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ttc#2 Sun, Feb-01-04 14:22

Moms of Toddlers/Preschoolers How Do You Find Time

I am mom to a 3 y/o DD, and work full time.
How do others moms find time for exercise?

DH and I start our days at 5am and even though our little one is in bed by 7:30 it is difficult to find time for exercise.

Summer is easier as the days are longer and we can walk or ride bikes in the evening.

I feel terribly guilty going to the gym after picking DD up from the sitter so that is not really an option.

I have trouble finding focus in our busy house for videos or home work out equipment.

What works for everyone else???

caverjen Sun, Feb-01-04 21:28

Here's some things I did when I worked 5 days a week when dd#1 was little:

-Work out in the morning before work. Yes I know that's insanely early.

-Work out during my lunch break.

-Work out twice a week after work and once a week on the weekend. Dh picked up dd on the days I worked out.

You will never "find" time for exercise. You must make time. It has to be a priority or you will find something else that needs to be done. Since your dd does go to bed early (mine never did) you could set aside a time slot in the evening to exercise, and then exercise even if there are dishes in the sink, toys all over the floor, and laundry to be washed. When you have a small child they just mess it up again anyway!


fridayeyes Sun, Feb-01-04 22:28

My son will turn 4 next month. My exercise bike is situated between my kitchen and my family room so that I can see into both. This morning, for example, I did my 20 mins while he played in the family room. I had to stop once to get him some juice, but it's surprisingly do-able.

Here's another tip: get a set of hand held dumbbells with interchangeable weights. In the one minute rest periods between sets, I tend to do quick chores like take out the trash, put a few dishes in the washer, chop a vegetable, or put dinner in the oven. In the space of 30-40 minutes, I've worked out AND my chores are done.

And yes, until you must *make* time. Another tip - My hubby can throw the clothes in the wash, but he can't exercise for me. If it's a choice between a chore and working out, ask for help and choose the working out.



pha1226 Mon, Feb-02-04 09:10

I have a 2 yo and an almost 4 yo and work full time. My dh and I work different shifts so that we don't need much daycare but when I'm home, I'm the only parent around. My kids are in bed by 7:30 - 8 pm but I was always too tired to do anything at night.

The ONLY way I could figure out to exercise is early am, before everyone else gets up. I hated it at first, especially since it's been very cold and snowy here, but the more I do it, the more I like having some "me" time to start every day. Plus, I actually have more energy since I've been working out.

I know it's hard to figure out how to fit exercise in but I think you'll be really glad you did it.

ttc#2 Tue, Feb-03-04 08:45

Thanks Ladies,

I have decided that at home exercise is not for me.
I just can't seem to get into the right state of mind or "zone".

Yesterday I went to the gym while DH took DD to gymnastics.
I did feel a little guilty about that, but I'm sure I'll get over it.

I let DD stay up a little later so we could take a bubble bath, and talk about her day. We read and extra story too.

I talked to her about going to play with other kids at the gym and she seemed to like the idea.

Today I'm going to try to get away from work on time, pick her up and head straight for the gym.

Wish me luck.
My goal is cardio 5/week, getting my butt in shape for spring break skiiing.
I can't wait to wear those stretch pants!

pha1226 Tue, Feb-03-04 10:33

Good luck! My 2 yo goes to the playroom at the gym with my DH and cries when it's time to go home. She LOVES it!

westernwil Thu, Feb-05-04 12:41

Can we talk about the guilt feelings that are so tied up in the discussion here?

I have watched many of my friends get hamstrung by guilt feelings over working and having small kids, then more guilt feelings when they want to do something non-kid focused during non-work time (like working out).

While I agree that it is important to spend time with your little guys, and their needs come first, especially when you are home, they do not need 100% of your time all the time you are around.

I see many parents (and not just working parents, this thing haunts lots of stay at homers too) communicate to their kids that they feel SO guilty when they do anything but parent, that the child is handed all the control of the parents' time. This is bad for everyone. You are inadvertently signalling your child that if you are for ANY reason unavailable to them, that is an indication that you being a bad parent that does not love them well enough.

The reality is that we all need some private time, we all have to turn our attention to other things (like phones, having a shower, talking to your spouse,people we are visiting with, the other kids you are coaching on the soccer team, working out etc. etc.) throughout the day, but that does NOT mean there is a problem or failing at work in the parent/child relationship. Your availability is NOT a direct reflection of your unconditional love for your child. Unconditional love yes, unconditional access and unconditional approval, no.

