cardio. I can sort of see "some" muscle definition in my arms, but not a whole lot.

I guess right now, I am fustrated, I have been low carbing seriously since October 27, I have started working our seriously 4 weeks ago, I haven't lost much weight in the last four weeks, maybe 1 pound IF THAT.

The only thing is my inches are going down, so I know the low carb is working, how long till' the scale moves down?

Galadriell Thu, Feb-12-04 19:05

You are doing great:-))) Congratulations to your remarkable weight loss.

It is very common not to loose weight (sometimes even to gain a little) during the first weeks of a new exercise routine. Very simply your body reacts with retaining water to the higher/new demand. But it does not mean your body does not change - you already noticed thinning areas.
How long it takes to see weight loss again? For most of the people who start exercise, it takes 4-6 weeks. Be patient:-)) And the most important, hide your scale. It can be very frustrating to see the exercise related WATER weight fluctuation.

Believe me, I know about frustration. I lost 35 lbs, without seeing even ONE inch lost from my waist line for 7 months:-)


beanerz Fri, Feb-13-04 10:03

Yesterday I did the gym 35 minutes cardio, stretched, and then did 3 sets of 15-18 reps on triceps and biceps. I did only 20 sit-ups (I usually do about 75-100) but I could tell my sugar level was dropping so I had to stop and get home. (I am diabetic).

Yesterday I ate my carborite nutri grain bar (4 carbs) and two liters of water (I am not a huge fan of water, but I have been drinking more and less Diet Pepsi), I also had some chicken wings for lunch with a diet pepsi, for dinner I had a HUGE salad with lettuce, bell peppers, eggs, bacon, olives, pepper cheenies, crab, sunflower seeds. I use Drew's Salad dressing, no carbs, Balsamic Salad dressing, it's great.

Since I am getting so fustrated with my weight stall on the scale, I have turned to my fiancee and decided to let him pull the reigns on training me for weeks 5-8 to see if there will be a difference. Once I get my Saturday and Sunday workouts in, Chris takes over Monday, week five.... I am pretty scared...he is hard core, but I was at Target and they had some cute bathing suits and I was thinking Jamaica.....

beanerz Mon, Feb-16-04 13:39

I haven't weighed myself since the 12th of Feb. I Got all 5 workouts in for week 4. Started week 5 today. I actually started my workout training with my fiancee on Saturday. He has me continuing 5x a week (still the same) and 5x a week of cardio for 30 minutes (still the same), and doing weights 3x a week with the cardio (still the a point), he has me actually doing specific parts of the body, where as before I would concentrate on only my stomache and arms really. Saturday we did chest and back with 30 minutes of cardio, even tho that was part of week 4. Today, Monday is the beginning of week 5 and I did 30 minutes cardio and 5 different weight machines for legs. It was tough today as I went down hill skiing yesterday. Tomorrow the goal is triceps, biceps and cardio.

Today was the first time when I actually looked in the mirror and felt a little better about my image and believe it or not, it was that time of the month :) when you are noramally bloated, but I am not bloated or retaining water....I am hoping by week 6 I will see some changes in the sale. I will weight myself at the end of the month with measurements posted.

beanerz Thu, Feb-19-04 12:53

Worked out on the 18th. I did 38 minutes of cardio. I think reading makes me last longer on the elliptical than listening to music. Today the plan is just cardio again. I have been eating the Lean Cuisine Low carb dinners for lunch. Yesterday I had the one with rice and carrots so it was 25 carbs, but I figured it was ok since I didn't get breakfast in since I had to go to the dentist.

beanerz Fri, Feb-20-04 16:32

Did cardio yesterday for 32 minutes, didn't have my book today. I will hit the gym Saturday to do cardio and weight to get me at 5x this week (week 5). I can see that my waist is getting smaller now. I am headed to buy the new mini i-pod to jam when doing cardio....

beanerz Mon, Feb-23-04 14:03

I hit the gym Saturday to finish me up for the 5x a week at my week 5. I actually did cardio for 45 minutes the most I have ever done. I contribute it to my new mini i-pod. I can't workout with music and I had some great music on the mini. I can't wait to go workout today becuase I put some even better songs on the ipod last night.

fourkids Mon, Feb-23-04 14:24

Sorry-I posted here by mistake!

beanerz Tue, Feb-24-04 09:46

Hit the gym last night, first day of my week 6...The mini Ipod is great to keep me going with the cardio, my cardio is well extended 15 minutes easily with the ipod, ( I can't work out with music)....

However, the damn thing keeps freezing, and this morning, it erased everything. It has frozen on me three times since I got it 4 days ago. I have all the songs at home in the computer so all I have to do is download it, but still...what a pain...

beanerz Fri, Feb-27-04 09:49

Still hittin the gym 5x a week. Didn't have my mini ipod yesterday. I had to return it. I was on the elliptical and I didn't get the arm band for it, so it was sitting on the machine, weeellll, the arms thingys on the elliptical got caught on my ear phones and knocked my ipod onto the wheel part of the elliptical and it sucked in and hit the ground HARD. Well I got off and it as fine (or I thought) so I continued and within two minutes this folder with an exclamation came up and it stopped. I tried for a day to reset reboot everything and nothing worked, and so it was still under the week for the return so my fiancee took it in. They asked him "did she drop it?" and I didn't tell him that I did becuase he can't lie to save his bum! so he said, "no" and they said, "ok, good becuase dropping it isn't covered on the warranty, this is a mini hard drive, so if you drop it, it WILL jar the hard drive" so I got a new one and afterwards I told Chris that I did drop it and he said, "YOU DIDNT TELL ME THAT" and I said "I know, if I would have, they wouldn't of given me a new one!" so this time I am much more careful!

Janie3k Fri, Feb-27-04 16:16

Thanks for stopping by my gym log. Don't usually get too many visitors there.

How long do you go on the elliptical for? Is their speeds you go at like the treadmill?

Anyway sounds like you are working your butt off as well. By the way your son is adorable..

Take care :)


Janie3k Fri, Feb-27-04 16:31

Thanks for the info on the elliptical..I will have to look at them.

Keep up gliding you're doing awesome!

Take care!!


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