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SuperSue04 Mon, Feb-09-04 11:44

Mad at myself
I know I shouldn't be, but I'm mad at myself.

For 5 weeks, things have been moving along nicely. I've lost 23 pounds, found new energy, started taking stairs, etc. Three days ago, I gained a pound, probably because the day before all I could find to eat was processed (sausage, ham, bacon, cheese, and no real veggies) and I only got (ha, ha--after 140oz a day this seems small) 64 oz of water in. I understood that and accepted it, sort of. I'd done the best in an "away from home" situation that I could do.

Yesterday, though, I started getting a little depressed about it. I know this sounds trivial, but I just needed to say it. And, last night, I ate way too many almonds (about 1/2 cup). They tasted good at the time, but now I regret 'em.

Today, my weight was the same--no loss but no more gain. I'm kicking myself for giving in to the almonds. If I hadn't eaten the extra carbs, maybe the gained pound would be gone. Instead, it is still lingering.

What's up?? I went 37 days with no cheat, did the best I could 3 times when away from home, and now I'm mad at myself for eating almonds. In my head, I knew to stop. And I did stop before I wanted to. I just didn't stop before I'd eaten so many . . .

Has anyone else ever felt this way? Frustrated about a stupid food? When will I learn? :rolleyes:

Sorry to whine . . . I just needed to 'fess up, I guess. Maybe it will keep me from doing it again??

BTW: I gave the rest of the almonds away and took the battery out of my scale and gave it to my roomie. And, I'm back to strict induction today (no nuts, 160 oz of water, and only 1oz of cheese b/c it stalls me).

memaw O5 Mon, Feb-09-04 13:58

Sue so you farted it will pass. Now we all do things that we are sorry for on this board. Will all perfect people please raise your hands. These are the type of things we learn from and isn't it good that you are mad at yourself? If you were not what would you be eating now? a half cup of almonds will not kill you unless you are alergic to them. Girl you have lost 23 pounds and gained 1? this too will pass. Now quit feeling sorry for yourself get back up and move ahead. How's that for a scolding? You will be alright love and cheat free is just a term not not who you are. Who did you cheat? just know we love you even if you don't right now.

shastagirl Mon, Feb-09-04 15:31

I don’t know about you but this habit of overeating has been built up over years of practice. I know this is not something I will get over easily. Have I slipped up and felt like a looser? Of course I have and I’ve only been at this less than a month. I know in the end however that I can overcome this. I just try to give myself a break and concentrate on doing a better job. It sounds weird to say I have to concentrate on food but I really do. I have to really slow down and really think about what I’m doing. It’s kind of like learning to walk all over again. It takes time and patience with myself.

I hope that helps. ; )

You can get back on track! Give yourself a break and move on.

hummelda Mon, Feb-09-04 18:58

Sue, I know what you are feeling because I tend to approach this in the same way. But look how differently you handled it -- it did not lead to a six month binge. And one pound is one pound -- it will be gone in a flash and you will move on.

Recognizing the way you felt around the almonds has to make you stronger to understand yourself more. Next time, you may even plan to eat something out of your normal plan, and know that you can go right back onto plan. To me, these are signs of being able to handle real life situations with grace and success. I too am not there yet, though.

conbom Mon, Feb-09-04 19:31

Sue, A blip is a blip by itself but if you keep blipping because you blipped in the first place you'll end up with a, the moral is don't make a blob out of blips. We all blip. I did today and just about everyone else here has in the past. The successful ones say "Oh well" and get back on track so-o-o here's the track-jump back on!


Amaara Mon, Feb-09-04 19:42

Sue, my humble opinion is that if you are so wrapped up in this that 1/2 cup of almonds makes you feel like a failure, you might not be able to sustain the emotional rigidity for the long haul. Sooner or later something has to give. Compare 1/2 cup of almonds to the bags of chips, or the pizza, or the pints of ice cream, the regular cokes, the donuts for breakfast, etc. Put it in perspective. :) Good for you for just eating 1/2 cup of almonds! What would you have done one year ago?



smoothblu Mon, Feb-09-04 19:43

This is a life time commitment of course your going to have days that aren't as productive as others. It's not a race.<g> Dust yourself off and get back on and your'll do great.

orchidday Mon, Feb-09-04 20:08

Sue, we have all had days like that and will have more I am sure. But no one ever got fat on 1/2 C. of almonds! Just forgive yourself and continue right on track! It really is about progress not perfection. Good luck and don't let one small thing throw you off course :). Orchid

SuperSue04 Mon, Feb-09-04 20:17

Thanks, everybody . . .