And just to close, a mommy who does not take good care of herself cannot take good care of everybody else. And additionally, she models that women are expected to put every and anyone else first. That is not an attitude you want your kids to buy into!

Sonnetkd Fri, Feb-06-04 10:34

I have 3 kids, 6, 2 and 11 monthes.

I cant' find time to exercise by myself, and I can't afford a gym with childcare, so I do my own things. I pack everybody up and take a long walk with the stroller 3 times a week, and commit myself to dancing to a full-lenght CD with the kids. This way, I am getting some exercise, and spending time with the kids (and incidently, showing them the value of staying active) I also have a pedometer that I keep clipped to my waist and try to continually increase my steps each day.

I know that its' not the best exercise, but it's better than nothing.

Good luck

Iowan Sun, Feb-08-04 15:38

I have a 6 year old & a 3 years old, and I usually send them to their room to watch a movie while I work out, or I will take them to the basement to play while I work out down there, or I will just wait till they go to bed, and then I work out. I myself do not find it very hard to keep up with the workouts, I just make sure they are outa my way for at least 1/2 hour ;)

DianaO Tue, Mar-23-04 13:51

I get up at 4:30-5am and do some on Tues and Thursday.
Mon Wed and Fri I go after work from about 6pm until 7:30-8pm. its just something you have to make time for

elmuyloco5 Tue, Mar-23-04 15:40

I have 3 kids (5, 3, and 2) and I too went through years of the guilt. Not so much about the we just don't have the money for that....but spending time away from them. I guilted myself to a heafty 240 lbs.

I finally realized that giving myself some time, is going to give my children a lot longer to have a mom around. I do cardio when they're napping and then I do weights at night with my hubby. Sure, I have to give up some things....and heck there are many days I don't want to do anything.....but I make myself. It's definately harder than if you don't have kids...but you can make time for it.

Good luck!!!!

AFwife Tue, Mar-23-04 15:47

I run a home daycare, my daycare kids as well as my kids exercise with me.

They love it. All that jumping around making noise, it's fun!

It's good to form good habits young. :lol:

I'm closed right now but reopening in a couple of months, and the exerciseing will continue as before.

dancngqwn Tue, Mar-23-04 20:30

I also work full time and go to school 2 nights a week and all Saturday morning. My son will be 3 on 4/16..

I can't tell you how to find time to get the gym, because I have a membership and I still haven't been able to juggle getting down there after work, but I do my WATP 3 mile workout, The Original Tae-Bo and Get Ripped, Slim in 6 or the first Cindy Crawford workout..I will rotate between them all.. I get home, cook dinner, eat, hang out with my Son for a little while, then he plays or works out with me. He loves WATP..

I don't turn on the TV and sometimes don't even turn on the computer until I am done working out..Otherwise..I won't get up..

DianaO Thu, Mar-25-04 05:43

One thing I learned is YOU have to make time!!

jbird Thu, Mar-25-04 12:38

agree with everyone here
Exercise is one of those things unfortunately that has to be done whether you are overweight or not. I have included it in my daily routine since high school. I did it while I was in college and while pregnant and now with three boys (ages 1,2 and 3) I do it every day also. Since my kids don't know any different they are fine with it.

My rule is, you (the kids) ask for what you want before I workout (juice, a book, snack whatever) and then you may not bother me while I do it. Sounds harsh but it works for us. Even though they are young they really don't bother me too much. (of course I do have the one year old napping at the time, which helps of course). I've found they've learned to play independently for an hour everyday. Sometimes they'll use the one pound sand weights and do it right along with me too or lie on the floor and do "their version" of ab work. :lol: They've learned also some good cooridation by letting them walk on the treadmill too. (Don't worry I only let them do it when I'm standing on the edges right behind them)

I don't feel bad about it, because they are going to have to do the same thing one day and I think I'm being a good example for them.

As for finding the time, if you work full time also, you probably are going to have to either wake up before dawn, do it at lunch or do it at night when you are exhausted. Unfortunately it really just has to be part of the routine. Its hard, but if you use the two weekend days you only have to do it 3 or 4 weekdays.

I know your house may be really busy but because of your schedule working out at home is probably your best bet. That way you don't have to incl. the travel time. There are tons and tons of different kinds of home workouts and equipment. You may not feel in "the zone" but you can make it work.

Bottom line is, if you really want to do it, you will. Not trying to sound mean but that is really just how it truly works.

Good luck

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