I appreciate all of your comments and support. I know it wasn't as big or bad as something I'd have done a year--or a couple of months--ago. And I know it sounded whiney. I guess it just bothered me because I have had the willpower in the face of much worse or harder to avoid foods and then just slipped or blipped or whatever and ate too much of a "legal" one. Sigh.

I am and always have been my hardest critic. . .

Like many of you, I'm literally having to "relearn" food and eating. Having this board helps a lot because I do feel that other people understand my "weird" food thoughts and my WOE, etc. It is comforting to know others have made it for the long haul, despite occasional "learning curves," or weight loss speed bumps as I think of them. I think this board will really help me make this WOE a long-term thing.

I know I won't always have "perfect" food and exercise days . . . . . . but I will have better ones than I've had in the past . . . !!

On Induction again for 2 days and rolling with it! :roll: :roll: :roll:

KristyC Mon, Feb-09-04 20:38

I agree with the others. :) Keep on truckin'!

tlmarshall Mon, Feb-09-04 20:49

Yep - one day at time! Start a journal and track your food intake it really does help - oh ya, and come here often to let us know how you are doing!

Heath Mon, Feb-09-04 22:26

Um, you had seconds on a legal food :). Sometimes, we need to treat ourselves. And I don't think an additional quarter cup of almonds is a bad deal at all.
Now, if you told yourself at the time you didn't want the almonds and you at them anyway, spend a little time with those feelings and work them out.

The other night I drove straight through a drive-thru after I'd stopped to get something because I thought I was hungry, but when I thouht about it, I wasn't. I just wanted to nosh while I drove.

But if you just regret the almonds, acknowledge how far you've come and that you only ate another 30 grams of almonds.

You're doing great, OK?


Wenzday Tue, Feb-10-04 06:45

You are just know at first there are just SO MANY overwheling emotional (eating) type issues to get over. You did not gain 1 pound..not's just water weight and it doesnt warrant you eating bad because of it. I think you should either stop weighing yourself completely except once a month maybe or weigh each day and average after each week and only count THAT as your weight this way you see the downward trend. Thats suggested on CAD/CALP and I can see a lot fo validity to not obsessing over the fluctuations in a week. I think we all did it...ot at least MANY of us. We know how you feel and where you are coming from. you know...just keep on going!

ChrisCanDo Tue, Feb-10-04 19:29

This post is a few days old and by now that pound is probably old news. :) I'm sure with your determination you are probably right back on track but slip ups happen all the time and it's nothing to get to feel guilty about. Be glad you stopped when you did. Before I went low-carb there were times when I ate a whole sleeve Ritz crackers or half a dozen donuts on top of a carb loaded dinner, now if I eat something a shouldn't I pat myself on the back for stopping when I did and move forward. I agree with the previous post, stay off the scale! Once every two weeks is plenty--that said, I'll admit there are times when I have to take out the batteries to keep from hopping on each morning. It's hard, but you have to trust that you are doing the right thing for your body and pay attention to how you feel rather than what you weigh.

Good Luck,

SuperSue04 Tue, Feb-10-04 22:31

Just checking in, everybody!

OK. I feel good. The guilties are gone! :roll:

I've been back on track since the almond slip up, and I honestly think the pound will be gone on Friday when my roommate gives me the scale battery back again. :) Yes, it is true. I gave her the battery. I have also avoided all nuts since the "almond incident." I suspect I'll give 'em another try next week, but I was playing it safe for the rest of this one.

Thanks for all of the encouragement. I'm still here, and hope to be for a long while. I don't know that I've ever eaten this well over such a long period (sad to say, but 40 days on this plan really is the best I've eaten for at least several years--since I've been a "grown up," at least). So, I'm going to keep on keeping on, as they say. :wiggle:

Weird question for all you "long-termers": Has anyone ever been really cold when going back to a strict Induction after having added in a few items/carbs? I know it is winter, but my goodness I've been a regular popsicle for 3 days! Is this a metabolic thing, maybe?? Just curious!


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